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By: L. Chenor, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Of 5 rub productions medications narcolepsy cheap tranexamic 500 mg with mastercard, all (100 percent) were produced during contexts of physical rubbing between the dolphin and investigators Of 28 instances of productions of the novel ring-ball combination whistle symptoms leukemia cheap tranexamic 500 mg visa, 23 (82 percent) were emitted during simultaneous ring and ball play the results of this study provide compelling evidence for vocal learning by this species and for the ability of dolphins to spontaneously acquire new vocal signals medicine vocabulary purchase cheap tranexamic on-line, to learn associations between new acoustic signals and specific objects or actions symptoms walking pneumonia order tranexamic canada, and to use these signals in new, appropriate behavioral contexts in the absence of explicit training. Furthermore, results of our study are inconsistent with results reported in previous studies of vocal learning (Richards, Wolz, and Herman 1984; Sigurdson 1989) in which dolphins were trained to reproduce and acquire new vocal signals by traditional shaping procedures and food reinforcement. In these studies, the investigators selectively reinforced and shaped the acoustic parameters. In contrast, the dolphins in our study determined the type of input, the frequency of input, and the acoustic parameters they would imitate and acquired the signals much more rapidly, appearing to incorporate the signals into their repertoire. Our methodology may more closely simulate learning processes in a social environment and thus produce more rapid and effective learning by this species. By having more degrees of freedom than are given in a traditional training approach, the dolphins seemed to take an active role in the learning process. The results of this study provide behavioral evidence that dolphins are aware of acoustic and visual stimuli in their environment and that they have a proclivity to develop associations between stimuli that occur in consistent and temporally related patterns. The apparent development and awareness of relationships among environmental stimuli without explicit training is suggestive but inconclusive evidence of a level of consciousness in this species. We focused on the productive skills of the dolphins, but other investigators have studied receptive skills of dolphins and have reported semantic comprehension and 'sentence comprehension" of artificial codes in the same species (Richards, Wolz, and Herman 1984; Herman 1987). Further research is needed to determine whether the strong associations between stimuli are referential. Although nonhanded, dolphins show manipulative abilities in using their mouths, pectoral fins, or tail flukes to carry, move, or interact with objects in their environment. Occasionally, paper or plastic debris blew into the dolphin pools, and he had trained a dolphin to retrieve the items for a food reward. On one occasion he noticed that the dolphin continuously retrieved small pieces of brown paper, each time receiving a food reward. Suspecting something odd, the trainer subsequently discovered that a brown paper bag was lodged in a crevice in the pool and the dolphin was ripping off small pieces, retrieving them one at a time. The trainer speculated that the dolphin was aware of what it was doing and was intentionally bringing back small pieces to maximize its rewards. Such cases fill the dolphin folklore, but more parsimonious explanations can be offered to explain the behavior. First, perhaps only small pieces could be pulled away one at a time or perhaps the trainer had inadvertently reinforced the behavior after the dolphin unintentionally retrieved just part of the bag. I relate this anecdote to stress that without complete knowledge of the environmental history of a particular animal, it is difficult to argue that this was an intentional act. Even if the dolphin continued to display this behavior, it could be argued that it had been inadvertently trained to do so. It is difficult to demonstrate univocal intentionality and conscious thought from complex-looking behaviors. In contrast to this scenario, we have previously described and reported a behavior pattern of manipulative play by dolphins that seems clear evidence for dolphins exhibiting conscious acts (Reiss 1988). During systematic observations of dolphins, we observed numerous behavioral sequences in which dolphins demonstrated anticipatory actions, an awareness of the contingencies of their past actions, and an awareness of the contingencies of future acts. Several dolphins at the exhibition and research pools were quite proficient in producing their own objects of play, called "bubble rings. We have observed and documented numerous instances in which individual dolphins swim to the bottom of the pool, stop, and assume a horizontal position. With a sharp upward jerk of the head, they expel a ring of air through their blowhole (the external opening of the nasal passages). This action results in a silvery bubble ring that slowly rises to the water surface. For example, Page 558 they often follow the rings to the surface, sometimes attempting to catch or bite the ring with their mouths just as they reach the surface. Dolphins also rotate their rostrums in a circular motion in the interior of the ring as it rises. We have also observed many occasions in which a dolphin produces an ill-formed or irregular ring, quickly destroys it with a swipe of the tail flukes, and then quickly returns to the pool bottom and subsequently produces a well-formed ring that is not destroyed. Another observed variation is for a dolphin to blow one ring and then a second ring that rises and intersects with the first ring to form a larger, hoop-sized ring. The dolphin follows the second ring and, when the hoop is formed, swims through it.

