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By: K. Milten, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Medical Instructor, San Juan Bautista School of Medicine

The normal increase in glucose-6-phosphate in muscle after insulin is markedly attenuated in diabetes mens health network discount proscar on line, which implies that the block in glycogen synthesis precedes glucose-6-phosphate formation and is mediated at the level of either glucose transport or its conversion to glucose-6-phosphate (by hexokinase) mens health dwayne johnson supplements 5 mg proscar for sale. These defects are more pronounced in patients with severe hyperglycemia prostate cancer 08 buy proscar 5 mg line, in whom insulin secretion is further reduced prostate gland removal order line proscar. Type 1 patients show the most marked and prolonged elevations in blood glucose after ingestion of carbohydrate. These individuals have low portal vein insulin levels, which are not reversed by conventional subcutaneous insulin therapy. Consequently, the liver fails to reduce its glucose production or to appropriately take up glucose and store it as glycogen. In addition, glucose uptake by peripheral tissues is impaired by the lack of insulin and the development of insulin resistance secondary to chronic insulin deprivation and the toxic effects of chronic hyperglycemia. The net result is a gross defect in glucose disposal that is only partially compensated by renal glycosuria. An insulin-deficient patient may exhibit defects in the disposal of ingested protein and fat as well. In the absence of a rise in insulin, meal ingestion may cause hyperaminoacidemia because of failure to stimulate the net uptake of amino acids in muscle and can cause hypertriglyceridemia because of reduced activity of lipoprotein lipase. Thus type 1 diabetes may be viewed as a disorder of protein and fat tolerance, as well as glucose tolerance. Given the similarity in the overall picture, it is not surprising that both forms of diabetes share many pathophysiologic features. However, despite the apparent phenotypic similarity, the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms leading to type 1 and type 2 diabetes are strikingly different. Type 1 diabetes results from an interplay of genetic, environmental, and autoimmune factors that selectively destroy insulin-producing beta cells (see Fig. The role of genetic factors is underscored by data in identical twins showing concordance rates of 30 to 50%, rates much higher than those for non-identical twins or siblings. It has been assumed that because concordance rates are not 100%, environmental factors must be important for disease expression. Even identical twins, however, do not have identical T-cell receptor or immunoglobulin genes, and thus for autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, total concordance would not be expected. The presence of aspartic acid at position 57 protects against disease, whereas substitution of a neutral amino acid at this position is associated with a much higher frequency of disease. It has been suggested that the diabetes susceptibility gene in the insulin promoter region influences insulin gene expression in the thymus and therefore the thymic selection of insulin-reactive T cells. Although environmental factors such as diet and toxins have been proposed as initiating factors, most attention has focused on viruses. Epidemics of mumps, coxsackievirus, and congenital rubella have been associated with an increased frequency of type 1 diabetes. Viruses that produce acute, lytic infection, however, are probably responsible for only an occasional case. Instead, if viruses are involved, it is more likely that they trigger an autoimmune response. It has been postulated that if a virus contains an epitope that resembles a beta cell protein, infection with the virus could abrogate self-tolerance and trigger autoimmunity. Interestingly, sequence homology has been identified between a coxsackievirus B protein and the beta cell enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase, which is an important autoantigen in type 1 diabetes. The idea that type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease with an acute manifestation has come from evidence that islet antigen-directed antibodies are present in approximately 3% of asymptomatic first-degree relatives of patients, and these individuals have a high risk of development of type 1 diabetes, often many years later. The likelihood of type 1 diabetes is greater than 50% if autoantibodies are present to more than one beta cell antigen. Type 1 diabetes very rarely develops in islet antigen-directed antibody-negative relatives. These antibodies, however, appear to be markers for rather than the cause of beta cell injury. Beta cell destruction (by apoptotic and cytotoxic mechanisms) is probably mediated by a variety of cytokines released by T cells and macrophages or by the direct actions of T cells. However, as the disease progresses, the islets become completely devoid of beta cells and inflammatory infiltrates, with alpha, delta, and pancreatic polypeptide cells left intact, thus illustrating the exquisite specificity of the autoimmune attack. At the time of clinical diagnosis, about 5 to 10% of the beta cell mass remains (see Fig.

