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By: F. Bengerd, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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In its design prostate 24 price order pilex overnight delivery, Sesame Street relied (and continues to rely) on the input of in-house experts on child development prostate test order cheap pilex, learning prostate 7 pill buy cheap pilex 60 caps on line, and media man health 4 me app order pilex 60 caps. In doing so, it has become an exemplar of how to incorporate academic insight into educational programming. By being both entertaining and research driven, Sesame Street permanently changed the landscape of educational media. From its inception, the core aim of Sesame Street has been to foster the school-readiness skills of preschool children. School-readiness skills encompass not only academic learning, such as letter and number recognition, but also social-emotional learning, such as friendliness, cooperation, and acceptance of diversity. Although the founders of Sesame Street included social-emotional learning goals in their initial concept, in the early years they focused primarily on academic learning. They took seriously the opinions of parents and educational experts, and in the early 1970s, these groups identified academic learning as the greatest need among children from low-income and minority backgrounds (the target group of the series). Evidence began to appear that academic success was a function not only of academic skills, but also of healthy social-emotional development. Moreover, along with this shift, parents changed their views on social-emotional learning, which they regarded as equal, rather than secondary, to academic learning. Developers and researchers agreed that educational media could be used to stimulate academic and social-emotional learning. This trend toward a more encompassing definition of learning could be seen in educational media legislation at the time. American children ages 2­10 now spend about an hour a day with educational media, with comparable estimates in other industrialized countries. First there have been increased marketing efforts directed toward the youngest age group. As noted in chapter 1, since the resounding success of Teletubbies in 1997, commercial conglomerates have set their sights on the "diaper demographic. Ramped-up marketing efforts to parents are not the only explanation for the increase of educational media use in early childhood. In many Western countries, policies have also started to put more emphasis on so-called informal learning in early childhood. Informal learning is the kind of learning that occurs spontaneously and playfully outside school. Many parents see educational media as an easy and accessible means of providing their children with experiences that can give them a leg up in life. For example, whereas two- to four-year-olds spend slightly more than an hour a day using educational media, eight- to ten-year-olds are estimated to spend only forty-two minutes a day with such content. It may reflect the fact that as children enter formal schooling, they have less discretionary time for educational media use because of homework and extracurricular activities. And from that point on, parents may be less likely to promote educational media for older children. Another explanation is that fewer successful educational media options are available for older children. In research on touch-screen technology, this phenomenon has been referred to as the "app gap," highlighting the challenges that developers face in creating educational media content for an audience that is increasingly critical of such content. Often referred to as the "spinach syndrome," this term refers to what happens to children by about five years of age, as they begin to reject anything that is supposed to be good for them (see chapter 5). Children become less interested in "teachy-preachy" content and instead prefer real-life content that addresses social and emotional themes. Older children and teens seem to be mainly interested in prosocial content dealing with social-emotional themes, such as friendships, cooperation, and altruism. Implicit in these concerns is the notion that children and teens can learn from media. And if we subscribe to the notion that media content can teach youth negative lessons, it stands to reason that it can teach positive lessons too. As Joan Ganz Cooney, one of the founders of Sesame Street, famously noted, "It is not whether children learn from television, it is what they learn, because everything children see on television is teaching them something. Our focus here is on educational media used in the home as tools for informal learning.

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The risk assessor can ascertain the redox status of the sediments by measuring the concentration of dissolved oxygen or other redox-sensitive species androgen hormone knoxville buy 60 caps pilex fast delivery, by calculating pE (a measure of electron availability in solution) androgen hormone zanane cheap pilex 60caps fast delivery, or by measuring Eh (millivolts) or the electromotive force of the pore water solution prostate with grief definition purchase pilex 60 caps with amex. The zone of transition from oxic to anoxic conditions is the redoxycline man health wire mojo magnum info pilex 60caps with amex, which can migrate vertically, depending on the mixing of the overlying water column. For example, the redoxycline may be 5-10 cm below the sediment-water interface in a well-oxygenated oligotrophic lake or river, but it may be above the sediment-water interface in a thermally stratified eutrophic lake or river. Metal Chemistry in Sediments In this discussion, the risk assessor should consider two pools of metals. The second pool consists of metals found within the mineral matrix of the sediment solids. This pool is largely unavailable to biota, and its release will occur over geologic time scales, through diagenetic processes. Because the latter pool is largely unavailable, only the exchangeable pool of metals is considered. Note that the exchangeable pool will be composed of naturally occurring metals that are released into solution as a result of weathering and diagenetic processes as well as metals released into the environment as a result of anthropogenic activities. Here, speciation refers to the distribution of metal species in a particular sample or matrix or species distribution (Templeton et al. In the aqueous phase, metal will react or bind with dissolved ligands according to the pH, Eh, ionic strength, and abundance of ligands (see Section 3. The concentration of metal in the dissolved phase is controlled by sorption to the solid phase. Although sorption can occur rapidly, desorption or dissolution of metal from the solid phase may be a two-phase process, where the second phase is rate limiting. If the kinetic limitation of reactions are not considered, the distribution of metals among aqueous species and between the aqueous phase and the solid phase can be estimated by using one of the speciation models. These models work well under oxic conditions, but estimates of metal binding are less reliable under anoxic conditions, where metal concentrations are most often controlled by the solubility of metal sulfides. Furthermore, in some circumstances equilibrium may not be achieved, particularly when the redoxycline moves more quickly than the rate of metal reaction or when the reaction is governed by microbial processes, as occurs with the methylation of Hg or As. In oxic sediment pore waters (above the redoxycline), metals will exist as aqueous species, that is, as freely dissolved ions or metal complexes. As Eh declines, the solid-phase manganese oxides are the first to be reduced and thereby dissolve, which releases metals that have been sorbed or coprecipitated with these minerals. As a result of redox chemistry, metals can undergo seasonal redox-driven cycling between the water column and sediments or within the sediments, depending on the position of the redoxycline. The stages in the cycling are, first, the adsorption or coprecipitation of metals with iron and manganese hydroxides under oxidizing conditions; then with the development of moderately reducing conditions, the reduction and dissolution of the manganese and iron oxyhydroxides and consequent release of the associated metals into the water or pore water; followed by their diffusion upward toward the zone of low metal concentrations under oxidizing conditions. It is also possible for dissolved metals to diffuse downward toward the zone of low metal concentration owing to their precipitation as sulfides. As a result of this vertical cycling, the depth profile of metals in pore water may not match that of the solid phase. Moreover, it is possible, but less usual, that the cycling can occur relatively rapidly and involve a significant portion of the solid-phase metal. Under these conditions, the solid-phase sediment profile reflects this reworking rather than the historical record of metal loadings (MacDonald et al. Generally, at low pH, when surface sites are protonated, the sorption of cationic metals decreases, and, hence, metal mobility increases. The converse occurs at high pH, which results in low metal solubility and greater sorption. The patterns of dissolution and sorption are reversed for metalloids, such as As, that exist as anionic species. Estimating Metal Distribution in Sediments A main objective in terms of assessing the hazard or risk posed by metals in sediments is estimating the amount of metal that is potentially bioavailable. The bioavailability of metals in sediments is a function of their distribution between the dissolved and solid phases, with dissolved metals in porewater generally considered to be the most bioavailable fraction. Accordingly, several methods have been developed to estimate the distribution of metals among dissolved and solid phases in sediments. Although bioavailability is also a function of aqueous phase speciation, limited research has been conducted to estimate metal speciation in pore waters. Generally, for the purpose of ecological risk assessments, the exposure of benthic organisms to sediment-associated metal is assumed to be proportional to the metal concentrations in interstitial water, although some studies indicate that uptake from overlying water (Hare et al.

