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By: U. Akascha, M.A., M.D.

Co-Director, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine

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The proponent must offer the statement to prove the truth of an assertion contained in the statement organic cholesterol lowering foods cheap tricor 160mg without a prescription. For example cholesterol measurement 160mg tricor mastercard, an uttered statement that constitutes an element of an offense is not hearsay understanding cholesterol ratio best purchase tricor, but may be called an operative fact or a verbal act cholesterol hdl ratio normal value buy tricor 160mg visa. A prior statement of identification of a person made after perceiving the person is admissible as substantive evidence of guilt. The foundation includes: the witness is on 24-61 Chapter 24 Evidence [Back to Beginning of Chapter] the stand subject to cross-examination; the testifying witness made a prior out-of-court identification of a person; where and when the identification occurred; and who was present. No similar rule is imposed on the admission, although for the accused there frequently will be constitutional and statutory rights that must be protected. The proponent must show: the declarant, identified by the witness as the accused, made a statement; if rights warning necessary, the accused was warned of his or her rights and waived them; the oral or written statement was voluntary; and the statement is offered against the accused. Where a "tacit admission" is averred, that is, an adoption by silence, the critical inquiry is whether the accused was faced with self-incrimination issues. If not, the proponent must show the accused had the opportunity to deny the statement, that a reasonable innocent person would have denied it, and that the accused did not do so. As noted above, otherwise inadmissible hearsay is admissible if an exception applies. Most exceptions fall under two broad categories: those assessing reliability (and for which the availability of the declarant is immaterial) under Mil. The second category (under Rule 804) requires that the declarant be unavailable for the present trial, and is addressed later in this outline. The text of Rules 803 and 804 are omitted from this outline due to their length; please refer to your current copy of the Rules. It does, however, apply only to statements made at the time the event is "perceived" or "immediately thereafter. The time element or factor may determine whether the declarant was acting under the stress of excitement. Focus is not on lapse of time since the exciting incident, but whether declarant is under stress of excitement so as to lack opportunity to reflect and to fabricate an untruthful statement. The proponent must show: A startling or stressful event occurred; the declarant had personal knowledge of the event; the declarant made a statement about the event; and the declarant made the statement while he or she was in a state of nervous excitement. Accused charged with various sexual offenses against his seven-year-old stepdaughter. The statement was, however, admissible under the residual exception based on its spontaneity, lack of suggestiveness, corroboration, the non-threatening home environment, and its general similarity to an excited utterance. Case demonstrates the importance of using alternative theories for admissibility of evidence. The military judge specifically found that the victim was still under the stress of a startling event; therefore, the lapse of time was not dispositive. Although the girl had spent the entire day with her mother, they had always been in the company of others. Her statement represented the first opportunity she had to be alone with and speak to a trusted adult. In Bowen, the declarant was both severely intoxicated and impaired by the beating at issue in the case. As small children typically cannot articulate that they expected some benefit from treatment, it is important that someone, like a mother or father, explain to them why they are 24-63 Chapter 24 Evidence [Back to Beginning of Chapter] going to the doctor, the importance of the treatment, and they need to tell what happened to feel better. Statements made to medical personnel not made with expectation of receiving medical benefits but instead for the purpose of facilitating collection of evidence. Referral of a victim to a medical professional by trial counsel "is not a critical factor in deciding whether the medical exception applies to the statements she gave to those treating her. The critical question is whether she had some expectation of treatment when she talked to the caregivers. Craig is not a sufficient reason to hold that the military judge erred by concluding the medical exception applied. Excellent case detailing the differences between using writings to refresh memory under Rule 613 and writings used to establish past recollection recorded under Rule 803(5). Must lay the foundation specified in the Rule: Timely recording by a regularly conducted business activity in accordance with a regular practice of recording. When laying the business records foundation, witness familiarity with the records-keeping system must be sufficient to explain the system and establish the reliability of the documents. Witnesses need not be those who made the actual entries or even the records custodian.