During epidemic years mens health lunch box order 5mg proscar overnight delivery, the virus has been responsible for up to 80% of all reported cases of encephalitis of known etiology in the United States mens health 60 day transformation review order proscar with american express. Epidemics of up to 2000 cases have taken place prostate 69 5 mg proscar overnight delivery, the last in 1990 androgen hormone medication buy proscar without a prescription, mainly in urban-suburban localities of the Ohio-Mississippi River basin, in eastern and central Texas, and Florida. Epidemics usually transpire between July and September but may arise later in the year in warm areas such as Florida. Mortality is negligible in persons under age 20 years but rises steeply after age 55 years to approximately 30% in patients over age 65 years. The inapparent to apparent infection ratio is 800:1 in children up to age 9 years, 400:1 in persons aged 10 to 49 years, and 85:1 in persons older than 60 years. The cycle in the western United States also involves wild birds, but the vector is C. Above-average summer temperatures and conditions such as deficient rainfall, which create stagnant pools suitable for C. Three clinical syndromes are recognized: febrile headache, aseptic meningitis, and encephalitis. After an incubation period of 4 to 21 days, there is a variable period of nonspecific symptoms, including fever (38 to 41°C), headache, malaise, drowsiness, myalgia, and sore throat. This may be followed by the acute or subacute onset of meningeal or encephalitic signs or both. Extrapyramidal abnormalities (tremor of tongue, face, and limbs) and an altered state of consciousness are the most significant findings. Convulsions occur in 10% of patients and are a poor prognostic sign, as is a persistent high temperature of 40 to 41°C. Approximately half the patients with fatal outcome succumb during the first week and 80% within 2 weeks after onset. Polymorphonuclear cells predominate early, the change to lymphocytes occurring within several days. Serum creatinine phosphokinase, glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, and serum aldolase levels are frequently elevated. The electroencephalogram typically shows amorphous delta wave activity and diffuse generalized slowing, most prominently in the frontal and temporal regions, but brain scans are normal. Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone is present in one-third of patients. Genitourinary tract symptoms (urgency, frequency, incontinence, and retention), microscopic hematuria, pyuria, and proteinuria, and elevated blood urea nitrogen are frequent. A convalescent syndrome characterized by weakness, fatigue, nervousness, tremulousness, sleeplessness, irritability, depression, difficulty in concentrating, and headaches occurs in 30 to 50% of older persons and clears in 80% of these within 3 years. Parenchymal changes consist of lymphocytic perivascular cuffing, cellular nodule formation, and neuronal degeneration. Serologic cross-reactions may occur in persons with prior exposures to dengue and other related flaviviruses. Surveillance of viral activity in vectors and avian hosts is used to define the risk of human infection and initiate vector control efforts. In an established outbreak, avoiding mosquito bites and spraying to reduce infected adult mosquitoes are the only effective means of control. At least four members of the California serogroup of the Bunyaviridae family (Bunyavirus genus)-LaCrosse, California encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon, and snowshoe hare virus-cause encephalitis. California encephalitis virus occurs in the western United States (California, New Mexico, Utah, Texas) and has been implicated in only three human cases. In contrast, LaCrosse virus, distributed more widely in the eastern half of the United States and southern Canada, is a major human pathogen. Recently, Jamestown Canyon and snowshoe hare viruses have been implicated in sporadic human encephalitis cases in the north central United States and Canada. California encephalitis occurs as an endemic rather than an epidemic disease, with individual or small clusters of cases scattered across the affected areas.

