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By: K. Sivert, M.A., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

Other connections from these areas result in impulses reaching the cerebral cortex spasms diaphragm purchase 2mg tizanidine with visa. The organ of hearing spasms during sleep buy cheap tizanidine 2 mg on line, which lies in the snail shaped cochlea muscle relaxant herbal supplement purchase tizanidine 4 mg fast delivery, is the organ of Corti muscle relaxer kick in purchase tizanidine 2 mg fast delivery. It is surrounded by endolymph filling the membranous cochlea or cochlear duct, which is the membranous tube within the bony cochlea. Specialized hair cells on the organ of Corti generate nerve impulses when they are bent by the movement or endolymph set in motion by sound waves (Figures 7-16 and 7-17). The Taste Receptors the chemical receptors that generate nervous impulses resulting in the sense of taste are called taste buds. About 10,000 of these microscopic receptors are found on the sides of much larger structure on the tongue called papillae and also as portions of other tissues in the mouth and throat. Nervous impulses are generated by specialized cells in taste buds, called gustatory cells. They respond to dissolved chemicals in the saliva that bathe the tongue and mouth 194 Human Anatomy and Physiology Figure 7-18. All other flavors result from a combination of taste bud and olfacctory receptor stimulation. In other words, the myriads of tastes recognized are not tastes alone but tastes plus odors. For this reason a cold that interferes with the stimulation of the olfactory receptors by odors from foods in the mouth markedly dulls taste sensations. The Smell Receptors the chemical receptors responsible for the sense of smell are located in a small area of epithelial tissue in the upper part o the nasal cavity (Figure 7-19). The location of the olfactory receptors is somewhat hidden, and we are often forced to forcefully sniff air to smell delicate odors. Each olfactory cell has a number of specialized cilia that sense different chemicals and cause the cell to respond by generating a nervous impulse. To be detected by olfactory receptors, chemicals must be dissolved in the watery mucus that lines the nasal cavity. After the olfactory cells are stimulated by odor-causing chemicals, the resulting nerve impulse travels through the olfactory nerves in the olfactory bulb and tract and then enters the thalamic and olfactory centers of the brain, where the nervous impulses are 197 Human Anatomy and Physiology interpreted as specific odors. The pathways taken by olfactory nerve impulses and the area where these impulses are interpreted are closely associated with areas of the brain important in memory and emotion. For this reason, we may retain vivid and long-lasting memories of particular smells and odors. Temporary reduction of sensitivity to smells often results from colds and other nasal infections. Progressive reduction of the sense of smells often seen in smokers because of the damaging effects the pollutants in tobacco smoke. In olfaction, as with all the special senses, advancing age often brings a structural degeneration that result in reduced function. It is no wonder that many older adults become isolated and depressed when their contact with the outside world, the special senses, is gradually lost. Caring health professionals recognize these signs of aging and provide assistance needed by their aged patients to enjoy life. General Sense Organs Groups of highly specialized and localized receptors are typically associated with the special senses. In the sense organs, however, receptors are found in almost every part of the body. To demonstrate this fact, try touching any point pf your skin with the tip of a toothpick. You can hardly miss stimulating at least one receptor and almost instantaneously 198 Human Anatomy and Physiology experiencing a sensation of touch. Stimulation of some receptors leads to the sensation of heat; Stimulation of others gives the sensation of cold, and stimulation of still others gives the sensation of pain or pressure. When special receptors in the muscles and joints are stimulated, you sense the position of the different parts of the body and know whether they are moving and in which direction they are moving without even looking at them. Perhaps you have never realized that you have this sense of position and movement a sense called proprioception or kinaesthesia. Lippincot Company) 199 Human Anatomy and Physiology Disruption of general sense organs can occur by a variety of mechanisms.