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Watson believed that the genomes of smaller organisms would not only help to refine research methods and the technology but also provide valuable sources of comparison once the human genome project was under way medicine dispenser generic 500 mg tranexamic fast delivery. The worm map convinced Watson that Caenorhabditis the Human Genome Project 91 elegans should be the first multicellular organism to have its complete genome accurately sequenced medicine 831 order cheap tranexamic on-line. When the worm-sequencing project began in 1990 medicine rheumatoid arthritis tranexamic 500 mg with visa, the first automatic sequencing machines had just become available from Applied Biosystems medications quinapril purchase genuine tranexamic on line, Inc. The sequencing machines enabled the worm pilot project to meet its objective of sequencing three million bases in three years. Equally important, the worm project demonstrated that the technology could scale up-that is, more machines and more technologists could produce more sequences faster. Ever-improving research techniques-including the use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms, which is described in detail in Figure 7. This method saved time by eliminating the mapping phase, but it required robust computing capabilities to reassemble the human genome, which includes many repeated sequences. Within one week of the launch of the private initiative, the Wellcome Trust increased its funding to the Sanger Centre to step up the production of raw sequence. In response to this increased support, the Sanger Centre revised its objective by aiming to sequence a full onethird of the entire genome rather than just one-sixth. The race between the public and private projects was on, and the milestones of the sequencing project came ever more rapidly. The threat of genomic information ending up solely in the hands of a private firm was simply unacceptable to the researchers. When Celera entered the race to sequence the human genome, it changed the landscape of the field. Celera resolved to make its data available only to paying customers and planned to patent some sequences before releasing them. They contended that patenting the human sequence was unethical and delayed the timely application of genomic information to medical disorders. The mid-1990s also saw the birth of a privately funded genomics effort led by the American geneticist J. If the mutation is present, the restriction enzyme cuts the amplicon into two fragments of 100 and 200 base pairs. There they created the ``Bermuda Principles,' a set of conditions that govern access to data, including the standard that sequence information be released into public databases within twentyfour hours. To adhere to this agreement, participating scientists were to deposit base sequences into one of three databases within twenty-four hours of sequencing completion. Because these were public databases, Genetics and Genetic Engineering access to the stored sequences was free and unrestricted. The agreement was extended to data on other organisms at a meeting later that same year. Not unexpectedly, scientists and the public eagerly anticipated this ``first look' at the human genome. Although the Human Genome Project 93 geneticists and other scientists could better comprehend the mechanics and the future implications of this endeavor than the general public, the significance of this achievement was evident to professionals and laypeople alike. The professional literature and the mass media had successfully communicated the importance of this achievement, and it was understood that knowledge of the human genome held the key to the singularity of the human species. Furthermore, it was widely assumed that this information would be the basis for unprecedented advances in medicine and biomedical technology. One of several surprises from the first draft was that previous estimates of gene number appeared to have been wildly inaccurate. Most pregenome project estimates predicted that humans had as many as 60,000 to 150,000 genes. The first draft of the complete genome sequence indicated that the true number of genes required to make a human being was less than 40,000. By comparison, yeast have about 6,000 genes, fruit flies have 14,000, roundworms have 19,000, and the mustard weed plant has 26,000.