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Specific abnormalities of esophageal contraction and colonic tone have been noted in patients suffering from depression and may predict response to antidepressant medication mens health 8 week workout generic proscar 5mg on-line. Vomiting is a neurally mediated gastrointestinal reflex that is coordinated by neurons in the medullary reticular formation prostate cancer treatment side effects cheap proscar 5mg with amex. Chemical emetic agents such as certain narcotics or dopaminergic agonists act at the area postrema androgen hormone juvenile buy proscar 5 mg amex, a chemosensory zone on the 4th ventricular surface of the medulla prostate cancer 6 out of 10 buy proscar 5mg fast delivery, to elicit the vomiting reflex. Local dopaminergic connections are thought to mediate the response, and antidopaminergic drugs such as prochlorperazine may act at the level of the area postrema to suppress vomiting. Intractable vomiting without any gastrointestinal abnormalities has been reported in certain patients with tumors involving the medullary cell groups controlling vomiting or their connections. Treatment of the tumor with steroids and radiation therapy generally results in improvement. The urinary bladder is composed of interlacing smooth muscle fibers of the detrusor covered by an internal mucous membrane and an outer serosa. The detrusor is innervated by parasympathetic neurons located in the intermediolateral column at the 2nd through 4th sacral segments. Their axons run through the pelvic nerve to innervate striated accessory muscles of micturition (including the external urethral sphincter) in the pelvic floor. The internal sphincter at the bladder neck is innervated via the hypogastric nerve by sympathetic pre-vertebral pelvic ganglia whose pre-ganglionic innervation arises from the intermediolateral column at the T12-L1 level. Brain stem control of micturition is, in turn, under voluntary regulation by areas within the cerebral sensory and motor cortex. External sphincter pressure decreases and thereby results in reflex relaxation of the internal sphincter and contraction of the bladder. Forebrain impairment results in loss of voluntary control of micturition but does not otherwise affect the complex sensory and motor program that results in normal voiding. Incontinence in such patients can be managed with adult diapers or external urinary collection devices without the risk of frequent urinary tract infections or damage to the upper urinary tract. Immediately following spinal cord injury is a period of spinal shock, during which the bladder does not undergo reflex contraction as it fills. Such patients require urinary catheterization to prevent vesical and renal damage. Some patients can induce reflex bladder emptying by somatosensory stimulation, such as stroking the skin over the thigh. The spastic bladder reflexively contracts at a lower volume and, because detrusor action is not coordinated with sphincter opening, rarely empties completely. Injury to sensory nerves supplying the bladder may also cause overfilling and incomplete emptying, thus indicating the importance of sensory feedback in bladder control. Patients with significant post-void residual urine are at increased risk for urinary tract infections, but bladder overfilling with elevated pressures above 40 cm H2 O may ultimately be a greater problem. Elevations in pressure above 40 cm H2 O may require continuous or intermittent catheterization to prevent damage to the upper urinary tract. Pharmacologic intervention aimed at augmenting or suppressing autonomic motor responses of the bladder or internal sphincter has only limited value. Bethanechol, a cholinergic agonist (10 to 15 mg three times daily), is used to augment bladder contraction to improve emptying. It is most effective in combination with an alpha-adrenergic blocker, such as terazosin (1 to 10 mg daily), that simultaneously reduces pressure at the internal sphincter. Drugs that have atropinic properties, including a surprising variety of antiarrhythmic, antihistamine, neuroleptic, and antidepressant medications, may inhibit bladder contraction and result in overfilling and urinary retention (Table 451-5). Erectile function in males is under parasympathetic control by the same sacral levels as the urinary system. Sensory afferent fibers travel via the pudendal nerve, whereas parasympathetic motor fibers run in the pelvic nerve. Sympathetic innervation via the hypogastric nerve contracts the seminal vesicles during ejaculation and closes the bladder neck to prevent retrograde emission. Although supraspinal influences are of great importance, reflex erection and ejaculation can occur in patients after spinal injury. Neurogenic impotence can result either from damage to the descending pathways relaying forebrain influence from the hypothalamus to the sacral pre-ganglionic neurons or from injury to the sensory or parasympathetic motor innervation of the penis. A variety of drugs that block either parasympathetic or sympathetic function can interfere with erectile function (Table 451-6). Because erections normally occur several times nightly during periods of rapid eye movement sleep, it is possible to document organic disorders of erection by measuring penile tumescence overnight.

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