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By: T. Abbas, M.A., Ph.D.

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Verbs-be unequal, countervail; tip the scale; kick the beam; topple (over); overmatch; not come up to; trim, trim ship. Adjectives-unequal, uneven, disparate, partial; off balance, unbalanced, overbalanced; top-heavy, lopsided; unequaled, matchless, peerless, unique, inimitable. Quotations-All is uneven, and everything is left at six and seven (Shakespeare), What is a communist Verbs-1, not get excited, be composed, laissez-faire, take things as they come; take it easy, live and let live; take in good part. Adjectives-1, inexcitable, unexcitable; imperturbable; unsusceptible, insensible; dispassionate, cold-blooded, enduring, stoical, Platonic, philosophical, staid, sober-minded; nonchalant, coolheaded, demure, sedate. Phrases-all commend patience, but none can endure to suffer; all things come to those who wait; patience is a virtue. Quotations-Beware the fury of a patient man (John Dryden), Patience, that blending of moral courage with physical timidity (Thomas Hardy), A calm despair, without angry convulsion or reproaches directed to heaven, is the essence of wisdom (Alfred de Vigny). Verbs-come amiss; embarrass, hinder (see hindrance); inconvenience, put upon or out. Adjectives-inexpedient, undesirable; inadvisable, inappropriate; improper, objectionable; deleterious; unapt, inconvenient, embarrassing, disadvantageous, unfit, ineligible; incommodious, discommodious, ill-contrived or -occasioned, inopportune, untimely, unseasonable; out of place, unseemly; illadvised, injudicious; clumsy, awkward. Verbs-not pass [muster], not measure up to; play second fiddle; scrape the infernal [418] infinity bottom of the barrel. Adjectives-inferior, smaller; minor, junior, less[er], deficient, minus, lower, subordinate, secondary; second-rate, second-class, imperfect; short, inadequate, out of depth; subaltern; abysmal; weighed in the balance and found wanting, below par; not fit to hold a candle to . Adverbs-below; behind, beneath; below par; short of, in the hole; at the bottom of the scale; at a low ebb. Quotations-A man who has not been in Italy is always conscious of an inferiority (Samuel Johnson), No one can make you feel inferior without your consent (Eleanor Roosevelt). Adjectives-infinite, immense; numberless, countless, sumless, measureless; innumerable, immeasurable, incalculable, illimitable, interminable, endless, unfathomable, bottomless, inexhaustible; indefinite; without number, limit, end, or measure, beyond measure; incomprehensible; limitless, boundless; untold, unnumbered, unmeasured, unbounded; perpetual, eternal. Adjectives-influential, important (see importance); weighty; prevailing upon, proactive. Quotations-Life is a search after power (Emerson), All power, of whatever sort, is of itself desirable (Samuel Johnson), How to win friends and influence people (Dale Carnegie), A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops (Henry Adams). Slang, rat, blab, [drop a] dime, flip, snitch, double-cross, squeal, fink, riff; sell down the river, turn in, finger. Adjectives-informative, informational, reported, published; expressive, explicit, open, clear, plainspoken; declaratory, expository; communicative, communicatory; informed, knowledgeable. Quotations-Enter Rumor, painted full of tongues (Shakespeare), Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny (Shakespeare), Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea (Henry Fielding), Every man is surrounded by a neighborhood of voluntary spies (Jane Austen), the smallest fact is a window through which the infinite may be seen (Aldous Huxley), Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please (Mark Twain), Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense (Gertrude Stein). Verbs-be ungrateful, lack appreciation, look a gift horse in the mouth; bite the hand that feeds one, kick down the ladder. Adjectives-ungrateful, unappreciative, unmindful, unthankful; thankless, ingrate; forgotten, unacknowledged, unthanked, unrequited, unrewarded; ill-requited. Verbs-inhabit, be present (see presence); dwell, reside, sojourn, occupy, lodge; be or hail from; settle (see abode); squat; colonize, billet. Adjectives-indigenous; native, natal; aboriginal, primitive; domestic, domiciled, naturalized, vernacular, domesticated; domiciliary. Verbs-be unjust, unfair, or inequitable, do injustice to , favor, play favorites, show partiality, bias, warp, twist, prejudice; hit below the belt. Adjectives-unjust, unfair, unsporting, partial, prejudiced, jaundiced, shortsighted, bigoted, inequitable, partisan, nepotistic, biased, onesided; undue, unjustifiable, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable, indefensible. Quotations-Bigotry may be roughly defined as the anger of men who have no opinions (G. Chesterton), Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kills it (Rabindranath Tagore), the so-called white races are really pinko-grey (E.

