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By: J. Hurit, M.A., Ph.D.

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Here are some ideas that have helped others deal with family concerns: n Let others know what you are able to do as you heal-and what not to expect anxiety or panic attacks generic 25mg zoloft with amex. Children of cancer survivors have said that these things are important: n Being honest with them n Speaking as directly and openly as possible n Allowing them to become informed about your cancer and involved in your recovery n Spending extra time with them With your permission depression definition pubmed discount 25mg zoloft free shipping, other family members should also be open with your children about your cancer and its treatment depression mood definition purchase zoloft cheap. Returning to work can help them feel they are getting back to the life they had before being diagnosed with cancer depression symptoms break up purchase cheap zoloft line. If you decide to look for a new job after cancer treatment, remember that you do not need to try to do more-or settle for less-than you are able to handle. Whether returning to their old jobs or beginning new ones, some survivors are treated unfairly when they return to the workplace. Ask for a change that would make it easier for you to keep your job (for example, flextime, working at home, special equipment at work). Get your doctor to write a letter to your employer or personnel officer explaining how, if at all, your cancer may affect your work or your schedule. You have no legal obligation to talk about your cancer history unless your past health has a direct impact on the job you seek. Some may be a huge source of support, while others may be a source of anger or frustration. If friends and coworkers seem unsupportive, it could be because they are anxious for you or for themselves. Your cancer experience may threaten them because it reminds them that cancer can happen to anyone. Try to understand their fears and be patient as you try to regain a good relationship. Many survivors say that acting cheerful around others for their comfort is a strain. If it is still affecting your work after that, your manager, shop steward, company medical department, employee assistance counselor, or personnel office may be able to help. When hurtful remarks or actions get you down, talking with a friend, family member, or counselor may help you come up with ideas for handling it. But if coworker attitudes get in the way of doing your job, it is a problem that management should address. Relating to Others How do you relate to other people in your life after cancer treatment? When friends or family offer to help, say yes, and have in mind some things that they could do to make your life easier. In this way, you will get the support you need, and your loved ones will feel helpful. Your supervisor (or his or her supervisor), teacher, or coworkers may be able to help those around you understand how you want to be treated as a cancer survivor. If they find out about your treatment and progress, they will be less anxious and scared. Talk to them on the phone, send email, or appoint a trusted friend or family member to do this for you. Your return to work or other activities will be easier for you and others if you stay in touch. Others are very open about it, speaking frankly with their boss or other workers to air concerns, correct wrong ideas, and decide how to work together. During an illness, you and your family may have found it hard to find the time or energy to review your options. You may also want to stay in touch with your insurance company to make sure costs are covered. Understanding your wishes will also make it easier for family members if a time comes when treatment decisions need to be made. Advance directives: n n A living will lets people know what kind of medical care patients want if they are unable to speak for themselves. Other legal papers that are not part of the advance directives: n A will tells how a person wants to divide money and property among his or her heirs.

