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By: L. Trano, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine

Mechanism of relief of angina the relaxant effect on larger coronary vessels is the principal action of nitrates benefiting variant angina by counteracting coronary spasm treatment action campaign 300mg retrovir with amex. In classical angina undoubtedly the primary effect is to reduce cardiac work by action on peripheral vasculature medications that cause pancreatitis buy retrovir 300mg lowest price, though increased blood supply to ischaemic area may contribute gas treatment buy retrovir with paypal. Exercise tolerance of angina patients is improved because the same amount of exercise causes lesser augmentation of cardiac work symptoms kidney infection purchase retrovir 100 mg on-line. Heart and peripheral blood flow Nitrates have no direct stimulant or depressant action on the heart. They dilate cutaneous (especially over face and neck flushing) and meningeal vessels causing headache. Splanchnic and renal blood flow decreases to compensate for vasodilatation in other areas. It has been suggested that preferential dilatation of epicardial conducting arteries over autoregulatory arterioles is also due to differential distribution of nitrate metabolizing enzymes in these vessels. Activation of compensatory mechanisms including volume expansion, sympathetic and renin-angiotensin system stimulation or other humoral pathways as well as oxidative stress due to free radicals generated during denitration may contribute to nitrate tolerance. Pharmacokinetics Organic nitrates are lipidsoluble: well absorbed from buccal mucosa, intestines and skin. Ingested orally, all except isosorbide mononitrate undergo extensive and variable first pass metabolism in liver. They are rapidly denitrated by a glutathione reductase and a mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase. Though nitrates have been traditionally classified into short-acting and long-acting, it is the rate of absorption from the site of administration and the rate of metabolism that govern the duration of action of a particular nitrate. Fullness in head, throbbing headache; some degree of tolerance develops on continued use. Flushing, weakness, sweating, palpitation, dizziness and fainting; these are mitigated by lying down. However, in severe anaemia, this can further reduce O2 carrying capacity of blood. Tolerance Attenuation of haemodynamic and antiischaemic effect of nitrates occurs in a dose and duration of exposure dependent manner if they are continuously present in the body. Sudden withdrawal after prolonged exposure has resulted in spasm of coronary and peripheral blood vessels. Angina threshold is lowered during the nitrate free interval in some patients: episodes of angina may increase. Additive hypotension is also possible when nitrate is given to a patient receiving other vasodilators. The sublingual route is used when terminating an attack or aborting an imminent one is the aim. When anginal pain is relieved, the remaining part of tablet may be spit or swallowed. A sublingual spray formulation has been recently marketed-acts more rapidly than sublingual tablet. It needs aggressive therapy with a combination of drugs intended to prevent further coronary occlusion, increase coronary blood flow and decrease myocardial stress (oxygen demand). Nitrates are useful by decreasing preload (myocardial work) as well as by increasing coronary flow (dilatation and antagonism of coronary spasm, if present). The blockers are indicated in all patients (if there are no contraindications) to reduce myocardial oxygen demand.

