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By: B. Brontobb, M.A.S., M.D.

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Termination of the oligosaccharide chain occurs following sulfation of the sugar residues impotence at 43 purchase discount levitra oral jelly. The glycoproteins having mannose-6-P as the end residue will be directed to lysosomes erectile dysfunction trials discount 20 mg levitra oral jelly overnight delivery. Calnexin and Calreticulin are proteins present in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane that act as chaperones for correct folding of glycoproteins erectile dysfunction 40s buy levitra oral jelly 20 mg lowest price, and also preventing aggregation of glycans erectile dysfunction book buy levitra oral jelly 20mg otc. Only the correctly folded glycoproteins are secreted out of endoplasmic reticulum. So, selectins are not correctly glycosylated, resulting in sluggish activity of leukocytes. Rheumatoid Arthritis There is altered glycosylation of circulating immunoglobulin G, these are aglycosyl IgG molecules. These will activate complement system, causing chronic inflammation of synovial membranes of joint cavities. Helicobacter pylori, causing peptic ulcer, binds through two different glycoproteins present on the epithelial cells of stomach. Plasmodium falciparum (parasite causing malaria) attaches to human cells by a glycoprotein on the surface of the parasite. Catabolism of Glycoproteins the catabolism is by hydrolases which are bond specific. Deficiency of these enzymes would result in marked accumulation of substrates (Table 10. This is a potential area for therapeutics, where carbohydrate side chains are removed (asialo glycation), and the half-life of proteins used as drugs can be prolonged. Mental retardation, growth deficiency and skeletal dysplasia are also seen due to defective formation of ground substances. Ketogenesis and ketolysis Metabolism of Fatty Acids significant in the newborn infants. The lipids are dispersed into smaller droplets; surface tension is reduced; and surface area of droplets is increased. Phospholipids Bile Salts are Important for Digestion of Lipids the bile salts present in the bile (sodium glycocholate and sodium taurocholate) lower surface tension. The emulsification increases the surface area of the particles for enhanced activity of enzymes. Digestion in Stomach the lingual lipase from the mouth enters stomach along with the food. In the intestines, generally fats are only partially hydrolysed 128 Textbook of Biochemistry; Section B: General Metabolism Table 11. The hydrophobic portions of bile salts intercalate into the large aggregated lipid, with the hydrophilic domains remaining at the surface. The products of digestion, namely 2-monoglycerides, long chain fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids and lysophospholipids are incorporated into molecular aggregates to form mixed micelle. The micelles are spherical particles with a hydrophilic exterior and hydrophobic interior core. Pancreatic lipase can easily hydrolyse the fatty acids esterified to the 1st and 3rd carbon atoms of glycerol forming 2-monoacylglycerol and two molecules of fatty acid. The bond in the 1st position is then hydrolysed by the lipase to form free glycerol and fatty acid. The action of phospholipase A2 produces lysophospholipid and a fatty acid (see. Co-lipase the binding of co-lipase to the triacyl glycerol molecules at the oil water interface is obligatory for the action of lipase. The co-lipase is secreted by the pancreas as an inactive zymogen (molecular weight 11,000). This needs the help of bile salts the hydrophobic portions of bile salts intercalate into the large aggregated lipid, with the hydrophilic domains remaining at the surface. Absorption of fatty acids Long chain fatty acids are absorbed into the intestinal cell wall, where they are re-esterified, made into chylomicrons and enter into lymphatics. Bile acids are reabsorbed into portal vein Due to their detergent action, the bile salts help to form micellar aggregates. Micellar formation is essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D and K.