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During this type of stretching the athlete is actually contracting the muscle isometrically near the end of the available range of motion erectile dysfunction treatment brisbane purchase levitra soft in united states online, then subsequently relaxing it as the partner moves the limb farther into the stretch erectile dysfunction doctors order generic levitra soft on-line. Ask the player to isometrically contract the stretched muscle for up to 6 seconds as you or another player resist any movement during the contraction erectile dysfunction prevention order levitra soft 20mg mastercard. Have the player relax the muscle can you get erectile dysfunction young age discount levitra soft, then slowly move the limb farther in the direction you are trying to stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. The theory behind this type of stretching is that a period of deeper muscle relaxation occurs immediately following a contraction of that muscle. It can be particularly effective for players who are having difficulty with a particular muscle group or who find it very difficult to relax their muscles while stretching. Ballistic Stretching One type of stretch that is not recommended for tennis, or any sport, is the ballistic stretch. While some sources report improvement using ballistic stretches, doing this type of stretch increases the chances of injury. Safer forms of static and dynamic stretches that use smoother, less jerky movements without bouncing are preferable. Warm-up A warm-up should be performed before every practice or competition to prepare the body for the increased physical and physiological demands that will be placed on it once play begins. Stretches muscles actively, preparing them for the forces experiences during tennis. A general warm-up that involves several minutes of a general, full body activity like light jogging, jumping rope or riding a stationary bike. This should focus on performing sport specific movements that target all the major muscle groups that will be used in tennis. All three phases of the warm-up should be used before play to best prepare the body. While it may seem like a waste of time to take 10 minutes at the start of each practice, the body will perform better following a proper warm-up. Keep in mind that the physiological systems of the body lag behind when a player starts exercising and it takes several minutes for them to get up to speed and be able to do what you want it to on-court; the warm-up allows the body to get primed for an increased level of play. Cool-Down There are a number of benefits that come with performing cool-down exercises following practice or a match. These waste products can impair muscle function and performance if they are not removed from the body. Performing a light activity following a strenuous practice or match, as opposed to sitting around after a match, has been shown to help the body remove these waste products more effectively. Performing a light exercise, preferably non-weight bearing, will help the body to cool down and rid itself of metabolic waste products like lactic acis. The amount of time a player should spend cooling down is dependent on the individual and the intensity of the exercise. However, research indicates that a good average is to exercise at a light intensity for approximately 15-20 minutes after intense play. Active and passive stretching, combined with deep breathing exercises can also be included as part of the cool-down. In general, passive stretching techniques are slow and sustained (30-60 seconds in duration), are performed in a pain-free range and repeated 2-3 times. Active stretching techniques are performed by moving through the entire range of motion of the joint/joints, using a fluid and slow pace combined with deep breathing activity, again repeating 2-3 times. If pain is felt, the player should stop the stretch and seek help from a qualified medical/health care practitioner. To help in this process, the coach should learn about proper stretching 84 technique, frequency, duration and regularly solicit feedback from the player. Periodization is the cycling between work and rest, providing variety to training and allowing for adequate recovery between workouts. Tennis has often been viewed as a year-round sport, which leads quite naturally to overuse injuries. Without periodization it is very easy for players to become over-trained and develop injuries that can lead to lost playing time. When designing a periodized training plan, the year is typically broken down into four phases: 1.