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If it is low to begin with and fails to rise during intravenous infusion of fluid at the rate of 10-20 ml per minute for 10-15 minutes medications54583 discount retrovir 100mg overnight delivery, hypovolemia can be diagnosed medicine abbreviations effective retrovir 100mg. The femoral pulses are the best guide to the level of arterial pressure medicine everyday therapy purchase retrovir online now, since they are weak in hypotension but bounding in the presence of peripheral vasoconstriction with adequate arterial pressure medications 222 retrovir 100mg with visa. On the other hand, thready or absent radial or brachial pulses may be due to either severe hypotension or to reduction in extremity blood flow due to peripheral vasoconstriction. Arterial hypoxemia (reduced PaO2), lactic acidosis and acidemia are the biochemical reflections of severe tissue hypoxia. Successful management of circulatory failure aims at: Early recognition of the shock state. Hemodynamic and biochemical monitoring of the patients response to treatment is critical to success of the treatment and need repeated monitoring. Restoration of blood volume: Since increased blood flow to vital organs increases the likelihood of survival, therapy should augment cardiac output. As the degree of hemolysis produced by such organisms is too insignificant for detection, a bottle once taken out from the refrigerator and exposed to room temperature for 30 minutes or more should be discarded. The straw colour of the supernatant plasma serves as a convenient indicator to judge the suitability of blood sample for use. Blood should not be used after the stipulated period as the fragility of the erythrocytes increases after that period. In the absence of an unusual hemolytic state or factor, the transfused erythrocytes have an average life of 4 months. Rh positive blood should not be given to Rh negative individual if it can be avoided; at least, it should not be repeated in a Rh negative individual who has received Rh positive blood transfusion previously. Autologous blood transfusion: Blood collected from a patient awaiting elective surgery which is likely to require a blood transfusion, can be infused back into the donor, when the need arises. The main advantages of this procedure are avoidance of immunological mismatch and/or disease transmission; and conservation of the available blood resources. The disadvantages are reinfusion of contaminants, dilutional coagulopathy and undesired infusion of anticoagulants; further, hemolysed red cells in the blood may cause renal insufficiency. Indications for blood transfusion: (1) Acute hemorrhage: Assessment of blood loss is relatively easy in case of external injuries or gynaecological emergencies. Many times, however, one has to rely mainly on clinical signs such as pallor, tachycardia and hypotension to gauge the degree of blood loss. While treating acute blood loss, an attempt should be made to maintain: (a) Blood volume at 90% or more of normal; (b) Hemoglobin level of at least 10 g/dl; (c) Total serum proteins level of at least 60% of normal; (d) Platelets above 50,000/cu mm; and (e) Plasma coagulation factors above 35% of normal. When the blood loss is mild (25% or less of the total blood volume) a crystalloid solution (see later) should be infused in amounts 3-4 times the estimated blood loss. For moderate blood loss (26-50% of the total blood volume), colloid plasma expanders may be adequate. For larger estimated blood losses, either packed blood cells or whole blood are needed to achieve adequate tissue oxygenation; this may be in addition to crystalloid and colloid solutions. However, all these uses have been superseded by use of multiple components like packed red cells, platelet concentrates and clotting factors isolated from whole blood. Complications of blood transfusion: Nonhemolytic pyrexial reaction: Rigor, a common manifestation, is mostly due to imperfect sterilisation of the apparatus. Usually it is due to pyrogens but occasionally it can, be caused by antibodies against antigens on donor leucocytes or platelets, stimulated by a previous transfusion or pregnancy. The treatment of an acute hemolytic reaction is aimed at prevention of acute renal shut down. When the blood is brought back to room temperature, potassium re-enters the erythrocytes. It may be prevented either by avoiding transfusing blood from a genetically related donor or by irradiating such blood before transfusing it.

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Recently acquired motor skills calling for delicate muscular coordination and accurate timing may be affected adversely as a result of nervousness and tremors treatment 31st october discount retrovir 100mg line. The positive chronotropic action on the myocardium is antagonized by central vagal stimulation treatment ulcerative colitis retrovir 300mg line, particularly with caffeine treatment 7th feb trusted 300 mg retrovir. Large doses of caffeine medicine 95a generic 100 mg retrovir otc, however usually cause palpitation, tachycardia and rarely cardiac arrhythmias. Increase in cardiac output with xanthines may occur even in the absence of tachycardia. The increased force of contraction assures a better emptying of the heart and reduces the central venous pressure. In healthy individuals, the lowering of the venous pressure may outlast the cardiac stimulant effect, resulting in a fall in the cardiac output following an initial rise, but in individuals with congestive heart failure, the lowered venous pressure produces an increase in the cardiac output. Coronaries: the coronary arterial blood vessels are dilated and the coronary blood flow is increased. Pulmonary blood vessels: Xanthines produce relaxation of the pulmonary arterioles and reduce the pulmonary artery pressure. This action is aided by the stimulant action on the vasomotor centre, and is antagonised by the central vagal stimulation and vasodilation. The combination of vasodilatation and increased cardiac output, however, raises the pulse pressure and the velocity of blood flow and helps to improve circulation. Kidneys: the xanthines reduce tubular reabsorption of sodium and cause moderate diuresis. Theophylline is the most potent compound in this respect, followed by theobromine and caffeine (Chapter 39). Smooth muscle: Xanthines also relax other smooth muscles, particularly the bronchial smooth muscle. Theophylline abolishes bronchospasm produced by histamine, pilocarpine and anaphylactic shock. Voluntary muscles: Xanthines, particularly caffeine, strengthen the contraction, increase the metabolism, and postpone fatigue of skeletal muscles by both central and peripheral actions. Improved contractility of the diaphragm contributes to the therapeutic efficacy of aminophylline in bronchial asthma. The basal metabolic rate is slightly increased by caffeine, probably as a result of increased metabolism of the skeletal muscles. Absorption, fate and excretion: the xanthines are readily absorbed on oral, rectal or parenteral administration. After absorption, about 17% of caffeine, 20% of theophylline and 3% of theobromine are bound to plasma proteins. They are metabolised in the liver, mainly by demethylation and oxidation by mixed function oxidase enzymes and xanthine oxidase. None of the xanthines is converted into uric acid and hence, beverages containing xanthines are not contraindicated in gout. The individual may complain of ringing in the ears, headache, and may develop tachypnoea, tachycardia, emesis, fever and occasionally extrasystoles or cardiac arrhythmias. Hence, inquiry into anxiety symptoms, especially in a subject with recurrent headache, should include questions about excessive tea or coffee drinking. In children, aminophylline intoxication is characterised by vomiting, severe thirst, dehydration, delirium, convulsions and shock. Tea, coffee and cola drinks are better avoided in small children as they are thought to be less tolerant of the stimulant effects of caffeine. Aminophylline increases the cardiac output, reduces the pulmonary artery pressure and the cardiac preload, induces bronchodilatation, stimulates the respiratory centre and causes diuresis. Their central actions are similar to xanthines but peripherally they produce adrenaline-like actions (Chapter 18). Stimulants of the Brain Stem and Medullary Centres Most drugs belonging to this group (picrotoxin, pentylenetetrazole, nikethamide and camphor) are no longer used as respiratory stimulants (analeptics) because of lack of specificity toxicity and unproven efficacy In large doses these drugs produce clonic. Adverse reactions include vomiting, hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmias, muscle twitchings, tremors and convulsions.