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Perhaps amateurs allow themselves to be guided by a naпve and conservative porn script-that is mens health week 2014 purchase 60caps pilex mastercard, their ideas about how porn should look-when creating the content man health living buy 60caps pilex overnight delivery. In either case mens health home workout 60 caps pilex free shipping, it seems that teens are increasingly likely to encounter strongly stereotypical messages in amateur porn man health urban athlon generic 60caps pilex amex. Sexy Media Effects Unsurprisingly, along with evaluating the amount and types of sexual media content that youth come across, scholars have asked what the effects of exposure to this content might be. They argue that sex in entertainment media provides youth with an unrealistic and distorted picture of sexuality, and that most youth are not mature enough to put this distorted picture into perspective. Other scholars think that media serve as a kind of "super peer" for youth: teens may turn to the media for ideas and norms about sexuality that are unavailable in their peer group or that strengthen existing ideas and norms in this group. Some scientists take the potential negative effects of sex in entertainment media less seriously. They argue that youth-particularly girls-are seen by other researchers as too vulnerable, when in fact their agency is much greater than we assume. These self-aware girls are quite capable of recognizing unrealistic and distorted sexual images and of rejecting them. How are their sexual cognition (thoughts and beliefs), emotions, or behavior affected? As a result, the existing research tends to focus on adolescents thirteen and over, even though developmentally it would be more informative to begin at a younger age-before sexual identities begin to unfold. Studies into the effects of sexual media content rely on different theories to explain how the content might influence adolescents. Whereas this theory helps explain how a distorted media world might influence teens, it does not pay much attention to individual differences that might explain why some teens would be more (or less) influenced by sexual entertainment content. These models predict how and when, and for which adolescents, sexual media content has stronger or weaker effects. Their most important principles are that sexual media consumers are active in their processing of sexual media, and that their use of sexual media content is predicted by numerous dispositional factors (for example, sexual maturity and identity) and social factors, such as friends and parents. Sexual cognition includes knowledge about sexual scripts (that is, ideas about how sexual encounters normally proceed), sexual techniques, and concrete matters such as how to use a condom. American research, for example, has found that the more contact teens have with sexual media content, the more they view sex as a recreational, commitment-free pastime. In particular, teens with a higher exposure to online sex are more likely to view sex as a game between two casual partners, with physical satisfaction as the primary goal. Thus, teens with increased exposure to online sex are more likely to believe that having more than one sexual partner at a time is acceptable and that it is less important for sex to occur in the context of a romantic relationship. Researchers have found that for boys, surfing the Web for erotic content is positively associated with traditional ideas about gender roles (for example, the endorsement of the beliefs that men are sex driven and that women are sex objects). Specifically, teens (boys and girls) who believe that women are sex objects are more likely to go looking for online sex. Their exposure to this online content, in turn, reinforces their gender-related beliefs. That said, there is growing recognition that sexual media content may positively influence sexual cognition. During one episode, viewers learn that one of the characters (Rachel) is pregnant because of condom failure. After the episode aired, 506 American teens were interviewed about their condom knowledge. Results indicated that viewers had significantly better understanding than nonviewers about condoms, including the risks and consequences of condom failure. It also highlights the opportunities of entertainment media for sharing important health-related messages with teens. Numerous content analyses have shown that entertainment media present an unrealistic and distorted picture of sex. We know that teens who believe that sexual media content is realistic are more susceptible to the effects of such content. Moreover, interventions to counter the sexual media culture that surrounds teens are an important next step.

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