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By: F. Lester, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Director, University of Minnesota Medical School

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However medicine 035 trusted 200 mg sustiva, tens of thousands of inhabitants had to be evacuated from the surrounding area as a result of the 1986 Chernobyl accident medicine 8 soundcloud buy discount sustiva 600mg on line, which caused radiation sickness in more than 200 emergency workers treatment tinea versicolor purchase sustiva 200mg without a prescription, including 31 fatalities symptoms ulcer 200 mg sustiva amex, and released enough radioactivity to result in a collective dose equivalent commitment of 600,000 person-Sv for the population of the northern hemisphere. Less catastrophic but more numerous than reactor accidents have been accidents with medical and industrial gamma-ray sources, which are occasionally serious enough to be fatal. To date, however, no definite evidence of such effects has been observed in populations residing in areas of high natural background radiation, and no more than 3% of all cancers in the general population are thought to be attributable to natural background ionizing irradiation, although a larger percentage of lung cancers may be attributable to indoor radon. Ionizing radiation colliding randomly with atoms and molecules in its path gives rise to ions and free radicals that break chemical bonds and cause other molecular alterations, ultimately injuring the affected cells. Because the mutation rate tends to increase in proportion to the dose, it is inferred that a single ionizing particle traversing a genetic target may suffice to cause a mutation. Radiation damage can also cause changes in chromosome number and structure, the yields of which are well enough characterized that their frequency in lymphocytes can serve as a biologic dosimeter. Radiation damage to genes, chromosomes, and other vital organelles may kill cells, especially dividing cells, which are radiosensitive as a class. Measured in terms of proliferative capacity, the survival of dividing cells tends to decrease exponentially with increasing dose; rapid exposure to 1 to 2 Sv generally reduces the surviving population of such cells by about 50%. Except for lymphocytes and oocytes, which tend to die in interphase, most cells killed by irradiation die in mitosis. Although the killing of cells is a stochastic process, too few cells are killed by a dose below 0. Except for mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, the reactions generally result from the killing of sizable numbers of cells in the exposed tissues and are not detectable unless the dose of radiation exceeds a substantial threshold. For this reason, the reactions are called non-stochastic (or deterministic) effects, in contrast to mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, which are presumed to have no thresholds and are considered to be stochastic in nature. Tissues in which cells proliferate rapidly are generally the first to exhibit radiation injury. Brief exposure to a dose in excess of 10 to 20 Sv may cause transepithelial injury, with moist desquamation, necrosis, and ulceration within 2 to 4 weeks. Such a dose can also damage enough hematopoietic cells to cause profound leukopenia and thrombocytopenia within 3 to 5 weeks. The killing of epithelial stem cells is sufficiently extensive after an acute dose of 10 Sv to cause rapid denudation of the overlying intestinal villi. Rapid exposure of the lung to a dose of 6 to 10 Sv damages alveolar cells and the pulmonary vasculature sufficiently to result in acute pneumonitis within 1 to 3 months. If extensive, the process may lead to fatal respiratory failure within 6 months or pulmonary fibrosis and cor pulmonale months or years later. Spermatozoa are relatively radioresistant, but spermatogonia are highly radiosensitive; that is, a dose of 0. Acute exposure of the lens to more than 1 Sv may lead within months to a microscopic posterior polar opacity, and 2 to 3 Sv received in a single brief exposure or 5. Other tissues and organs, except for those of the embryo, are relatively less radiosensitive. The main phase of the illness usually takes one of four primary forms: (1) hematologic, (2) gastrointestinal, (3) neurovascular, or (4) pulmonary, depending on the size and anatomic distribution of the dose. In contrast to the acute radiation syndrome, manifestations of which are dramatic and relatively prompt, reactions to localized irradiation in most tissues tend to evolve more slowly and to not produce symptoms or signs unless the volume of tissue irradiated and the dose are large. When the injury is produced by a radionuclide, it follows the anatomic distribution of the radionuclide and the resulting radiation, which may be influenced by the physicochemical state in which the radionuclide is encountered as well as its portal of entry into the body. Radiation-induced heritable mutations and chromosomal abnormalities, although well documented in other organisms, have yet to be observed in humans despite over four decades of intensive study of more than 76,000 children of Japanese atomic bomb survivors, in whom no definite evidence of heritable radiation effects has been detectable in terms of untoward pregnancy outcomes, neonatal deaths, malignancies, balanced chromosomal rearrangements, sex chromosome aneuploidy, alterations in serum or erythrocyte protein phenotypes, changes in gender ratio, or disturbances in growth and development. With few exceptions, moreover, they have been detectable only after relatively large doses (>0. The embryo is especially vulnerable to death if exposed before implantation, and it is susceptible to malformations and other developmental disturbances if exposed during subsequent stages in organogenesis. Evidence also suggests that the embryo and fetus are sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of radiation. At the outset, to evaluate the dose and to determine whether the patient has been contaminated with radionuclides, the nature of the exposure and any measurements by film badges or other detectors should be reviewed in detail. If exposure to radionuclides is known or suspected, radioactivity measurements of the whole body, skin, other tissue, blood, urine, and/or body fluid may be indicated to identify the isotope(s) and evaluate the dose.

