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By: G. Einar, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Frank H. Netter M.D. School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

Malignant or benign neoplasms were not significantly increased in either the low-dose or the high-dose groups of male mice when analyzed separately rheumatoid arthritis x ray foot celebrex 100 mg otc. However arthritis in neck at young age best celebrex 100 mg, the incidence of malignant mammary gland neoplasms were reported in the review as significantly increased when the entire group of treated male rats (low-dose and highdose) was pooled and compared to the controls (p = 0 arthritis in back bone discount celebrex 200mg online. A significant increase in carcinomas of endocrine organs (thyroid arthritis fingers clicking purchase 200 mg celebrex visa, adrenal, pituitary and ovary) was reported for the lowdose treated females (p = 0. Combining the results of different treatment groups and different organ neoplasms in the review makes the significance of the results unclear, especially since the results of individual endocrine cancers were not statistically significant. It was also not mentioned in this review if rats with neoplasms in multiple organs (metastatic tumors) were counted as one or as multiple tumors. Summary, Critical Evaluation on Breast Carcinogenicity: No epidemiological studies were available to evaluate the breast carcinogenicity of dichlorvos in women exposed to this insecticide in the past. Two other studies have reported no significant increase in incidence of mammary gland neoplasms among dichlorvos treated rats (Blair et al. Two studies in mice did not report increased incidence of mammary gland neoplasms in dichlorvos fed mice (Chan et al. There is a need for another study in rats, using more doses of dichlorvos and better survival rates to verify the results of Chan et al. Evidence of Endocrine Disruption: a) Effects on Steroidogenesis: Sprague-Dawley rats (six per group) were treated with 0 or 2 ppm dichlorvos (99% pure) in drinking water for two weeks and evaluated for hormonal disruptions. Dichlorvos was not found to affect the plasma and adrenal corticosterone levels, but did increase the levels of adrenal cholesterol ester and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (Civen et al. These studies indicate that dichlorvos may have the potential to disrupt steroidogenesis. Juvenile male Wistar rats that received either 10 mg/kg of dichlorvos, from day 4 to 23 of life, or 20 mg/kg dichlorvos on day 4 and 5 had a small, but not significant reduction in spermatocytes (Krause et al. No significant reduction was observed in serum levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone, or follicle stimulating hormone in adult Wistar rats that were fed 10 mg/kg dichlorvos every second day over two weeks, or 5 mg/ kg dichlorvos three times a week for three weeks (Krause, 1977). One half of a No-Pest Strip" was suspended on top of each cage and the rats were exposed to this environment for 8 to 10 hours daily, from birth until the first estrous (Timmons et al. However, this study did not test for other indicators for estrogenic effects and it is not sufficient to predict an antiestrogenic action for dichlorvos. Reproductive and Teratogenic Effects: Reproductive toxicity may be suggestive of either endocrine disruption or embryo toxicity. We have included below any studies on reproductive toxicity of dichlorvos that indicate an effect on estrogen-dependent reproductive events. One study evaluated the reproductive performance of two different mammalian species exposed to dichlorvos by either gavage or inhalation. New Zealand Rabbits (n = 12) were similarly treated with a 5 mg/kg dose from day 6 through 18 of gestation. No effects on litter sizes or implantation rates were observed in any of the exposed groups in either species (Schwetz et al. There was no effect on the number of pregnancies or the number of live fetuses in rats. In another evaluation of reproductive toxicity, Sherman rats (n = 6) were treated with 15 mg/kg dichlorvos. While there was no treatment-related effect on the number of pregnancies and live births, there was a small, not significant increase in malformed fetuses (Kimbrough and Gaines, 1968). In a twogeneration study in swine, 0, 200, 250, 288, 400 and 500 ppm dichlorvos fed in diet over 37 months had no effect on the number, viability, or reproductive performance of the offspring from the exposed male and female pigs (Collins et al. Some of these studies reported a small positive effect on litter weight of dichlorvos-treated dams (Foster, 1968; Young et al. In one study, crossbred sows were fed either basal diet, 500 ppm dichlorvos, 250 ppm copper, or a combination of copper and dichlorvos during gestation and lactation. There was a significant reduction in pre-weaning mortality rate in the group fed dichlorvos and copper (n = 41; p = 0. Two reasons are possible for the increase in litter weight observed in some studies: dichlorvos rids the dam of parasitic infestations, thus allowing for better nourishment of the litter; or it affects the development of the fetus directly.

