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By: F. Joey, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Assist patient in identifying previous practices that may have been harmful to self (alcohol and drug abuse) antibiotic resistance policy buy cheap respazit 500mg online. Accomplishing these goals serves as positive reinforcement and increases self-esteem antimicrobial office products cheap respazit 250mg mastercard. Assists patient in identifying resources and accepting assistance from others when indicated 8 antibiotics for uti and kidney stones order 250 mg respazit with visa. Recognition and acknowledgment of the harmful effects of these practices are necessary for identifying a healthier lifestyle antibiotics vs antimicrobial cheap respazit 500mg line. Expected Outcomes · Identifies resources that are not harmful · Verbalizes that some of previous lifestyle practices have been harmful anger, anxiety · Uses healthy expressions of frustration, Nursing Diagnosis: Chronic pain and discomfort related to enlarged tender liver and ascites Goal: Increased level of comfort 1. Reduces irritability of the gastrointestinal tract and decreases abdominal pain and discomfort 3. Provides baseline to detect further deterioration of status and to evaluate interventions 4. Removal of ascites fluid may decrease abdominal discomfort · Reports pain and discomfort if present · Maintains bed rest and decreases activity in presence of pain · Takes antispasmodic and sedatives as indicated and as prescribed discomfort · Reports decreased pain and abdominal · Reduces sodium and fluid intake to prescribed levels if indicated to treat ascites appropriate weight changes paracentesis · Exhibits decreased abdominal girth and · Reports decreased discomfort after Nursing Diagnosis: Fluid volume excess related to ascites and edema formation Goal: Restoration of normal fluid volume 1. Record intake and output every 1 to 8 hours depending on response to interventions and on patient acuity. Promotes excretion of fluid through the kidneys and maintenance of normal fluid and electrolyte balance 3. Promotes consumption of adequate carbohydrates for energy requirements and spares protein from breakdown for energy 3. Provides protection for the patient should hepatic coma and seizure activity occur 6. Provides close monitoring of new symptoms and minimizes trauma to the confused patient 8. Prevents masking of symptoms of hepatic coma and prevents drug overdose secondary to reduced ability of the damaged liver to metabolize opioids and barbiturates 9. Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for imbalanced body temperature: hyperthermia related to inflammatory process of cirrhosis or hepatitis Goal: Maintenance of normal body temperature, free from infection 1. Minimizes risk of further infection and further increases in body temperature and metabolic rate 6. May occur with bacterial peritonitis · Exhibits normal temperature and reports absence of chills or sweating infection · Demonstrates adequate intake of fluids · Exhibits no evidence of local or systemic (continued) Chapter 39 Assessment and Management of Patients With Hepatic Disorders 1111 Plan of Nursing Care the Patient With Impaired Liver Function (Continued) Nursing Interventions Rationale Expected Outcomes Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective breathing pattern related to ascites and restriction of thoracic excursion secondary to ascites, abdominal distention, and fluid in the thoracic cavity Goal: Improved respiratory status 1. Reduces abdominal pressure on the diaphragm and permits fuller thoracic excursion and lung expansion 2. Paracentesis and thoracentesis (performed to remove fluid from the abdominal and thoracic cavities, respectively) may be frightening to the patient. Provides record of fluid removed and indication of severity of limitation of lung expansion by fluid. Indicates irritation of the pleural space and evidence of pneumothorax or hemothorax. Monitor vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate) every 4 hours or more frequently, depending on acuity. Assess skin temperature, level of consciousness every 4 hours or more frequently, depending on acuity. Monitor gastrointestinal secretions and output (emesis, stool for occult or obvious bleeding). Use measures to prevent constipation such as adequate fluid intake; stool softeners. Allows early detection of signs and symptoms of bleeding and hemorrhage · Experiences no episodes of bleeding and hemorrhage patient · Vital signs are within acceptable range for · No evidence of bleeding from gastrointestinal tract · Hematocrit and hemoglobin levels within acceptable limits · Turns and moves without straining and increasing intra-abdominal pressure · No straining with bowel movements · No further bleeding episodes if aggressive · 2. Minimizes increases in intra-abdominal pressure that could lead to rupture and bleeding of esophageal or gastric varices · treatment of bleeding and hemorrhage was needed Patient and family state rationale for treatments Patient and family identify supports available to them Patient and family describe signs and symptoms of a recurrent bleeding episode and identify needed action (continued) Plan of Nursing Care the Patient With Impaired Liver Function (Continued) Nursing Interventions 3. Have equipment (Blakemore tube, medications, intravenous fluids) available if indicated. Assist with procedures and therapy needed to treat gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhage. Monitor respiratory status every hour and minimize risk of respiratory complications if esophageal tamponade is needed. Prepare patient physically and psychologically for other treatment modalities if needed.

