A combination of health insurance initiatives by the presumptive 2020 Democratic and Republican presidential nominees could expand health care coverage and significantly reduce costs, without raising taxes. Along the way, the combination could revitalize private plans. Read the article in Health Affairs by Regina Herzlinger, Richard Boxer, and James...
Archive for category: Publications
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JAMA: Association of Stay-at-Home Orders With COVID-19 Hospitalizations in 4 States – Pinar Karaca-Mandic, et. al.
Work published May 27 in JAMA by BAHM board member Pinar Karaca-Mandic and her colleagues at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management, finds a slowdown in COVID-19-related hospitalizations after the 12-day median disease incubation period following stay-at-home orders in Colorado, Minnesota, Ohio and Virginia. Read the JAMA...
NEJM: Covid-19 and Health Care’s Digital Revolution – Kevin Schulman
A New England Journal of Medicine perspective piece co-authored by BAHM Board President Kevin Schulman offers incisive recommendations for rapid federal digital health policy reform: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2005835?query=RP
Health Care Needs Disruption: Trump’s Price Transparency Plan Could Start It – Arthur Laffer, Larry van Horn
In this opinion piece, Larry Van Horn and Arthur Laffer highlight their research published in BAHM’s journal, Health Management, Policy and Innovation (www.hmpi.org), on how consumers can benefit from price transparency in #healthcare: https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/health-care-trump-price-transparency-arthur-laffer-larry-van-horn
A Roadmap to Welcoming Health Care Innovation
Healthcare systems are being flooded with digital innovations, from remote sensors to AI. Kevin Schulman and his co-authors outline how organizations that implement an innovation pathway will benefit most from these solutions: http://bit.ly/37Acdnb
Opinion: ‘Medicare for all’ won’t fix soaring healthcare costs
BAHM Board President Kevin Schulman offers his take on healthcare costs amid the Medicare for All debate: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2019-11-15/medicare-for-all-health-care-costs
Incentive-Compatible Prehospital Triage in Emergency Medical Services
Using data from a national survey and levels of triage effectiveness demonstrated in the literature, Eric M. Webb, University of Cincinnati, and Alex F. Mills, Baruch College, conservatively estimate that Medicare alone could save between $3 and $70 million per year (depending on triage effectiveness) by providing incentives for...
Resolving Surprise Medical Bills
In his latest article co-authored with Stanford’s Arnold Milstein and Duke’s Barak Richman, Kevin Schulman argues that Congress can help cut the high cost of healthcare by passing proposed legislation that would cap charges for surprise medical bills: https://bit.ly/2XGUSCE
Rising Health Care Charges: A Red Herring in a Value-Based Health Care World?
In the most recent issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, David J. Ballard, Executive Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer at Mentice, and Baylor University’s Neil Fleming, analyze the implications of a recent study demonstrating a rise in hospital charges for surgical episodes despite the concurrent decline in the costs...
The Doctor-of-the-Future Is In: Patient Responses to Disruptive Health-Care Innovations
Kevin Schulman and Stacy Wood write in the most recent issue of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research about the increasing importance between marketing and medicine as patients respond in varying ways to changes in healthcare innovations. There is a greater need for consumer research to understand...