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Fortunately symptoms quad strain order cheap thorazine on line, it is a readily modifiable risk factor medications you cant drink alcohol buy on line thorazine, unlike age medications blood thinners purchase thorazine 100 mg overnight delivery, gender medicine jokes order thorazine cheap, and genetic influences. The focal infection theory of the early twentieth century was widely and appropriately discredited when treatment based on the theory, tooth extraction, had no effect on the underlying diseases that oral sepsis supposedly caused. Similarly, the clinical utility of our current knowledge base is only now evolving. Future research will further delineate the role of periodontal infection in systemic health. Longitudinal studies and intervention trials are needed before any causative role can be assigned. The emerging field of periodontal medicine offers new insights into the concept of the oral cavity as one system interconnected with the whole human body. For many years the dental profession has recognized the effects of systemic conditions on the oral cavity. Only now, however, are dental professionals beginning to understand more fully the impact of the periodontium on systemic health. American Diabetes Association: Standards of medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus, Diabetes Care 21(suppl 1):523, 1998. American Diabetes Association: Report of the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Care 26(suppl 1):5, 2003. Maternal periodontal disease is associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia, Obstet Gynecol 101:227, 2003. Chiu B: Multiple infections in carotid atherosclerotic plaques, Am Heart J 138(suppl):534, 1999. Christan C, Dietrich T, Hagewald S, et al: White blood cell count in generalized aggressive periodontitis after non-surgical therapy, J Clin Periodontol 29:201, 2002. Dussault G, Shieham A: Medical theories and professional development: the theory of focal sepsis and dentistry in early twentieth century Britain, Soc Sci Med 16:1405, 1982. Jansson L, Lavstedt S, Frithiof L: Relationship between oral health and mortality rate, J Clin Periodontol 29:1029, 2002. Offenbacher S, Katz V, Fertik G, et al: Periodontal disease as a possible risk factor for preterm low birth weight, J Periodontol 67:1103, 1996. Sammalkorpi K: Glucose intolerance in acute infections, J Intern Med 225:15, 1989. Syrjanen J, Peltola J, Valtonen V, et al: Dental infections in association with cerebral infarction in young and middle-aged men, J Intern Med 225:179, 1989. Thorstensson H, Kuylensteirna J, Hugoson A: Medical status and complications in relation to periodontal disease experience in insulin-dependent diabetics, J Clin Periodontol 23:194, 1996. Travis J, Pike R, Imamura T, et al: the role of proteolytic enzymes in the development of pulmonary emphysema and periodontal disease, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 150:143, 1994. Williams C, Davenport E, Sterne J, et al: Mechanisms of risk in preterm low-birthweight infants, Periodontology 2000 23:142, 2000. These terms, however, are not synonymous with oral malodor, which has its origin in the oral cavity. Breath malodor should not be confused with the momentarily disturbing odor caused by food intake. The same is true for "morning" bad breath, as habitually experienced on awakening. This malodor is caused by decreased salivary flow and increased putrefaction during the night and spontaneously disappears after breakfast or oral hygiene. Several studies in industrialized countries report an incidence as high as 50%, with a various degree of intensity. A large-scale Japanese study of more than 2500 subjects age 18 to 64 years reported that the volatile sulfur components (a measure for bad breath) increased with age, tongue coating, and periodontal inflammation. About one in four subjects exhibited values higher than 75 parts per billion (ppb), which is considered the limit for social acceptance. Gingivitis, periodontitis, and tongue coating were the predominant causative factors.

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