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Tay-Sachs disease / teI s ks dI zi z/ noun an inherited condition affecting the metabolism, characterised by progressive paralysis of the legs, blindness and learning disabilities [Described 1881. The buds on the tip of the tongue identify salt and sweet tastes, those on the sides of the tongue identify sour, and those at the back of the mouth the bitter tastes. Note that most of what we think of as taste is in fact smell, and this is why when someone has a cold and a blocked nose, food seems to lose its taste. The impulses from the taste buds are received by the taste cortex in the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere. The fluid keeps the eyeball moist and clean and is produced in large quantities when a person cries. This temperature may vary during the day, and can rise if a person has taken a hot bath or had a hot drink. If the environmental temperature is high, the body has to sweat to reduce the heat gained from the air around it. If the outside temperature is low, the body shivers, because rapid movement of the muscles generates heat. The lower back part of the temporal bone is the mastoid process, while the part between the ear and the cheek is the zygomatic arch. The larger of the two muscles, the teres major, makes the arm turn towards the inside, and the smaller, the teres minor, makes it turn towards the outside. Same as segmental bronchi tertiary care / t ri ke/, tertiary health care / t ri hel ke/ noun highly specialised treatment given in a health care centre, often using very advanced technology. Symbol T terat- / tert/, terato- / tert/ prefix congenitally unusual teratocarcinoma / tertk sI nm/ noun a malignant teratoma, usually in the testes teratogen /t r td en/ noun a substance which causes the usual development of an embryo or fetus to be disrupted. For testes testicle testicular testicular artery testicular hormone testis tetany thalamus in the feet and hands, caused by a reduction in the level of calcium in the blood or by lack of carbon dioxide tetra- /tetr/ prefix four tetracycline / tetr saIkli n/ noun an antibiotic of a group used to treat a wide range of bacterial diseases such as chlamydia. However, they are deposited in bones and teeth and cause a permanent yellow stain in teeth if given to children. Spermatozoa are formed in the testes, and passed into the epididymis to be stored. From the epididymis they pass along the vas deferens through the prostate gland which secretes the seminal fluid, and are ejaculated through the penis. It is found especially in people from Mediterranean countries, the Middle East and East Asia. Compare hypothenar thenar eminence / i nr emInns/ noun the ball of the thumb, the lump of flesh in the palm of the hand below the thumb theophylline /i fIli n/ noun a compound made synthetically or extracted from tea leaves which helps to widen blood vessels and airways, and to stimulate the central nervous system and heart. Same as wisdom tooth thirst / st/ noun a feeling of wanting to drink He had a fever and a violent thirst. It has a padded ring at the hip attached to rods to which bandages are bound and a bar under the foot at the lower end. Also called pinthoracic vertebrae thoracothoracocentesis thoracolumbar thoracoplasty thoracoscope thoracoscopy thoracotomy thorax thread thread vein threadworm worm thready thready / redi/ adjective referring to a pulse which is very weak and can hardly be felt thready pulse thready pulse 418 thromboarteritis / rmb t raItIs/ noun inflammation of an artery caused by thrombosis thrombocyte / rmbsaIt/ noun same as thromboarteritis thrombocyte thready pulse / redi p ls/ noun a very weak pulse which is hard to detect threatened abortion / ret()nd b ()n/ noun a possible abortion in the early stages of pregnancy, indicated by bleeding threonine / ri ni n/ noun an essential amino acid threshold / rehld/ noun 1. It divides into the oesophagus, which takes food to the stomach, and the trachea, which takes air into the lungs. Also called thromboplastin thrombolysis /rm blsIs/ noun same as thrombocythaemia thrombocytopenia thrombocytopenic thrombocytosis thrombo-embolic deterrent stocking thromboembolism thromboendarterectomy thromboendarteritis thrombokinase thrombolysis fibrinolysis thrombolytic /rmb lItIk/ adjective same as fibrinolytic thrombophlebitis / rmbflI baItIs/ noun the blocking of a vein by a blood clot, sometimes causing inflammation thromboplastic / rmb pl stIk/ adjective causing or increasing the formation of blood clots thromboplastin / rmb pl stIn/ noun same as thrombokinase thrombopoiesis / rmbpI i sIs/ noun the process by which blood platelets are formed thrombose /rm bz/ verb to cause thrombosis in a blood vessel, or be affected by thrombosis thrombosis /rm bsIs/ noun the blocking of an artery or vein by a mass of coagulated blood thrombus / rmbs/ noun same as blood thrombolytic thrombophlebitis thromboplastic thromboplastin thrombopoiesis thrombose thrombosis thrombus ease clot 419 throw up / r throw up thyroxine p/ verb same as vomit (informal) thrush /r / noun an infection of the mouth or the vagina with the bacterium Candida albicans thumb / m/ noun the short thick finger, with only two bones, which is separated from the other four fingers on the hand thumb-sucking / m s kI/ noun the action of sucking a thumb Thumb-sucking tends to push the teeth forward.