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Sex differences in hyper-responsiveness were first noted in the Lung Health Study (203) respiratory depression definition medical discount zoloft 50 mg with visa. Conversely bipolar depression 31 discount zoloft 100mg overnight delivery, reduction in smoking behaviour has been more pronounced in men than women mood disorder secondary to general medical condition purchase cheap zoloft on-line. Furthermore mood disorder and alcohol order cheap zoloft, these components are interdependent in a closely linked vicious cycle. Although other risk factors for lung cancer exist, smoking is the major risk factor. The presence of moderate or severe obstructive lung disease is a significant predictor of lung cancer in the long term (222). The screening for lung cancer in patients at risk is, however, still a matter of debate (223). It may affect children and adults, and result in excessive daytime somnolence and poor performance. It has been associated with increased frequency of accidents and arterial hypertension. The prevalence of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome increases with age, with a peak between the ages of 55 to 60 years (45­ 48). Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a clinical disorder marked by recurring episodes of upper airway obstruction that lead to markedly reduced (hypopnea) or absent (apnea) airflow at the nose or mouth. These episodes are usually accompanied by loud snoring and hypoxemia, and are typically terminated by brief micro-arousals, which result in sleep fragmentation (224). Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are typically unaware of such arousals, but the resulting deterioration in sleep quality contributes greatly to excessive daytime sleepiness. Most obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients have no detectable respiratory abnormality while awake. Prevalence the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome has been extensively studied in recent decades and has been variously estimated at between 1% and over 6% of the adult population (225­229). The Wisconsin cohort study, which studied 1069 employed men and women between 30 and 60 years of age by means of full polysomnography (225) found that 9% of women and 24% of men had an apnea index greater than 5 per hour but this estimate of prevalence fell to 2% of women and 4% of men when an apnea index >5 was combined with symptomatic daytime sleepiness. These findings underline the importance of not viewing obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in terms of sleep-related breathing disturbances alone. In Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, the prevalence of symptomatic obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is over 4% of men and over 2% of women ranging in age from 30 to 60 years (230, 231). A summary of prevalence from other major epidemiological studies is provided in Table 13. However, sex-specific hormones may play a role, with androgens promoting upper airway collapsibility (232), while progesterone, in contrast, seems to lead to an augmented ventilatory response. While many of these subjects are otherwise asymptomatic for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, there is evidence that sleep apnea in elderly people has an adverse prognosis (234). Children may develop a sleep apnea syndrome similar to that seen in adults, and various epidemiological reports suggest a relatively high prevalence, although somewhat less than in adults (235, 236). The etiology of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children differs from the etiology in adults in that adenotonsillar hypertrophy is the most common cause of the disorder, although the increasing prevalence of obesity among children in recent years represents an important contributing factor in many cases. Many children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can be helped by tonsillectomy. Morbidity and mortality the principal physical morbidity and mortality of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome relates to the cardiovascular system. However, there is a high prevalence of other cardiovascular risk factors in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, which makes the identification of an independent contribution from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome to cardiovascular disease more difficult (237). The Sleep Heart Health Study, which includes over 6000 volunteer subjects undergoing in-home polysomnography, identified a modest independent association with hypertension (odds ratio 1. The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort study identified an even stronger correlation with an odds ratio of 3. There is also growing evidence of an independent link between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome to other cardiovascular diseases. In the Sleep Heart Health Study cohort, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome emerged as an independent risk factor for congestive cardiac failure (odds ratio 2. Furthermore, effective continuous positive airway pressure therapy decreases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as demonstrated in long-term cardiovascular outcome studies (241­243). One study reported that obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients used more than twice as many healthcare services in the 10-year period prior to diagnosis compared to controls (244), and the excess cost compared to control subjects was in the region of 4265 Canadian dollars per patient. Furthermore, the same group reported a significant reduction in health-care costs in the two-year period after introduction of continuous positive airway pressure therapy, compared to the 5-year period before diagnosis and also compared to matched controls during the same 7-year period of followup (246).

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Self-interpretation may involve not only the content depression definition health order zoloft 100 mg free shipping, but the associated emotion that the dream invokes anxiety zone ms buy on line zoloft. Troubling life circumstances provide the fodder for sleep researcher Rosalind Cartwright (Cartwright anxiety 5 point scale best zoloft 25mg, Lloyd vapor pressure depression definition chemistry order zoloft mastercard, Knight, & Trenholme, 1984; Cartwright, Kavits, Eastman, & Wood, 1991). Cartwright found that dream content and topics differed among subjects, but the themes were congruent with the waking response to the problem. Indeed, the content and themes of dreams may be useful in helping to solve many personal problems. We once treated depression in a patient who was also a smoker trying to kick the habit. In his dream, his whole body was turned grotesquely inside out, showing his lung, which was full of tumors and pus, to the outside world. An interesting exercise in exploring your own "dream consciousness" is to keep a dream journal for collecting and analyzing the content and themes of your dreams. Alan Hobson reminds us that the absurdity of dreams and the temporary "impairment" of judgment and cognition that occur during dreaming are common phenomena. Temporary disinhibition of the cortex may very well represent a physiological disconnection of aspects of the frontal lobes from other cortical and limbic centers. This may help to explain our often bizarre logic and lack of self-reflection during dreams. But what of those brain-impaired individuals who have structural damage resulting in waking disinhibition? For some people, however, sleeping can become a medical emergency, as during sleep apnea, or intrude into wakefulness, as in narcolepsy. Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea has become the most common disorder the sleep literature describes and the most common presenting problem that sleep disorder centers evaluate (Guilleminault, 1982). This, of course, presents an immediate crisis for the body, because of the danger of hypoxia and of increased rapid heart rate and blood pressure. The apnea finally stops when, in an effort to breathe, the patient arouses, gasping for air. If repeated apnea and awakening occur more than five times an hour, the patient is diagnosed with sleep apnea (Figure 16. Serious cases may show more than 500 apneas per night, each one lasting more than 10 to 120 seconds and terminating with at least partial arousal. In addition to markedly disrupted sleep characterized by a significant absence of the normal progression of sleep stages, dangerously low levels of oxygen to the brain may result. Apnea periods usually produce declines in sleep-related blood oxyhemoglobin saturation and increases in carbon dioxide. This condition, known as hypoxia, is associated with below-average levels of oxygenated blood, often below 60% (normal is 95%). At point 3, the patient is fully asleep (notice the relaxation of the chin electromyogram and absence of breathing). In the second mechanism of sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, disordered breathing is related to the brain failing to send the necessary signals to breathe. In either case, the disorder is serious and often associated with severe O2 desaturation. Complications of apnea result in poor physical health and associated neuropsychological deficits of poor concentration and memory (Barth, Findley, Zillmer, Gideon, & Surrat, 1993). The cause of sleep apnea is not well understood, although age, obesity, and being male are all risks. Generally, researchers consider sleep apnea episodes to be caused by a complex interaction of physiologic and anatomic factors. Clinical features that are characteristic of the syndrome include excessive daytime sleepiness, heart failure, hypertension, headaches, disturbing snoring, irritability, sleep disruption, and personality changes. Hypoxia may also lead to disturbed fluid and electrolyte distribution within the sodium-potassium pump, and it alters brain adenosine levels in animals. In addition, in patients with sleep apnea, cerebral blood flow studies demonstrate abnormally decreased blood flow, which may further compromise neuropsychological functioning because of decreased neuronal activity (Guilleminault & Dement, 1978). Sleep apnea can have serious psychosocial effects as well, including significant changes in adaptive functioning (Zillmer, Ware, Rose, & Bond, 1989). Most treatment efforts focus on relief of apneas through surgical and mechanical means.