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Although experts generally agree on the need for rapid and effective cooling of hyperthermic patients with heat stroke treatment 2nd degree heart block purchase sustiva paypal, there is debate about the best method to achieve it medications 1 purchase 600mg sustiva otc. Do not use this method in elderly patients because it can increase rather than decrease mortality medications errors purchase sustiva 600mg on line. This technique is well tolerated and allows for optimal monitoring and resuscitation of unconscious and hemodynamically unstable patients symptoms uterine cancer generic sustiva 600mg on line. Noninvasive and well-tolerated cooling modalities such as ice packs, wet gauze sheets, and fans-alone or in combination-could represent reasonable alternatives because they are easily applied and readily accessible. Survival and outcomes in heat stroke are directly related to the time required to initiate therapy and cool patients to 39°C (102. Dantrolene has not been shown to decrease body temperature when used to treat heat stroke. Examples include but are not limited to alcohol, any prescription or over-thecounter stimulant, caffeine or energy drinks, diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme converting inhibitors (especially combined with diuretic), antihistamines, and anticholinergics. Amphetamines and salicylates in large doses can elevate the hypothalamic set point. Antipsychotic medication and antidepressant medications such as lithium (Lithobid, Lithane) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can interfere with thermoregulatory mechanisms. When possible, obtain a medication history from patient, family, and/or prehospital personnel. American College of Sports Medicine position stand: prevention of cold injuries during exercise. Extracorporeal-assisted rewarming in the management of accidental deep hypothermic cardiac arrest: a systematic review of the prognosis Factors associated with poor prognosis include hypotension, the need for endotracheal intubation, altered coagulation, old age, temperature > 41°C (105. Pathophysiologic changes and effects of hypothermia on outcome in elective surgery and trauma patients. The impact of nontherapeutic hypothermia on outcomes after severe traumatic brain injury. A recommended early goal-directed management guideline for the prevention of hypothermiarelated transfusion, morbidity, and mortality in severely injured trauma patients. Wilderness Medical Society practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of heat-related illness: 2014 update. The incidence and significance of accidental hypothermia in major trauma-A prospective observational study. Clinical and translational effects of hypothermia in major trauma patients: From pathophysiology to prevention, prognosis and potential preservation. Identify challenges of providing trauma care in operational, austere, and resource-constrained environments. Define the principles for management of intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events. The ability to provide quality trauma care in any resource-constrained environment, including areas of conflict, disaster, and other austere settings, may be highly variable. In the worst-case scenario, adequate care may be available only through delivery of external resources to the battlespace or site of disaster. The many challenges associated with functioning within the disaster or austere environment will affect every echelon or level of care, from the point of injury to the evacuation of the casualty to a modern tertiary care center (when possible). All healthcare providers in these environments must understand these limitations and how they will critically impact trauma care, as well as of the strategies available to mitigate these disadvantages. Disasters occur globally due to natural and technological phenomena as well as human conflict. Even the most sophisticated hospitals can become austere facilities after a disaster, due to limitation of available resources and/ or overwhelming numbers of casualties. During a mass casualty event, the care paradigm shifts from the greatest good for the individual to the greatest good for the greatest number of casualties. This populationbased standard of care is different from everyday trauma care, in which all resources are mobilized for the good of an individual injured patient.