Elevated intraocular pressure of any etiology spasms synonyms cheap tizanidine 4mg online, if left untreated spasms 1982 tizanidine 4 mg visa, can lead to serious sequelae including permanent vision loss spasms hiccups generic 2mg tizanidine overnight delivery. Decreased sweating and an elevation in body temperature above normal characterized these cases spasms during meditation order generic tizanidine pills. Some of the cases were reported after exposure to elevated environmental temperatures. This metabolic acidosis is caused by renal bicarbonate loss due to the inhibitory effect of topiramate on carbonic anhydrase. Such electrolyte imbalance has been observed with the use of topiramate in placebo-controlled clinical trials and in the postmarketing period. Generally, topiramate-induced metabolic acidosis occurs early in treatment although cases can occur at any time during treatment. Bicarbonate decrements are usually mild-moderate (average decrease of 4 mEq/L at daily doses of 400 mg in adults and at approximately 6 mg/kg/day in pediatric patients); rarely, patients can experience severe decrements to values below 10 mEq/L. In adults, the incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate (levels of <20 mEq/L at two consecutive visits or at the final visit) in controlled clinical trials for adjunctive treatment of epilepsy was 32% for 400 mg/day, and 1% for placebo. The incidence of persistent treatmentemergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in adults in the epilepsy controlled clinical trial for monotherapy was 15% for 50 mg/day and 25% for 400 mg/day. Serum bicarbonate levels have not been systematically evaluated at daily doses greater than 400 mg/day. Cases of moderately severe metabolic acidosis have been reported in patients as young as 5 months old, especially at daily doses above 5 mg/kg/day. Although not approved for use in patients under 2 years of age with partial onset seizures, a controlled trial that examined this population revealed that topiramate produced a metabolic acidosis that is notably greater in magnitude than that observed in controlled trials in older children and adults. The incidence of metabolic acidosis (defined by a serum bicarbonate <20 mEq/L) was 0% for placebo, 30% for 5 mg/kg/day, 50% for 15 mg/kg/day, and 45% for 25 mg/kg/day. In pediatric patients (6 to 15 years of age), the incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in the epilepsy controlled clinical trial for monotherapy was 9% for 50 mg/day and 25% for 400 mg/day. In adult patients (>16 years of age), the incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in the epilepsy controlled clinical trial for monotherapy was 14% for 50 mg/day and 25% for 400 mg/day. The incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in placebocontrolled trials for adults for prophylaxis of migraine was 44% for 200 mg/day, 39% for 100 mg/day, 23% for 50 mg/day, and 7% for placebo. Some manifestations of acute or chronic metabolic acidosis may include hyperventilation, nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue and anorexia, or more severe sequelae including cardiac arrhythmias or stupor. Chronic, untreated metabolic acidosis may increase the risk for nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis, and may also result in osteomalacia (referred to as rickets in pediatric patients) and/or osteoporosis with an increased risk for fractures. The effect of topiramate on growth and bone-related sequelae has not been systematically investigated in long-term, placebo-controlled trials. Topiramate treatment that causes metabolic acidosis during pregnancy can possibly produce adverse effects on the fetus and might also cause metabolic acidosis in the neonate from possible transfer of topiramate to the fetus [see Warnings and Precautions (5. Measurement of baseline and periodic serum bicarbonate during topiramate treatment is recommended. If metabolic acidosis develops and persists, consideration should be given to reducing the dose or discontinuing topiramate (using dose tapering). There were four suicides in drug-treated patients in the trials and none in placebo-treated patients, but the number is too small to allow any conclusion about drug effect on suicide. Because most trials included in the analysis did not extend beyond 24 weeks, the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior beyond 24 weeks could not be assessed. The risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior was generally consistent among drugs in the data analyzed. The risk did not vary substantially by age (5 to 100 years) in the clinical trials analyzed. Should suicidal thoughts and behavior emerge during treatment, the prescriber needs to consider whether the emergence of these symptoms in any given patient may be related to the illness being treated. In adults, the most frequent of these can be classified into three general categories: 1) Cognitive-related dysfunction.