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Thalassemia is a condition when normal hemoglobins are produced in abnormal ratios (Chapter 22) erectile dysfunction over 60 order 20 mg levitra oral jelly fast delivery. When alpha chain synthesis is blocked due to a mutation on the promoter erectile dysfunction uncircumcised order levitra oral jelly mastercard, there is compensatory increase in beta chain synthesis erectile dysfunction 18 years old order levitra oral jelly master card. Instead of the 2 2 combination for normal hemoglobin impotence at 50 discount levitra oral jelly 20mg on line, an abnormal 4 combination results. Many hormones, particularly steroid hormones, elicit physiological response through controlling gene expression. Glucocorticoids attach to a cytoplasmic receptor; then the receptor-hormone complex translocates to the nucleus. The receptor binds at the enhancer region, which activates the promoter, so that transcription is accelerated. Examples are receptors for glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, progesterone, androgen, estrogen, thyroxine, vitamin D and retinoic acid. Gene Amplification this is a mechanism by which gene expression is increased thousand-fold. In Drosophilia (fruit fly), during oogenesis, an amplification of a few genes of egg shell protein occurs. Methotrexate is a widely used anticancer drug, which acts by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase (Chapter 39). In patients receiving methotrexate for a long time, the malignant cells are seen to develop drug resistance by increasing the number of genes for dihydrofolate reductase by gene amplification. Gene Switching Sometimes, one gene is switched off while a closely related gene takes up its function. By the 6th month of intrauterine life, this is changed to HbF, consisting of alpha 2-gamma 2 chains. After birth, HbF is replaced by adult types of Hb, 97% HbA1 (alpha 2-beta 2 chains) and 3% HbA2 (alpha 2-delta 2 composition) (Chapter 22). Thus the gene expression is switched from Viruses are absolute parasites on living cells. They contain only the bare minimum of genetic information for survival and replication. Salvador Luria in 1942 showed that viruses are visible only by electron microscopy. Alfred Hershey proved that nucleic acids, but not proteins, are the genetic material in viruses. Binding of viruses involve specialized microdomains on the host cell membranes, the lipid rafts and the glycans. The neuraminidase (N) present in the virus plays an important role in budding of new virions. There are 16 types of H and 9 types of N antigens that make the different strains of influenza virus. After entry into the host cell, the viruses utilize the host cell machinery for growth and replication. For example, Herpes simplex virus, if introduced into a culture of Vero cell line (monkey kidney cells), the virus produces lysis of cells. Viruses were first grown in tissue culture by John Enders (Poliomyelitis), Frederick Robbins (Herpes simplex virus) and Thomas Weller (Varicella virus); all the three were awarded Nobel Prize in 1954. Lytic Cycle and Lysogeny Normally virus is replicated inside the cell, then the new virus particles get out from the cell. Instead of the lytic process, some viruses remain dormant for months or years inside the host cells. It enters the host bacteria, multiplied quickly, then the host cell is lysed and free viral particles come out, to infect neighboring cells. Thus the repressor gene is turned "off", so that all other lambda genes are turned "on". Subsequent infection of a new host by such a virus may introduce new genes to the new host.

Treatment and secondary prevention · All children with radiologically proven ischaemic stroke should be commenced on low-dose aspirin pending further investigation unless the child has sickle cell disease erectile dysfunction drugs grapefruit buy discount levitra oral jelly 20 mg line, or radiological evidence of haemorrhage(*) erectile dysfunction medications injection generic levitra oral jelly 20 mg fast delivery. This may be relaxed after 3 yrs to maintain HbS < 50% and stopped after 2 yrs in patients who experienced stroke in the context of a precipitating illness erectile dysfunction protocol scam alert order levitra oral jelly no prescription. Important causes include sickle cell disease erectile dysfunction groups cheap levitra oral jelly 20mg, neurofibromatosis, Down, Noonan, and William syndromes. Primary cerebral vasculitis has protean manifestations and biopsy is often required to establish diagnosis. Treatment and secondary prevention · Treatment of underlying cause: · surgical vascular procedures to correct large vessel stenoses if amenable; · surgical bypass and revascularization procedures to ameliorate the effects of Moya­Moya syndrome; · aggressive transfusion programmes in sickle cell disease (see b p. Venous infarction · Radiological appearances of ischaemia in non-arterial distributions. Cerebral aneurysms · Typically occur in the arteries of the Circle of Willis (see Figure 2. Treatment should be delayed and very cautious until vasospasm risk period is passed. Tend to present with focal seizures presumed due to slow leakage of blood products into surrounding area. The male to female ratio is equal except for a male predominance in medulloblastoma and germ cell tumours. Infratentorial tumours · In contrast to adults (where supratentorial tumours predominate), infratentorial tumours at least as common in children. Common presentations Presentation depends on the age of the child and the location of the tumour. Presentations by age · Presentations become increasingly specific and localizing with age. Presentations by