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Unilateral action by a bank in honoring checks cholesterol foods to avoid uk cheap 160mg tricor with mastercard, unknown to the accused cholesterol benefits discount tricor 160 mg on-line, does not constitute a defense lower cholesterol in free range eggs tricor 160 mg cheap. Article 134: Worthless check by dishonorably failing to maintain sufficient funds cholesterol numbers hdl buy 160mg tricor fast delivery. Falsely making checks is a separate offense from uttering them; these actions are not alternative methods of committing the forgery, but distinct types of forgery. Forgery and larceny distinguished: the difference between forgery and larceny is that forgery requires falsity in the making. The act is false because it purports to be the act of someone other than the actual signer (the accused). For either type, the document must have legal efficacy: it must appear either on its face or from extrinsic facts to impose a legal liability on another, or to change a legal right or liability to the prejudice of another. In cases where multiple, discrete instances of check forgery are joined in one specification the maximum punishment is calculated as if they had been charged separately, extending analysis of United States v. A credit application itself is not susceptible of forgery under Article 123, because it, if genuine, would not create any legal right or liability on the part of the purported maker. The term "dishonorable" connotes a state of mind amounting to gross indifference or bad faith, and is characterized by deceit, evasion, false promises, denial of indebtedness, or other distinctly culpable circumstances. Evidence was legally sufficient to support conviction for dishonorable failure to pay a just debt where accused failed to make an arrangement for payment, had made late payments before, failed to contact rental agent even after formal notice, and surreptitiously vacated the apartment without paying, cleaning, or repairing damage. Finally, the "record" must reflect either: (1) the activities of that office or agency; or (2) matters observed and reported pursuant to a lawful duty. A "record" is something which is designed to be a historical memorial of past events. Even if an item meets the definition of a record, it may not qualify as an offense unless it is also a public record. Mere completion of a blank form indicating graduation for an Army school and presentment of that document to Army officials was not "wrongful alteration of public record," absent additional evidence of intent or attempt to use the document to alter the integrity of official Army record. Merely creating a fraudulent document does not, by itself, constitute "making a claim;" some act, not necessarily amounting to presentment for payment, is necessary before a writing is considered a claim. The purpose of Article 107 is to protect governmental departments and agencies from the perversion of its official functions which might result from deceptive practices. The offense of false official statement differs from perjury in that a false official statement may be made outside a judicial proceeding and materiality is not an essential element. Materiality may, however, be relevant to the intent of the party making the statement. While loading equipment for a deployment, the accused and another soldier stole four government computers. The court found that the statement was false for purposes of Article 107 even though it was misleading, but true. The statement falsely implied that he had no explanation for the absence of the computers. The statement also falsely implied that the computers went missing while he was loading up the connex boxes. Paragraph 31c(6)(a) of the Manual for Courts-Martial, which provides that a statement by an accused or suspect during an interrogation is not an official statement within the meaning of Article 107 if that person did not have an independent duty or obligation to speak, does not establish a 20-156 Chapter 20 Crimes [Back to Beginning of Chapter] right that may be asserted by an accused who is charged with violating Article 107. An intentionally deceptive statement made by a service member to civilian authorities may be nonetheless "official" and within the scope of Article 107. False statements made to onbase emergency medical personnel were official for purposes of Art. A number of federal circuit courts apply this doctrine, which stands for the proposition that a person who merely gives a negative response to a law enforcement agent cannot be prosecuted for making a false statement. Prosecuting an accused for making a false official statement about instances of deviant sexual behavior that occurred outside the five-year statute of limitations for such offenses did not violate his due process rights. A physical act or nonverbal conduct intended by a soldier as an assertion is a "statement" that may form the basis for a charge of making "any other" false official statement under Article 107. False swearing is the making, under a lawful oath, of any false statement which the declarant does not believe to be true. The offense of false swearing has seven elements: (1) that the accused took an oath or its equivalent; (2) that the oath or its equivalent was administered to the accused in a matter in which such oath or equivalent was required or authorized by law; (3) that the oath or equivalent was administered by a person having authority to do so, United States v. Although often used interchangeably, perjury and false swearing are different offenses. Perjury requires that the false statement be made in a judicial proceeding and be material to the issue.

