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Although the reasons remains unclear allergy testing portland buy cheap deltasone 5mg, perimenopausal syndrome was still influenced by the loss of a job allergy medicine for sore throat buy 10 mg deltasone with mastercard, introverted or sensitive personality characteristics and constipation allergy medicine green cap deltasone 5 mg sale. Constipation allergy eye drops order deltasone overnight delivery, perimenopausal syndrome and severity of perimenopausal syndrome, resulting in bad mood and impatience, were also risk for depression and anxiety [9]. If women were dissatisfied with their childbearing conditions, they would be more likely to be anxious. Furthermore, the higher the times of cesarean section, the higher the frequency of anxiety among women. However, the higher the monthly household income, the lower the perimenopausal syndrome. Similar to previous findings that showed a significant inverse association among physical activity with menopause symptoms, depression and anxiety, physically active women in our study experienced less severe physical menopause symptoms, depression and anxiety [2, 7, 4649]. Therefore, perspective studies are wanted to illustrate the association between physical exercise and depression. Loh and colleagues demonstrated that recent unhappy events and ethnicity were strongly associated with an increased risk of perimenopausal symptoms in a nation-wide study in a multiracial population [36]. It was reported that diet and genetic factors might also explain the discrepancy in Asian and western women [2]. Asian women typically consumed a diet high in soy with the reduction of menopause symptoms because clinical studies have found soy isoflavone reduced menopause symptoms [21]. Moreover, soy isoflavone also could ameliorate bone mineral density, glucose metabolism in menopausal women [50, 51]. Numerous studies described that the more negative life events recently experienced was related to higher reports of both perimenopausal depression and depression more generally [9]. Some believed overweight or obesity was associated with increased with severity of menopause symptoms in Finland, Turkey, Sweden and Australia [2, 7, 52]. However, the "thin hypothesis" supported that overweight or obese women were less likely to experience vasomotor systems because P450 aromatase enzyme in adipose tissue could convert androgens into estrogens [53]. A number of studies have shown an positive association or trend between education status and frequency of menopausal symptoms and depression, but seldom focused on anxiety [9, 29, 30, 55]. Women in menopausal transition with high educational levels usually have better quality of life, fewer difficulties in purchasing basic consumer goods and better access to health care. This also suggested that education played an important role in making them aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this phase of life. This disparity may be related 12399 to the different classification of educational levels. The marital status assessed as "living with a partner" was significantly associated with the occurrence of severe menopause symptoms. However, an cross-sectional study performed on Israeli women failed to report this correlation [46]. Previous studies also demonstrates that smoking was associated with menopause symptoms and minor psychiatric disorders [47]. Some reported that the higher the number of parities, the more severe the menopause symptoms, which could be attributed to the stress involved in the upbringing of children, with the burden becoming greater as the number of children that need to be taken care of increases [29, 30]. However, one Norwegian survey and two American cohort studies reported the absence of associations between parity and menopause symptoms; and a Jordanian study found some influence of parity on the occurrence of menopause symptoms, although without statistical significance [42, 56-58]. Simultaneously, a Dongfeng-Tongji cohort study among Chinese women showed that parity was significantly risk for coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome like diabetes mellitus, stroke and cataract, possibly due to abnormal metabolism caused by hormonal changes [59-63]. However, the associations between parity and psychiatric disorders were seldom investigated, therefore, randomized controlled trials are warranted in future studies. Furthermore, social inequalities, the design of setting, healthy or unhealthy cities, problems to national health resources and loss of traditional situation could make severe alterations to women in health, which should be paid more attention [1, 64, 65]. As is known to all, the fluctuations and deficiency of ovarian hormone are the main reasons for perimenopausal syndrome, depression and anxiety [17, 30, 66, 67]. Moreover, recent studies have suggested that decreased secretion of estrogen might interference the secretion of Int J Clin Exp Med 2017;10(8):12382-12403 Perimenopausal syndrome and mood disorders in perimenopause catecholamine, which caused the changes of dopamine and norepinephrine, affecting normal secretion and metabolic process of serotonin. However, the actual mechanisms still remain unclear and further studies are required to clarify the mechanisms. We recruited a community-derived sample of 2336 women aged 40 to 60 years who fully provided their detailed information of the self-reported questionnaire, which was used to comprehensively measure the prevalence, severity, associations and risk factors of perimenopausal syndrome, depression and anxiety, and investigate the awareness rate of perimenopausal knowledge in a same population for the first time. Community-based sampling allowed greater representation, and thus enhanced the generalizability of the results. In addition, except for the general conditions questionnaire and perimenopausal knowledge questionnaire, the remaining international rating scales are commonly used to evaluate perimenopausal syndrome, depression and anxiety.

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