location Supratentorial tumour presentations · Hemispheric gliomas: seizures, focal neurological deficit, personality change. Intramedullary spinal tumour presentations Insidious onset of symptoms (pain, paraesthesia, paresis, sensory level, sphincter disturbance, spinal deformity). Usually spinal tumours are seen in older child, astrocytomas usually occur in upper thoracic cord and ependymomas in the cervical cord. Cerebellar astrocytomas · Usually pilocytic astrocytomas: brightly enhancing, well demarcated partly cystic tumours with minimal surrounding oedema. Adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy is reserved for evidence of disease recurrence or progression. Overexpression of p53 and glioblastoma multiforme are associated with poor prognosis. Brainstem gliomas · Tectal tumours are usually slow growing and resection is indicated; however, shunting may be required for hydrocephalus. Further intensification of chemotherapeutic regimens with autologous bone marrow or peripheral stem cell reconstitution is being evaluated in children. Mainstay of adjuvant treatment is focal radiotherapy to tumour bed, certainly in over-3s. The role of radiotherapy in under-3s is under evaluation-chemotherapy may have a role if there is residual or disseminated disease, but has failed to reduce the need for radiotherapy in very young children. Less common central nervous system tumours Craniopharyngioma · this is a benign tumour but is locally aggressive and recurs. Children should have supplemental steroids before surgery and prior to treating hypothyroidism. Endovascular procedures (intra-arterial embolization) may aid subsequent resection. Five-year survival rates are around 25%, with the extent of surgical resection being important for prognosis. Myeloablative chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation is under investigation for the high risk group. Peripheral nerve tumours Schwannoma, neurofibroma, perineuroma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour. Staging evaluation this is required for posterior fossa medulloblastoma, ependymoma and for pineal lesions. Moya­Moya syndrome), neurocognitive and behaviour problems, secondary tumours (incidence of secondary tumours is around 2%, usually gliomas or meningiomas).

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Chapter 24; Regulation of Blood Glucose erectile dysfunction without drugs purchase levitra oral jelly with amex, Insulin and Diabetes Mellitus 279 Table 24 erectile dysfunction treatment in qatar buy on line levitra oral jelly. Reducing substances in urine Sugars Glucose Fructose Lactose Galactose Pentoses Noncarbohydrates Homogentisic acid Salicylates Ascorbic acid Glucuronides of drugs Box 24 erectile dysfunction my age is 24 buy cheap levitra oral jelly 20mg line. Galactosuria (deficiency of galactose-1phosphate uridyl transferase) (Chapter 10) 5 erectile dysfunction medications for sale 20 mg levitra oral jelly with amex. The blood level of glucose above which glucose is excreted is called renal threshold. The test is semi-quantitative and the color of the precipitate roughly parallels the concentration of reducing sugar. Nowadays, strips are available, which when dipped in urine will give the color, if it contains sugar. So differentiation of various sugars which may be present in urine has practical importance. Renal threshold is lowered physiologically in pregnancy; it is a harmless condition; it will not progress. About 10% women, pregnant women show renal glucosuria in the last trimester of pregnancy. Renal glucosuria is associated with renal diseases with renal tubular transport defects;. In some cases, renal threshold may be increased when glucose will not appear in urine, even though blood glucose is elevated. This is seen in old age (arteriosclerosis) and in Kimmelsteil-Wilson syndrome (diabetic nephrosclerosis). Therefore, patient is advised to take carbohydrate-rich diet for 3 days before test. In acute infections, cortisol is secreted, and so curve is elevated and prolonged. Normal blood sugar values in this test will be at 1 hour < 180 mg/dl and at 2 hours < 160 mg/dl. The values will be high in persons who are in pre-diabetic state or in persons prone to get diabetes in future. In the morning 25 g of glucose in 100 ml sterile distilled water is given as intravenous injection within 5 min. Since glucose is the most common reducing sugar excreted in urine, the term glycosuria is often (though incorrectly) used to denote the excretion of glucose. When blood glucose level exceeds the renal threshold (175-80 mg/dl), glucose is excreted in urine. Excessive secretion of anti-insulin hormones like cortisol (anxiety) and thyroid hormone may cause glucosuria. It is observed in the urine of normal women during 3rd trimester of pregnancy and lactation. In pregnancy, it is important to distinguish lactosuria from glucosuria when gestational diabetes mellitus is suspected. When kept at 56°C for 30 min, red color develops indicating the presence of lactose. Fructosuria In hereditary fructose intolerance, due to the absence of the enzyme Aldolase B, fructose is not metabolized, and so excreted in urine (Chapter 10). Galactosuria Urine contains galactose in patients with absence of galactose1-phosphate uridyl transferase (Chapter 10). Boiling the urine with nitric acid will lead to formation of crystals of mucic acid when either lactose or galactose is present. Essential pentosuria is characterised by the excretion of L-xylulose in urine due to deficiency of any of the two enzymes xylitol dehydrogenase or xylulose reductase (see Chapter 10). Rarely alimentary pentosuria may occur due to ingestion of cherries, berries and plums.

