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By: P. Enzo, M.S., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, A. T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

To maximize effectiveness and minimize stressfulness cholesterol test procedure cheap vytorin 20 mg line, your team should set early deadlines lowering cholesterol what foods to avoid purchase vytorin 30 mg otc. For example cholesterol medication necessary generic vytorin 30 mg overnight delivery, if a project is due on Friday cholesterol test fasting australia buy vytorin us, your team should set the team deadline of Wednesday so that the final product may be compiled, edited, and reviewed by the entire team with ample time prior to submission. Furthermore, if the project is rather large, setting periodic team deadlines for smaller tasks along the way can maximize efficiency. Naturally, each team member will approach the assignment with a different writing style. As early as possible, your team should agree upon a specific formatting style and organization for the paper. This includes citations, style of writing (such as avoiding passive voice or using first-person), whether to include headings or bullet points, argument structure, length of each section, how to arrange arguments, and any other relevant formatting elements. Having this discussion early will streamline the process of compiling everything and allow the final team editor to focus on overall voice of the paper. Your team would benefit from initially assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Determining who has a strong editing background, communication skills, data analysis skills, or organizational skills will be useful in delegating tasks. However, while each person may have a particular strength, each team member should contribute equitably to the overall project. Your entire team should write the introduction, transitions, and conclusion together (16). The introduction will establish a skeleton and purpose for the rest of the paper, the transitions will assist in the logical flow of the paper, and the conclusion will be the final synthesis of your arguments. Therefore, these elements require that the entire team is on the same page with their understanding of the project, that there is a shared vision, and that there is a clear direction for the final product. Do not leave all the final editing to one person, as it can be very time consuming and the editor may not fully comprehend the entire vision of the project (17). At every step of the process, each team member should provide feedback, edits, and suggestions for the project. This is especially important at the end of the process with the semi-final product, prior to submitting the final version. Your team should have a final editor to provide one final scan of the 18 document and ensure one voice, but each team member should review and edit prior to this final scan. The team process can be stressful at times, so it is important to counterbalance the stress with fun. Maintain your sense of humor and take every opportunity to share the funny side of your challenges. As the team becomes comfortable with one another, critiquing the work of your group becomes easier and could ultimately lead to a stronger final product. Below are a variety of resources to accompany you with your graduate-level writing. If a tutor suggested you work on a specific area, try to practice with these resources. Many non-native English speaking students attend American universities having learned the British form of English. Not only are there pronunciation differences, but some vocabulary and spelling is slightly different from American English. While many professors will not count these differences against you, it is helpful to learn some of the differences to ensure your messages are clear. The most common types of documents we need to write run a broad gamut that includes: emails, policy briefs, white papers, grant proposals, research protocols, scientific reports, articles for peer-reviewed journals, abstracts, scopes of work, standard operating procedures, budget justifications, public service announcements, op-eds, letters to the editor, blog posts, tweets, and the list goes on. Each type of document has some standard expectations about language and organization. And over the course of our careers, we get familiar with some of the basic formulas. But we are never on completely firm ground because reader expectations can differ, sometimes dramatically. For instance, a policy brief can look very different depending on the subject matter, purpose, and audience expectations. And, while some readers assume you will know what they expect without them having to tell you, others will provide detailed instructions. So you, the author, are always adapting, relying on formulas that (if you write often) eventually become second nature, but being equally ready to set aside your outline when you receive detailed instructions.


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The daily bag limit is 7 ducks and mergansers cholesterol levels and alcohol buy 20mg vytorin fast delivery, including no more than 2 female mallards cholesterol definition in food purchase vytorin 30mg amex, 2 pintails cholesterol medication recall 2012 buy discount vytorin, 1 canvasback cholesterol score of 206 buy vytorin 30mg otc, and 2 redheads. The season on coots and common moorhens may be between the outside dates for the season on ducks, but not to exceed 107 days. Coot, Common Moorhen, and Purple Gallinule Limits: the daily bag and possession limits of coots, common moorhens, and purple gallinules are 25, singly or in the aggregate. Outside Dates: Between the Saturday nearest September 24 (September 22) and the last Sunday in January (January 27). Zoning and Split Seasons: Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming may select hunting seasons by zones. Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming may split their seasons into two segments. The daily bag limit of dark geese can increase to 6 geese after the last Sunday in January (January 27). Area 1: Outside dates are between the Saturday nearest October 1 (September 29), and the last Sunday in January (January 27). Areas 2A and 2B (Southwest Quota Zone): Except for designated areas, there will be no open season on Canada geese. In Southwest Quota Zone Area 2B (Pacific County), the daily bag limit may include 1 Aleutian goose. Quota Zones Seasons on geese must end upon attainment of individual quotas of dusky geese allotted to the designated areas of Oregon (90) and Washington (45). The September Canada goose season, the regular goose season, any special late dark goose season, and any extended falconry season, combined, must not exceed 107 days, and the established quota of dusky geese must not be exceeded. Hunting of geese in those designated areas will be only by hunters possessing a State-issued permit authorizing them to do so. In a Serviceapproved investigation, the State must obtain quantitative information on hunter compliance with those regulations aimed at reducing the take of dusky geese. If the monitoring program cannot be conducted, for any reason, the season must immediately close. In the designated areas of the Washington Southwest Quota Zone, a special late goose season may be held between the Saturday following the close of the general goose season and March 10. In the Northwest Special Permit Zone of Oregon, the framework closing date is March 10. Regular goose seasons may be split into 3 segments within the Oregon and Washington quota zones. Swans In portions of the Pacific Flyway (Montana, Nevada, and Utah), an open season for taking a limited number of swans may be selected. Permits will be issued by the State and will authorize each permittee to take no more than 1 swan per season with each permit. These seasons are also subject to the following conditions: Montana: No more than 500 permits may be issued. The State must implement a harvest-monitoring program to measure the species composition of the swan harvest and should use appropriate measures to maximize hunter compliance in reporting bill measurement and color information. The season must end no later than the second Sunday in December (December 9) or upon attainment of 10 trumpeter swans in the harvest, whichever occurs earliest. The Utah season remains subject to the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement entered into with the Service in August 2001, regarding harvest monitoring, season closure procedures, and education requirements to minimize the take of trumpeter swans during the swan season. The season must end no later than the Sunday following January 1 (January 6) or upon attainment of 5 trumpeter swans in the harvest, whichever occurs earliest. In addition, the States of Utah and Nevada must implement a harvestmonitoring program to measure the species composition of the swan harvest. The harvest-monitoring program must require that all harvested swans or their species-determinant parts be examined by either State or Federal biologists for the purpose of species classification. The States should use appropriate measures to maximize hunter compliance in providing bagged swans for examination. Further, the States of Montana, Nevada, and Utah must achieve at least an 80-percent compliance rate, or subsequent permits will be reduced by 10 percent. All three States must provide to the Service by June 30, 2013, a report detailing harvest, hunter participation, reporting compliance, and monitoring of swan populations in the designated hunt areas. Tundra Swans In portions of the Atlantic Flyway (North Carolina and Virginia) and the Central Flyway (North Dakota, South Dakota [east of the Missouri River], and that portion of Montana in the Central 49879 Flyway), an open season for taking a limited number of tundra swans may be selected.

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Source: http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=96921


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