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The lateral projection of the ankle should demonstrate the distal one-third of the tibia erectile dysfunction drugs herbal buy levitra soft 20 mg line, and fibula with the distal fibula superimposed by the distal tibia erectile dysfunction pump on nhs levitra soft 20 mg low cost. When evaluating this projection how to fix erectile dysfunction causes cheap 20mg levitra soft mastercard, the radiographer should see the mortise joint free of superimposition from both the tibia and fibula erectile dysfunction in diabetes ppt purchase levitra soft 20 mg on-line. When evaluating leg images, the radiographer should be able to see both the ankle and knee joints. In certain cases, if both joint are not visible, the radiographer should determine if additional images may be required. The femorotibial joint space should be open with the head of the fibula slightly overlapping the proximal tibia. For a lateral projection of the knee joint, the radiographer should see the distal femur, proximal tibia, fibula and patella in profile with no rotation. If an orthopedic appliance or device is present within the 122 femur or hip, the entire device must be visible on the image. The following are general guidelines for including a joint(s) on the femur images. If the knee is the joint selected to be included on the femur images, the same criteria used for evaluating a lateral knee image should be used. If the hip is the joint selected to be included on the femur images, the thigh of the unaffected leg should not overlap the area of clinical interest. Standardized Image Evaluation Many imaging facilities provide a standardized form for radiographers to follow when evaluating radiographic images for diagnostic quality. This example provides a suggested starting point for standardizing the manner in which radiographers evaluate radiographic images; however, is not considered all-inclusive. Is the overall image density and contrast sufficient for diagnostic interpretation Yes No Retaking Radiographs When a radiograph is retaken the radiation dose received by the patient increases. A retake may be required whenever the image quality fails to provide adequate diagnostic information. The reasons for retakes range from simple radiographer forgetfulness to complex technical errors. The most common causes of retakes include improper 123 positioning of the part or patient, inaccurate selection of the technical factors (over or under exposure of the image), patient motion (voluntary and involuntary), and improper film processing techniques. The observant radiographer can correct many of these errors beforehand thus minimizing the number of retakes and reducing the patient radiation dose. If in doubt about the need for a retake, the radiographer should consult with a supervisor to determine whether the image provides sufficient diagnostic information. Since retakes result in increased radiation dose to the patient, each image should be thoroughly evaluated for diagnostic integrity prior to the decision to perform a retake. In many cases, these factors cannot be easily changed, and the outcome of the retake may not yield any improvement in image quality, so a retake should not be attempted. Sometimes, it helps to have a starting point before attempting a retake examination. If the overall image appears over-or-underexposed, the factors to be considered include: -Check the amount of mAs used with the original examination -Check the exact measurement of the part to evaluate kVp used with the original examination -Check processing factors to determine if chemical contamination may have contributed to increased density due to chemical fog and also check processor temperature and time settings. If the overall image appears flat and gray or if the anatomy is improperly penetrated, the factors to be considered include: -Check the kVp used and the exact measurement of the part. A flat gray or fogged coloration is usually a sign of scatter radiation due to excessive kVp. If so, use of a faster exposure time may be required as well as application of any and all immobilization devices. If the anatomy appears distorted in size or shape, the factors to be considered include: -Check the source to image distance and the object film distance to determine if each of these were correct during the examination. Such errors are generally caused by incorrect alignment of either the x-ray tube or the part being examined. Improper patient/part positioning is a common error and can usually be easily corrected. Retake Analysis A retake analysis program can easily be incorporated into the overall quality control program. Whether performed by a staff radiographer or a quality control radiographer, analysis of the number and causes of retake examinations can result in heightened awareness of areas needing correction.

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