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It is involved in maintenance of electrical neutrality of erythrocytes (chloride shift) and other cells impotence gel buy generic levitra oral jelly 20 mg on-line. Serum chloride level is found decreased (hypochloremia) and increased (hyperchloremia) in some diseases impotence quotes the sun also rises purchase generic levitra oral jelly line. Hyper chloremia It occurs in (a) Nephritis (b) Prostate enlargement (c) Cushing syndrome latest erectile dysfunction medications buy cheap levitra oral jelly 20mg on-line. Role of sodium erectile dysfunction johns hopkins 20mg levitra oral jelly mastercard, potassium and chloride in membrane potential, action potential and nerve impulse. Membrane potential Due to the unequal distribution of sodium, potassium and chloride ions between inside and outside of cell a difference in electrical potential exist between inside and outside of all types of animal cells. However the movement of these ions across membrane is mediated through special proteins known as ion channels. These ion channels are sensitive to voltage and some are sensitive to certain 576 Medical Biochemistry compounds known as ligands. Hence they are often called as voltage gated channels and ligand gated channels respectively. Action potential In nerve cells the resting membrane potential is disturbed when its plasma membrane is stimulated by a neurotransmitter. When axon membrane of nerve cell is excited by stimulus sodium channels present in membrane are opened and sodium enters into cell. As a result inside of axon becomes more positive and potential difference increases from -70 mv to +30 mv. This leads to generation of action potential due to depolarization of membrane (Figure 24. During this time potassium channels which are also present in axon are opened and potassium moves out of axon. This leads to restoration of membrane potential within next 2-3 milli seconds and membrane hyper polarization takes place. Patch clamp technique this technique is used for electrophysiological studies of ion channels. By using this technique it is possible to know number of ions passing through a single ion channel in an action potential. A micro pipette (electrode) containing electrolyte solution and having a narrow opening which can hold one single ion channel is used to study ionic movements. A small patch of membrane containing single ion channel is separated by applying suction. The ionic movements through the ion channel are studied by changing potential across the patch and ionic composition (Figure 24. Molecular mechanism of action of voltage gated potassium channel the potassium channels are transmembrane proteins with central aqueous pore through which ions can flow selectively down electrochemical gradients. Extensive work carried out in the field of electro physiology, biophysics, molecular and structural biology for the last few decades provided somewhat clear molecular basis of potassium ion channel function. Each subunit contains six trans membrane helices and a reentrant pore lining p-loop. It is positively charged due to the presence of arginine or lysine residues at every third position. The cytoplasmic side of the channel contain pore-occluding ball domain near N-terminus. As a result of rotation the minimal internal diameter increases sufficiently to allow potassium ions to pass through. Alternatively an open channel undergo auto inhibitory channel blockade by inactivation of ball domain. Potassium channels generate high selectivity by employing filter type architecture. Several neurotoxins like tetrodotoxin of Japanese puffer fish, saxitoxin of marine plant origin and scorpion venom works by affecting sodium channel activity. Absorption Dietary calcium is absorbed in duodenum and in the first part of jejunum by active transport mechanism against concentration gradient in presence of calcitriol. Calcitriol: It increases intestinal calcium absorption by promoting synthesis of calcium binding protein (chapter 23). Phytic acid present in cereals and oxalates present in certain foods inhibit calcium absorption by forming insoluble calcium salts.

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