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Remote sensing data from SmallSats is used in the oil and gas, mining, fishing and other industries, and for atmospheric science and humanitarian applications such as disaster response and search-and-rescue missions. For example, the Cosmic X-Ray Background Nanosatellite launched in 2017 is a CubeSat designed and built by Morehead State that has the potential to give astrophysicists the most precise measurements ever made of the cosmic background X-ray radiation that occupies space between galaxies-putting together an accurate picture of the evolution of the early universe, which has implications for fundamental physics and beyond. It also will be able to deploy multiple SmallSats at once, something not possible with the current airlock. NanoRacks is partnering with Boeing and Thales Alenia Space on manufacturing key parts of their airlock module. The outside of the airlock also offers access to power and Wi-Fi communications for externally mounted payloads, which is of interest to commercial and government customers. Manber predicts that the industry will continue to move toward slightly larger and more capable SmallSats, with commercial customers, universities, and governments leveraging the lower cost and rapid development cycle from design to deployment that they offer compared to large monolithic spacecraft. The most viable path forward for government or private sector parties is a next-generation, newly constructed space station. Tropical Cyclone in Sight* *Part of this article is reprinted with permission from Upward Magazine (V3. In recent decades, scientists have become much better at predicting where these storms might hit and how powerful they will be. However, as seen with Hurricane Katrina and many others, initial predictions can be off, leading to terrible consequences for the affected communities. The United States currently tracks tropical cyclones using a combination of satellite imagery, Doppler radar, and hurricane hunter aircraft. Weather monitoring satellites, which have been in use since the 1960s, are helpful in tracking storm development over the ocean and predicting surface tracks using sequences of images. Although these technologies are helpful in collecting information about storms, the most accurate tropical cyclone information is gathered using reconnaissance aircraft called hurricane hunters. These operations rely on flying specialized aircraft directly into tropical cyclones at low altitudes (between 152 and 3048 meters [500 and 10,000 feet]) to gather critical information about the storms, such as their central pressure, eye location, wind speeds and overall size. This method results in accurate forecasting, but it is also extremely expensive and potentially dangerous. Six hurricane hunter aircraft and their crews (a total of 53 lives) were lost between 1945, when flights began, and 1974. Given the hefty price tag, no other country in the world sends hurricane hunters into tropical cyclones. More-distant nations rely on warnings issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which uses a technique called the Dvorak method. Developed in the 1970s, this method uses photographs from weather satellites to analyze the overall cloud pattern of a tropical cyclone and make predictions based on that pattern. Joss said the primary goal is to increase coverage and forecast accuracy of tropical cyclone intensities and surface tracks for countries such as India, Australia, Japan and the Philippines, which do not have hurricane tracking systems like the one used in the United States. Unfortunately, this project was discontinued in 2004 amid a sharp decrease in cooperative projects with Russia. Using this technique, two photographs of the same object are taken at slightly different angles and pieced together to measure depth. Accurate measurement of this quantity allows scientists to determine the peak sustained winds in a well-developed tropical cyclone to within 10 mph. Real-time updates of the central pressure of a tropical cyclone are also key to forecasting its future intensity changes and surface track. This technique is expected to be most accurate and reliable for the most powerful and dangerous storms, with intensities of Category 3 or higher. The goals are to use remote sensing methods that will provide cost-effective, worldwide coverage of tropical cyclone intensities with accuracies comparable to those attained with hurricane hunter aircraft for the United States and adjacent countries, and to supplement the data gathered 81 by hurricane hunters for improved forecasting of storms that impact the United States. The implications of such an approach are exciting, given that most regions of the world cannot afford the use of hurricane hunter aircraft.

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