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The testimony was seen in the courtroom by the accused cholesterol guidelines calculator order generic tricor pills, jury cholesterol levels u.k order generic tricor online, judge cholesterol serum ratio generic tricor 160mg without a prescription, and other counsel cholesterol killers order tricor on line. Before allowing a child victim to testify in the absence of face-to-face confrontation with the accused, the government must make a case specific showing that: (a) the procedure proposed is necessary to protect the child victim, (b) the child victim would be traumatized by the presence of the accused, and (c) the emotional distress would be more than de minimis. Generally, "more than `mere nervousness or excitement or some reluctance to 25-7 Chapter 25 Confrontation Clause [Back to Beginning of Chapter] testify. The Court stated that confrontation has four component parts that assure reliability. You preserve reliability by preserving as many of these component parts as possible in the proposed procedure. Craig, which laid out the standards for remote live testimony of child abuse victims. Closed circuit television was used so the military judge, counsel, and the reporter could all see the testimony. Further, the fear of a witness need not be fear of imminent harm nor need it be reasonable. An elaborate courtroom arrangement to protect the child victim, which included screens and closed circuit television. Testimony by a psychologist to show the impact conventional testimony would have on the witness. The child victims testified at a judge alone court-martial with their backs to the accused. A psychologist testified for the government in support of the courtroom arrangement. Child victim testified from a chair in the center of the courtroom, facing the military judge with the defense table to the immediate left of her chair. The child victim whispered her answers to her mother who repeated the answers in open court. Craig was satisfied when "[t]he judge impliedly made a necessity finding in this case" (emphasis added). Accused could hear but not see the victim, but the defense counsel cross-examined him. Prosecution witnesses living in Australia declined to travel to the United States for trial. The court further found that the prosecution had failed to establish the necessity for the use of remote testimony when another viable option, deposition under the Federal Rules for Criminal Procedure, was available to the government. At trial, the victims were unavailable to testify in person because of illness and unwillingness to return to the United States. Craig, the Florida Supreme Court pointed out that the Confrontation Clause does not guarantee an absolute right to a face-to-face meeting between a defendant and witnesses; rather, the underlying purpose is to ensure the reliability of trial testimony. He was at Fort Stewart, some distance from the trial location and was scheduled to report to the terminal at midnight that night for a departure at 0600 hours the next morning. Over defense objection, the military judge allowed the witness to testify by telephone. However, the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment requires that the evidence introduced in sentencing meet minimum standards of reliability. The Navy-Marine Corps Court found a violation 25-10 Chapter 25 Confrontation Clause [Back to Beginning of Chapter] of the right to confrontation because the trial judge did not do enough to control the remote location. The government proved its case with six former members of the Mafia, including Peter Savino. Savino was allowed to testify via closed circuit television because he was in the Federal Witness Protection Program and was in the final stages of an inoperable, fatal cancer. The accused has a right "to be present in his own person whenever his presence has a relation, reasonably substantial, to the fullness of his opportunity to defend against the charge. Once lost, the right to be present can be reclaimed if the defendant is willing to conduct himself consistently with the decorum and respect inherent in judicial proceedings. A military judge faced with a disorderly and disruptive accused has three constitutionally-permissible responses: (1) Bind and gag the accused as a last resort, thereby keeping him present; (2) Cite the accused for criminal contempt; (3) Remove the accused from the courtroom until he promises to conduct himself properly. Trial may continue in the absence of the accused when the accused voluntarily absents himself from trial.

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