Alex Mills is Associate Professor of Management at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY. He studies operations management with a focus on healthcare services. His research focuses on healthcare system response to disruptions, demand management, allocation of healthcare provider resources, and economic incentives in healthcare. He makes use of a wide range of methodology, including stochastic modeling, optimization, and simulation. His research has been published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research, and Production and Operations Management. His working paper was named the 2018 Best Paper by the College of Healthcare Operations Management, Production and Operations Management Society.

Prior to his appointment to the Zicklin faculty, Professor Mills was a faculty member at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, where taught graduate and undergraduate courses in supply chain management, service systems, and stochastic modeling, and received the prestigious Trustees Teaching Award.

Professor Mills received his doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2012.





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Professor Alex Mills



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