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  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC)
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If it is not possible to discontinue the glucocorticoid altogether medications quinapril purchase cheapest retrovir, it should be continued in the minimum effective dose symptoms before period discount retrovir 100mg with mastercard. Rehydration of the patient either orally (using liquids to which glucose and salt have been added) or by parenteral administration of 5% glucose-saline (with appropriate quantities of potassium) is essential medicine 524 order retrovir overnight delivery. It not only corrects dehydration but also makes the bronchial secretions less tenacious medicines buy generic retrovir on line. Sedatives, tranquillizers and antihistaminics should be avoided in status asthmaticus. They make the patient drowsy diminish the voluntary ventilatory drive and thus aggravate the, hypoxemia. Steroid resistant asthma: Rarely inspite of adequate doses, glucocorticoids may not be, effective. It includes: (1) Emphysema an anatomically defined entity associated with enlarged and distorted lung alveoli, and (2) Chronic bronchitis, a clinical entity associated with disease of small brochioles with chronic airflow obstruction, chronic cough and marked expectoration. The risk factors are smoking, indoor air pollution, biomass fuel and occupational exposure. There is hyperinflation which is present at rest and worsens on exercise, increasing the work of breathing. Inhaled bronchodilators are the mainstay of therapy and any one of the regimens given, in Table 27. Inhaled glucocorticoids probably help to reduce the number of exacerbations; but they alone do not substantially modify airway obstruction. Purulent sputum is a reliable marker for bacterial infection, and should be treated promptly with antibiotics. Prophylactic use of fluoroquinolones (Moxifloxacin) for 5 days every 8 weeks or erythromycin/azithromycin has been reported to be useful in preventing exacerbation in subjects with mucopurulent sputum. Acute exacerbation must be treated with antibiotics and oral glucocorticoids administered after giving optimum combination inhaled therapy. Treatment of Acute Respiratory Failure Respiratory insufficiency indicates impaired ability of the lungs to eliminate carbon dioxide or to take up oxygen. Since oxygen lack stimulates the respiration reflexly, its correction leads to a reduction of ventilatory drive, with the result that carbon dioxide accumulates further. To avoid this, oxygen is given continuously preferably in a concentration of 25-30% (Chapter 77), just enough to , correct hypoxaemia without causing hypercapnea and respiratory acidosis. The patient should be made to cough vigorously while his chest wall is being percussed. Coughing out mucus plugs may result in significant improvement and this is further helped by humidification. Respiratory stimulants (analeptics) may be used to increase ventilation in patients in whom oxygen therapy is followed by a reduction in ventilation. They may also help by stimulating coughing and thus helping the patient to expel secretions. There is no drug which selectively, safely and in a controlled manner stimulates the respiratory centre. It may be useful as a short term measure along with assisted ventilation, but is not useful in the long term management of respiratory insufficiency. Almiprine bismethylate a piperaizne derivative selectively stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors. If these conservative measures do not help sufficiently secretions from the respiratory passages may be aspirated through a, bronchoscope or a cuffed endotracheal tube. In the syndrome of oxygenation failure, which occurs in patients with diffuse interstitial fibrosis, there is no tendency to retention of carbon dioxide, and oxygen can be administered without any reservation and safely the response is, however, disappointing. By its local action, it: Reduces surface tension within the alveoli and facilitates their aeration at lower ventilatory pressures; this increases the lung compliance and reduces the work of breathing. The secretion of the surfactant is stimulated by cortisol, adrenergic agonists, cholinergic agonists and prostaglandins. Deficiency of surfactant action may be due to: Diminished production as in full term infants delivered by caesarian section, where stimulation of the adrenocortical production of cortisol occurring during vaginal delivery is absent and in prematurely born infants with immature secretory mechanisms. Adverse reactions include bradycardia, hypotension and endotracheal tube blockage.

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