Despite bipartisan agreement that the high cost of drugs must be addressed, proposals to reform the U.S. drug pricing system have languished for years. There’s no shortage of ideas on what to do—Medicare price negotiation, greater price transparency, international reference pricing, patent exclusivity changes, and price controls all have their advocates. But there’s no consensus on how to strike the […]
Injuries and illnesses requiring emergency medical care often attract responses from law enforcement, and law enforcement officers are frequently present in hospitals. Anyone seeking emergency care might encounter law enforcement in the hospital, but this is particularly true for survivors of violent crime, incarcerated patients, survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence, patients experiencing psychiatric emergencies, undocumented immigrants, and […]
The connection between wealth and health was never more evident than during the pandemic. As the temporary expansion of the child tax credit lifts millions of families out of poverty, policymakers are debating more permanent measures to build wealth in disadvantaged communities, such as “baby bonds” and guaranteed income. The impact on health and health care could be dramatic. This […]