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Aspects of higher mental processing such as memory depression definition francais cheap zoloft online master card, executive functioning depression documentary order zoloft master card, emotional processing mood disorder risperdal buy genuine zoloft on line, language anxiety helpline discount zoloft 50 mg overnight delivery, and consciousness are discussed as systems in subsequent chapters. This phenomenon has become so popularized, in fact, that many have taken to differentiating people according to the notion of being "right-brained" or "left-brained. Much of what has been discovered about lateralization of function has come from the study of brains by one of four methods. In the first instance, destroying cortical tissue creates a situation similar to that which Broca encountered, whereby location of a function is inferred if damage to a particular area results in loss of that function. The second line of evidence has come from split-brain patients who have undergone the surgical separation of the corpus callosum, leaving the two hemispheres largely unable to communicate with each other. Third, epilepsy patients being considered for surgery typically submit to anesthesia of one cortical hemisphere at a time in a procedure called the Wada test. While one hemisphere is "unconscious," neurologists test the functional abilities of the opposite conscious hemisphere in isolation. Finally, neurosurgeons also electrically stimulate specific cortical areas to delineate boundaries of function before removing brain tissue. These methods have provided valuable converging evidence regarding general brain function and lateralization. However, all these methods seek to measure brain functioning in an "unnatural state. In addition, the patients being assessed typically have a brain disorder of some type. These latter two techniques should further increase our understanding of hemispheric and regional brain functioning. The term hemispheric asymmetry refers to the differentiation in morphology and physiology of the brain between the right and left hemispheres. The terms lateralization and dominance refer to the differences in functional specialization between the two hemispheres. Paul Broca first determined that damage to the frontal operculum of the left hemisphere resulted in loss of speech (aphasia), whereas the right hemisphere appeared to play little or no role in language processing. To say speech and language are lateralized to the left hemisphere denotes a functional dominance of the left hemisphere over the right hemisphere for language processing. Dominance does not mean that one hemisphere has complete or total responsibility for a function, but rather plays a primary or major role in the support of a function. For example, although there is significant empirical support for the lateralization of language to the left hemisphere (for most people), research has demonstrated that the right hemisphere is, in fact, able to perform a limited number of language functions such as understanding and processing of rudimentary linguistic contents. It is unable, however, to process complex linguistic information, and only rarely is able to communicate via speech. In addition, as discussed later, the right hemisphere plays a major and complementary role in regulating the nonverbal aspects of speech and language. Because of the decussation of the sensory and motor tracks from the brain to the spinal cord, the right hemisphere shows greater involvement in the control of the left hand, whereas the left hemisphere is associated with modulation of the right hand. Although the concept of preferred handedness appears simple to ascertain, there continues to be disagreement over the definition of the concept. For example, some researchers have defined preferred handedness based on the hand the individual uses to write, whereas others prefer to look to the hand the person uses across a number of activities to determine preference. The latter definition lends to representing handedness as a differential variable that ranges on a bipolar continuum, with one extreme indicating complete right-handedness and the other extreme complete left-handedness. Finally, preferred handedness has been defined by the relative efficiency or speed of the hands. The latter definition shifts the emphasis from "preference" to "proficiency" of hand use. Left-handed individuals are also likely to show left hemisphere lateralization for language, although to a lesser extent than right-handed individuals. Predominately left hemisphere lateralization was found in 78% of the individuals, whereas 8% were predominantly right hemisphere lateralized, and 14% showed symmetric lateralization.

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