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By: H. Phil, MD

Assistant Professor, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

Quantification the simplest way is just to look at the location(s) of interest and to detect the incoming contrast agent visually erectile dysfunction caused by fatigue buy genuine viagra with dapoxetine on line. The threshold value is the signal intensity at which the arrival of the given contrast agent seems to be sure erectile dysfunction treatment herbal order viagra with dapoxetine 50/30mg with amex. Most transit time analyses define the threshold as the point of signal intensity which is 10% above the baseline signal erectile dysfunction pump review purchase viagra with dapoxetine 50/30mg on-line, while the baseline signal is defined as the signal intensity without a given contrast agent erectile dysfunction quetiapine discount 100/60 mg viagra with dapoxetine amex. While the time interval for one measurement in the liver is at least 50 sec, it is not possible to do it in apnea. Equipment Very important for the use of transit time analysis as a clinical routine application are the properties of the imaging equipment. Hence the focus of this essay is drawn to ultrasound measurements the focus of the equipment is consequently also drawn to ultrasound machines. First, there is the need of contrast agent specific software which allows special Doppler methods and/or phase inversion methods. Another point is an easy-to-use and fast quantification tool on the ultrasound machine itself. More and more manufacturers have such software packages in their portfolios which allow a realtime quantification of the achieved data. Nevertheless such tools are also in a more or less experimental status and up to now it seems to be safer to export the given data as a spreadsheet and to perform the evaluation with standard statistical software packages. With the more and more growing need for functional imaging in this specific area this must be changing. Other investigators did not get the same results while using standard Doppler methods without contrast agents. They found a large overlap in the Doppler measurements and findings between various disease stages. Therefore it seems safe to state that using a contrast agent improves the appraisal of the grade of liver cirrhosis and fibrosis. The special pharmacodynamics of Levovist, which has a proven liver-specific phase due to the incorporation of the Levovist particles in Kupffer cells seems to be helpful for the investigation of transit times in the hepatic blood supply. Occult Liver Metastases As shown recently by the group of Leen using the standard Doppler methods blood supply properties of the liver seem to change due to the existence of occult liver metastasis. The group of Leen observed such changes in patients suffering from colorectal cancer (2). They found an increase of the arterial blood volume compared with the portal venous blood volume. There are different possible underlying mechanisms concerning a humoral factor and/or some more or less mechanical properties. Kruskal et al showed in a remarkable study that the sinusoidal and postsinusoidal flow is significantly reduced prior to the occurrence of visible metastases probably due to an increased rolling and adherence of leukocytes (3). A further reduction was seen while the metastases are growing and an extrinsic compression of sinusoids and portal venules takes place. Unfortunately the promising results of Leen et al could not be reproduced by any other group. This may be due to the difficult examination technique which requires a really experienced examiner. Nevertheless in animal studies by Yarmenitis et al changes similar to the findings of Leen et al were found. At this time only small groups of cells in the connective tissue were found in the porta hepatica and the portal triads with no apparent vascular association. They measured the arrival time of an ultrasound contrast agent (Levovist) in the hepatic veins after injection in a cubital vein. Significant increase of hepatic blood flow was shown in small groups of patients with known liver metastases, mostly of different underlying primary tumors. These results gives rise to the idea that while using contrast agents the method might be more stable and that this examination technique might be easier to perform. Nevertheless there are no studies which included a greater number of patients at risk for liver metastases and a follow up to prove these assumptions like Leen et al did.

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A muscular coat is present and consists of an inner layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle cells and an outer layer in which the smooth muscle cells have a longitudinal orientation erectile dysfunction in the morning discount 100/60 mg viagra with dapoxetine with visa. External to the muscle coat is a layer of loose connective tissue (adventitia) rich in elastic fibers erectile dysfunction va disability order 50/30mg viagra with dapoxetine visa. Secretions from the seminal vesicles form a substantial part (65-70%) of the total ejaculate erectile dysfunction urban dictionary generic 50/30 mg viagra with dapoxetine free shipping. It is a yellowish erectile dysfunction over 70 purchase viagra with dapoxetine 100/60mg free shipping, viscid secretion that contains fructose, prostaglandins, factors that increase sperm motility, factors that suppress the immune response in the female reproductive tract against semen, and factors that clot and then liquify semen in the vagina. Fructose is a source of energy for sperm whereas prostaglandins are thought to stimulate smooth muscle contractions within the walls of the tubular structures of the female reproductive tract to aid in moving sperm to the site of fertilization. In sections, the secretions appear as deeply stained, coagulated masses, often with a netlike structure. The seminal vesicles depend on testosterone, and removal of the hormone, as by castration, results in their involution and loss of secretory function. It is a composite gland, made up of 35 to 60 small, compound tubuloalveolar glands from which 20 or more ducts drain independently into the prostatic urethra. These small glands appear to form strata around the urethra and consist of the periurethral mucosal glands, submucosal glands, and the main or principal prostatic glands, which lie peripherally and make up the bulk of the prostate. The prostate is contained within a vascular, fibroelastic capsule that contains many smooth muscle cells in its inner layers. Broad septa extend into the prostate from the capsule and become continuous with the dense fibroelastic tissue that separates the individual glandular elements. The secretory units of the glands are irregular and vary greatly in size and shape. The glandular epithelium differs from gland to gland and even within a single alveolus. It usually is simple or pseudostratified columnar but may be low cuboidal or squamous in some of the larger saccular cavities. The epithelium is limited by an indistinct basal lamina and rests on a layer of connective tissue that contains dense networks of elastic fibers and numerous capillaries. The cells contain abundant granular endoplasmic reticulum and many apical secretory granules. The lumina of secretory units may contain spherical bodies, the prostatic concretions, that are thought to result from condensation of secretory material. The connective tissue surrounding the individual glandular units contains numerous smooth muscle cells (a fibromuscular stroma), which aids in the rapid discharge of prostatic fluid at ejaculation. Like the seminal vesicles, the development and functional maintenance of the prostate is dependent on testosterone and its metabolites. They are compound tubuloalveolar glands whose long ducts drain into the proximal part of the penile urethra. Each gland is limited by a connective tissue capsule from which septa, containing elastic fibers and smooth and skeletal muscle cells, extend into the glands, dividing them into lobules. The ducts and secretory portions are irregular in shape and size, and at their terminations, the secretory parts may form cystlike enlargements. The glandular epithelium varies from simple cuboidal to simple columnar depending on the functional state, but in distended alveoli the epithelium may be flattened. Active cells show a lightly stained cytoplasm filled with mucin granules that confine the nucleus to the base of the cell. Excretory ducts are lined by simple columnar epithelium that becomes pseudostratified near the urethra. The surrounding connective tissue contains an incomplete layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle. Bulbourethral glands produce a clear, viscid fluid that is rich in amino sugars and contains sialoprotein. The glands secrete in response to erotic stimulation and the secretion serves as a lubricant for the penile urethra. Semen the final product formed by the exocrine secretions of the testes and accessory sex glands is a whitish fluid called seminal fluid or semen. The average ejaculate of men is about 3 ml of semen which, in addition to about 300 million sperm, contains degenerating cells exfoliated by the ductal system, occasional wandering cells from connective tissues, pigment granules, and prostatic concretions. Hyaline bodies of unknown origin, lipid granules, fat, and protein also are present. External Genitalia In men, the two structures that make up the external genitalia are the scrotum and penis.

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