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If the experienced world did not correspond reasonably well to the actual one symptoms 6 days past ovulation order tranexamic 500mg without prescription, our survival would be threatened oxygenating treatment order 500mg tranexamic amex. At great distances medicine gif generic tranexamic 500 mg amex, our distance judgments and consequent experiences bear little resemblance to actual distances-how far away does the moon look? It is worth keeping in mind that many nonreductionist positions also assume that there are neural causes and correlates of given conscious experiences symptoms 7 days after ovulation purchase tranexamic 500mg line, including the reflexive model, dualism, epiphenomenalism, emergent interactionism, and so on. The causes and correlates of conscious experience should not be confused with their ontology. The Science of Consciousness: Psychological, Neuropsychological and Clinical Reviews. Forman I am honored to be included in this work with such eminent scientists and philosophers. It is a tribute to the scientific community as a whole and to the Tucson organizing committee that both have opened their doors to another source of knowledge about consciousness, and this much, this soon. After all, it was only in 1980 that Brian Josephson observed what was then correct: mystical experience is not at the moment considered by the majority of scientists to be a matter worthy of scientific attention. I think it is right to look at some of the more responsible mystics for insights about consciousness. When a biologist seeks to understand a complex phenomenon, one key strategy is to look at the phenomenon in its simplest form. Its simple gene structure has allowed biologists to understand much of the gene functioning of complex species. Freud and Durkheim both used totemism, which they construed as the simplest form, to understand the complexities of religious life. The methodological principle is: To understand something complex, turn to its simple forms. Usually our minds are an enormously complex stew of thoughts, feelings, sensations, wants, snatches of song, pains, drives, daydreams, and consciousness itself, more or less aware of it all. To understand consciousness in itself, the obvious thing would be to clear away as much of the internal clutter and noise as possible. During meditation, one begins to slow down the Page 54 thinking process to have fewer or less intense thoughts. Finally, one may come to a time of inner stillness-one becomes utterly silent inside, analogous to a gap between thoughts. Yet, despite this suspension of content, one emerges from this event confident that one had remained awake, conscious. Regular and long-term meditation, according to many traditions, leads to advanced experiences, known in general as "enlightenment. To understand these states I introduce the idea of the relative intensity of a thought or desire. Virtually all of my attention is taken up with the truck, the fear, and getting out of the way. The fear and running are utterly intense and consume nearly 100 percent of my attention. I may be civil to my wife and children, but I have very little patience because my desire for food is very intense; it preoccupies most of my conPage 55 sciousness but consumes less of my attention than did jumping away from the truck. For example, driving to work the next day, I might ruminate about my classes, remember the near miss with the truck, half hear the news on the radio, and think about getting some noise in the car fixed-nearly all at once. None of these thoughts or desires is very intense, for none has a strong emotional cathexis that draws me fully into it, and my attention can flow in and out of any of them or to the traffic ahead, effortlessly. In short, the intensity of a thought or desire is directly proportional to the amount of my consciousness that is taken up with the thought or feeling. These subjects may be able to be both unusually cognizant of features or patterns of their own awareness and also describe that awareness to us-a kind of living microscope into human consciousness. Using these reports will cause us to draw conclusions about human consciousness from the experiences of a very few people. We have concluded a lot about consciousness from epileptics, people with unusual skull accidents or brain injuries, the man who mistook his wife for a hat, and the like. From the pathology of a very few we have learned a great deal about the relationship of one side of the brain to the other, of two kinds of knowing, of information storage and retrieval, of impulse control, and so forth. Indeed, it is common practice to take data about a few unusual individuals and generalize that data to many persons. Many people who have had mystical experiences-Sakyamuni Buddha, Teresa of Avila, Ramana Maharishi-are not pathological but unusually self-actualized.

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