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Shock may be described as inadequate cellular oxygenation accompanied by the inability to excrete waste products of metabolism antibiotics for urine/kidney infection purchase respazit 100mg with amex. Hypovolemic shock is characterized by a fall in venous pressure antibiotic 7 days buy respazit 500mg amex, a rise in peripheral resistance antibiotics buy online quality respazit 100 mg, and tachycardia treating dogs for dry skin respazit 250mg cheap. Neurogenic shock, a less common cause of shock in the surgical patient, occurs as a result of decreased arterial resistance caused by spinal anesthesia. It is characterized by a fall in blood Maintaining a Patent Airway the primary objective in the immediate postoperative period is to maintain pulmonary ventilation and thus prevent hypoxemia (reduced oxygen in the blood) and hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide in the blood). Both can occur if the airway is obstructed and ventilation is reduced (hypoventilation). Patients who have experienced prolonged anesthesia usually are unconscious, with all muscles relaxed. When the patient lies on his or her back, the lower jaw and the tongue fall backward and the air passages become obstructed. Signs of occlusion include choking, noisy and irregular respirations, decreased oxygen saturation scores, and within minutes a blue, dusky color (cyanosis) of the skin. To regain backward tilt of the neck, lift with both hands at the ascending rami of the mandible. Airway Tongue Epiglottis Trachea Esophagus pressure due to pooling of blood in dilated capacitance vessels (those with the ability to change volume capacity). Cardiogenic shock is unlikely in the surgical patient except if the patient has severe preexisting cardiac disease or experienced a myocardial infarction during surgery. The airway passes over the base of the tongue and permits air to pass into the pharynx in the region of the epiglottis. The airway should remain in place until the patient recovers sufficiently to breathe normally. As the patient regains consciousness, the airway usually causes irritation and should be removed. Cardiotonic, vasodilator, and corticosteroid medications may be prescribed to improve cardiac function and reduce peripheral vascular resistance. The patient is kept warm while avoiding overheating to prevent cutaneous vessels from dilating and depriving vital organs of blood. It can present insidiously or emergently at any time in the immediate postoperative period or up to several days after surgery (Table 20-1). When blood loss is extreme, the patient is apprehensive, restless, and thirsty; the skin is cold, moist, and pale. The pulse rate increases, the temperature falls, and respirations are rapid and deep, often of the gasping type spoken of as "air hunger. Transfusing blood or blood products and determining the cause of hemorrhage are the initial therapeutic measures. If bleeding is evident, a sterile gauze pad and a pressure dressing are applied, and the site of the bleeding is elevated to heart level if possible. The patient is placed in the shock position (flat on back; legs elevated at a 20-degree angle; knees kept straight). If the source of bleeding is concealed, the patient may be taken back to the operating room for emergency exploration of the surgical site. Dysrhythmias are associated with electrolyte imbalance, altered respiratory function, pain, hypothermia, stress, and anesthetic medications. The nurse checks the medical record for special needs and concerns of the patient. Intravenous or intramuscular administration of droperidol (Inapsine) is common, especially in the ambulatory setting. Other medications such as metoclopramide (Reglan), prochlorperazine (Compazine), and promethazine (Phenergan) are commonly prescribed (Karch, 2002; Meeker & Rothrock, 1999). Although it is costly, ondansetron (Zofran) is a frequently used, effective antiemetic with few side effects. Time Frame Primary Intermediary Secondary Hemorrhage occurs at the time of surgery.