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Not only can almost any organ system be affected symptoms uterine fibroids generic 200mg sustiva amex, but the clinical presentation and natural history of disease affecting a particular organ system are also quite variable medicine daughter lyrics sustiva 600mg online. Patients can develop extrathoracic disease either with or without concomitant intrathoracic involvement treatment quadricep strain buy 600 mg sustiva amex. Alternatively medications made from plants cheap sustiva 200 mg free shipping, patients commonly present with respiratory symptoms, such as dyspnea and cough, which may or may not be accompanied by constitutional symptoms, such as fever and malaise. The pulmonary parenchyma demonstrates well-defined, non-caseating granulomas within the pulmonary interstitium, typically in a pattern that preferentially follows bronchovascular bundles. Pleural disease is relatively infrequent, with effusions occurring in fewer than 5% of patients. Examination of the chest can reveal crackles resulting from parenchymal lung involvement, although the examination is often notable for the paucity or even absence of findings despite the extent of radiographic changes. Cutaneous manifestations of sarcoidosis resulting from granulomatous involvement of the skin affect 15 to 20% of patients. Lupus pernio is a chronic, violaceous, often disfiguring lesion primarily affecting the nose, cheeks, and ears. Rather, the histopathology is primarily that of a panniculitis, with cellular inflammation and edema of the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue, especially involving connective tissue septa of adipose tissue. Anterior uveitis, the most common form of ocular sarcoidosis, is often associated with the relatively acute onset of a red eye, photophobia, and ocular discomfort. Posterior uveitis, which may be obscured on examination by anterior chamber involvement, can present with vitreous infiltrates, choroidal nodules, periphlebitis, retinal hemorrhage, and papilledema. Potential clinical consequences of such involvement include conduction defects. Virtually any part of the nervous system can be involved, including cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, meninges, cerebrum, spinal cord, and the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Although granulomas are commonly found on histologic examination of the liver in patients with sarcoidosis, symptoms related to hepatic involvement are uncommon, and clinical evidence is usually limited to abnormalities in one or more hepatic enzymes. When interstitial lung disease is present in the absence of intrathoracic lymphadenopathy, a much broader differential diagnosis is raised, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis associated with systemic rheumatic disease. Special stains and cultures must be performed for mycobacteria and fungi, and specimens should be examined under polarized light to identify foreign, potentially granulomagenic material. Scanning with gallium citrate-67 may demonstrate uptake of this isotope in regions involved with granulomatous inflammation, probably reflecting a combination of increased capillary permeability as well as uptake of tracer by activated macrophages. The pulmonary parenchyma, intrathoracic lymph nodes, and skin are the most common sites of diagnostic biopsy in sarcoidosis. Interestingly, even when pulmonary parenchymal involvement is not grossly visible on plain chest radiography. Mediastinoscopy is sometimes performed in the presence of isolated mediastinal adenopathy without parenchymal lung disease, when another diagnosis such as lymphoma is being strongly considered. Similarly, biopsy of peripheral lymph nodes, liver, conjunctiva, parotid glands, skeletal muscle, and myocardium can be performed in selected cases. Assessment of functional involvement of an organ and its course over time provides the general framework for monitoring the natural history of disease. Because sarcoidosis follows such a variable natural history, it is often difficult to decide whether and when therapy should be instituted. The dose can then be tapered, with the goal of using the lowest possible dose that keeps the disease under adequate control. Patients requiring systemic corticosteroid therapy for hypercalcemia can often be treated with relatively low doses of prednisone even initially, such as 10 to 20 mg/day. Patients must be advised about and monitored for the myriad potential side effects observed with systemic corticosteroids (see Chapter 28). Although methotrexate has been used most as a corticosteroid-sparing agent, it can be used as the sole agent, particularly for musculoskeletal or cutaneous sarcoidosis. Hydroxychloroquine has been used for serious and disfiguring cutaneous sarcoidosis. A recent position paper from the British Thoracic Society with recommendations regarding the evaluation and management of diffuse parenchymal lung disease in general and several specific causes, including sarcoidosis.

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