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This may be partly because of the darkadapted retina behind the cataract and partly because the incoming light is scattered by the opaque lens xanax muscle relaxer generic tizanidine 4mg free shipping, allowing more light to hit the macular area directly (89­92) muscle relaxant brand names discount tizanidine 2 mg visa. DuBois and Sadun also suggested that retinal sensitivity may be upregulated slowly behind a cataract by a neurogenic mechanism that is unrelated to routine receptor photochemistry (81) muscle relaxant esophageal spasm cheap 4mg tizanidine amex. Additionally muscle relaxer sleep aid buy line tizanidine, an asymmetric distribution of efferent impulses from each pretectal nucleus to the Edinger-Westphal nuclei would produce an efferent deficit in the eye contralateral to the lesion. This makes the examination more difficult, but it is necessary in some clinical settings. Pretectal Nucleus A unilateral lesion in the pretectal nucleus or in the brachium of the superior colliculus from an arteriovenous malformation, infarct, tumor, or other lesion will damage the afferent pupillomotor fibers that derive from the ipsilateral optic tract. Whether further investigation is warranted for such patients should be individualized based on the clinical setting. Wernicke Pupil When the optic chiasm is bisected sagittally, the nasal halves of each retina become insensitive to light so that there is not only a bitemporal hemianopia but also a bitemporal pupillary hemiakinesia; that is, light falling on the nasal retina of either eye will fail to produce a pupillary constriction. Clinical demonstration of this sign with a flashlight is difficult because of intraocular scatter: when light strikes the retina in one quadrant, it tends to be spread evenly, and the beam from a flashlight directed upon the blind hemiretina thus spills onto the seeing half, causing pupillary constriction. Thus, if a very bright but small beam of light such as that produced by a slit lamp is shined on the nonseeing hemiretina of a patient with damage to the optic chiasm or optic tract and then is shined on the seeing hemiretina, it is possible to see that the pupil reacts better when the light shines on the seeing hemiretina than when it shines on the nonseeing retina. However, for practical purposes, the results of this test when performed at the bedside are often inconclusive and unreliable, and this has disappointed several generations of ophthalmologists and neurologists since Wernicke popularized the test in 1883. Poorly Reacting Pupils from Midbrain Disease Fixed dilated pupils and pupils that react poorly to both light and near stimuli may be produced by damage to the visceral oculomotor nuclei and their efferent fiber tracts. The precise location of such lesions is almost impossible to determine unless there is associated evidence of ocular motor nerve dysfunction. Other midbrain lesions damage the afferent input to the Edinger-Westphal nuclei or cause combined afferent and efferent damage. With a bright light stimulus, four patients had impairment of both light and near reactions, two patients had markedly impaired light reactions and relatively intact responses to near stimuli (classic light­near dissociation), and two patients had relatively intact light reactions but impaired responses to near stimuli (inverse Argyll Robertson pupils). With a dim light stimulus, five patients had impairment of reactions to both light and near stimuli and three patients had impaired light reactions but relatively intact reactions to near stimuli. It seems that various combinations of defects involving the pupil light reflex, the pupil near response, and accommodation can occur with lesions of the rostral midbrain. Bilateral complete internal ophthalmoplegia, when caused by damage to the rostral oculomotor nuclear complex, rarely occurs in isolation. Lesions that produce these changes must be located in the periaqueductal gray matter near the rostral end of the aqueduct. Subsequent investigators confirmed this observation and reported similar paradoxical pupillary responses in children and adults with congenital achromatopsia, blue-cone monochromatism, and Leber congenital amaurosis (109,110). In addition, such responses occasionally occur in patients with optic disc hypoplasia, dominant optic atrophy, and bilateral optic neuritis. A careful slit-lamp examination to assess the health and integrity of the iris stroma and muscles is an important step in the evaluation of anisocoria. As most efferent disturbances causing anisocoria are unilateral, two simple maneuvers are helpful in determining whether it is the sympathetic or parasympathetic innervation to the eye that is dysfunctional: (1) checking the pupillary light reflex and (2) measuring the anisocoria in darkness and in bright light. When the larger pupil has an obviously impaired reaction to light stimulation, it is likely the cause of the anisocoria. One can presume the problem lies somewhere along the parasympathetic pathway to the sphincter muscle. Common etiologies include an acute tonic pupil, oculomotor nerve palsy, or pharmacologic blockade. If both pupils have a good light reflex and the degree of anisocoria decreases in bright light. The evaluation of anisocoria is described in the following sections and outlined in Figure 16. In dim light or darkness, almost 20% of the normal population has an anisocoria of 0. This form of anisocoria is known by several names, including physiologic anisocoria, simple central anisocoria, essential anisocoria, and benign anisocoria. The degree of pupillary inequality in physiologic anisocoria may change from day to day or even from hour to hour, however. The anisocoria usually diminishes slightly in bright light, perhaps because the smaller pupil reaches the zone of mechanical resistance first, giving the larger pupil a chance to make up the size difference (117).