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Those without chest pain tend to be older or women broad spectrum antibiotics for sinus infection safe 250 mg respazit, or to have diabetes or a history of heart failure bacterial respiratory infection purchase respazit australia. Women have been found to have more atypical symptoms of myocardial ischemia (eg antibiotics work for sinus infection cheap 250 mg respazit free shipping, shortness of breath antibiotic resistance npr respazit 500mg for sale, nausea, unusual fatigue) than men (Meischke et al. Risk Factors Epidemiologic studies point to several factors that increase the probability that heart disease will develop. Major risk factors include use of tobacco, hypertension, elevated blood lipid levels, family history of premature cardiovascular disease (first-degree relative with cardiovascular disease at age 55 or younger for men and at age 65 or younger for women) and age (>45 years for men; >55 years for women). If the total points add up to more than 15 for men or 23 for women, the person has a greater than 20% risk for a cardiac event within 10 years. For example, the Homocysteine Studies Collaboration (2002) found that lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid, were modestly associated with reduced risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke. The results of these retrospective studies suggest that homocysteine may promote atherosclerosis. A meta-analysis of prospective studies was done that showed a significant association between homocysteine levels and ischemic heart disease as well as between homocysteine and stroke (Wald, Law, & Morris, 2002). The American Heart Association has stated that until the results of large-scale randomized trials become available, routine testing of homocysteine concentrations cannot be justified (Malinow, Bostom, & Krauss, 1999). Management of Patients With Coronary Vascular Disorders 715 Chart 28-2 Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease A modifiable risk factor is one over which individuals may exercise control, such as by changing a lifestyle or personal habit or by using medication. A nonmodifiable risk factor is a circumstance over which individuals have no control, such as age or heredity. The more risk factors individuals have, the greater the likelihood of coronary artery disease. Those at risk are advised to seek regular medical examinations and to engage in "heart-healthy" behavior (a deliberate effort to reduce the number and extent of risks). As a result, they receive much attention in health promotion programs (Chart 28-2). The metabolism of fats is important in understanding the development of heart disease. Fats, which are insoluble in water, are encased in water-soluble lipoproteins to allow them to be transported within a circulatory system that is water-based. Cholesterol and the lipoproteins are synthesized by the liver or ingested as part of the diet. Subsequently, lipids should be monitored every 6 weeks until the desired level is achieved and then every 4 to 6 months (Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, 2001). Management of elevated triglyceride focuses on weight reduction and increased physical activity. Medications such as nicotinic acid and fibric acids (eg, fenofibrate [Tricor], clofibrate [Atromid-S]) may also be prescribed, especially if the triglyceride level is above 500 mg/dL (Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, 2001). However, these recommendations may need to be adjusted to match the individual patient who has other nutritional needs, such as the requirements for pregnancy or diabetes. Soluble fibers, which are found in fresh fruit, cereal grains, vegetables, and legumes, enhance the excretion of metabolized cholesterol. Intake of at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber each day is recommended (Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, 2001). Many resources are available to assist people who are attempting to control their cholesterol levels. Triglyceride is another fatty substance, made up of fatty acids, that is transported through the blood by a lipoprotein. Trans-fatty acids are formed from the processing (manufacturing, hydrogenation) of vegetable oils into a more solid form. The effects of trans-fatty acids are similar to saturated fats (ie, raising low-density lipoprotein and lowering high-density lipoprotein). Carbohydrates should be derived predominately from foods rich in complex carbohydrates, including grains, especially whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Cookbooks and recipes that include the nutritional breakdown of foods can be included as resources for patients. Dietary control has been made easier because food manufacturers are required to provide comprehensive nutritional data on product labels.


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