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In the United States muscle relaxant at walgreens purchase tizanidine 4 mg free shipping, 80% of adults (age 18 years and older) have consumed alcohol at some time in their lives muscle relaxant use in elderly buy generic tizanidine canada, and 65% are current drinkers (last 12 months) muscle relaxant drugs cyclobenzaprine generic 2mg tizanidine. Polymorphisms of genes for the alcohol-metabolizing enzymes alcohol dehydroge nase and aldehyde dehydrogenase are most often seen in Asians and affect the response to alcohol spasms near tailbone buy tizanidine 2 mg visa. When consuming alcohol, individuals with these gene variations can experience a flushed face and palpitations, reactions that can be so severe as to limit or preclude future alcohol consumption and diminish the risk for alcohol use disorder. These gene variations are seen in as many as 40% of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and related groups worldwide and are related to lower risks for the disorder. Despite small variations regarding individual criterion items, the diagnostic criteria perform equally well across most race/ethnicity groups. Gender-Related Diagnostic issues Males have higher rates of drinking and related disorders than females. However, because females generally weigh less than males, have more fat and less water in their bodies, and metabolize less alcohol in their esophagus and stomach, they are likely to develop higher blood alcohol levels per drink than males. Females who drink heavily may also be more vulnerable than males to some of the physical consequences associated with alcohol, in cluding liver disease. Diagnostic iViaricers Individuals whose heavier drinking places them at elevated risk for alcohol use disorder can be identified both through standardized questionnaires and by elevations in blood test results likely to be seen with regular heavier drinking. These measures do not establish a diagnosis of an alcohol-related disorder but can be useful in highlighting individuals for whom more information should be gathered. The most direct test available to measure al cohol consumption cross-sectionally is blood alcohol concentration, which can also be used to judge tolerance to alcohol. For example, an individual with a concentration of 150 mg of ethanol per deciliter (dL) of blood who does not show signs of intoxication can be pre sumed to have acquired at least some degree of tolerance to alcohol. Other potential markers of heavy drinking that are more nonspecific for alcohol but can help the clinician think of the possible effects of alcohol include elevations in blood levels or lipids. Additional diagnostic markers relate to signs and symptoms that reflect the consequences often associated with persistent heavy drinking. For example, dyspepsia, nausea, and bloat ing can accompany gastritis, and hepatomegaly, esophageal varices, and hemorrhoids may reflect alcohol-induced changes in the liver. Other physical signs of heavy drinking include tremor, unsteady gait, insomnia, and erectile dysfunction. Males with chronic alcohol use dis order may exhibit decreased testicular size and feminizing effects associated with reduced testosterone levels. Repeated heavy drinking in females is associated with menstrual irregu larities and, during pregnancy, spontaneous abortion and fetal alcohol syndrome. Individu als with preexisting histories of epilepsy or severe head trauma are more likely to develop alcohol-related seizures. Alcohol withdrawal may be associated with nausea, vomiting, gas tritis, hematemesis, dry mouth, puffy blotchy complexion, and mild peripheral edema. Functional Consequences of Alcohol Use Disorder the diagnostic features of alcohol use disorder highlight major areas of life functioning likely to be impaired. These include driving and operating machinery, school and work, interpersonal relationships and communication, and health. Alcohol-related disorders contribute to absenteeism from work, job-related accidents, and low employee productiv ity. Rates are elevated in homeless individuals, perhaps reflecting a downward spiral in social and occupational functioning, although most individuals with alcohol use disorder continue to live with their families and function within their jobs. Alcohol use disorder is associated with a significant increase in the risk of accidents, vi olence, and suicide. It is estimated that one in five intensive care unit admissions in some urban hospitals is related to alcohol and that 40% of individuals in the United States ex perience an alcohol-related adverse event at some time in their lives, with alcohol account ing for up to 55% of fatal driving events. Severe alcohol use disorder, especially in individuals with antisocial personality disorder, is associated with the commission of criminal acts, including homicide. Severe problematic alcohol use also contributes to dis inhibition and feelings of sadness and irritability, which contribute to suicide attempts and completed suicides. Unanticipated alcohol withdrawal in hospitalized individuals for whom a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder has been overlooked can add to the risks and costs of hospitalization and to time spent in the hospital.


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