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By: W. Iomar, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine

The Lens the lens is fixed and anchored by zonules antibiotic resistance netherlands buy 0.5 mg colcitrat with amex, small fibers connecting to the ciliary body antimicrobial activity of xanthium strumarium purchase colcitrat. These zonules control the movement and shape of the lens allowing for change in its optics treatment for glaucoma dogs cheap colcitrat 0.5mg online. It is clear with no vascular structures and receives its nutrition from the aqueous humor through diffusion antibiotic guideline malaysia purchase colcitrat on line. In some disease processes, the lens can become detached from the zonules and be free floating such as seen in sudden acquired retinal detachment. Photoreceptors connect to bipolar cells which then connect to ganglion cells within the inner plexiform. Amacrine cells are interneurons and along with horizontal cells have internal connections to ganglion cells. It is collagenous, clear, smooth, and avascular, and is the most anterior portion of the fibrous tunic and eye. Being avascular, it obtains oxygen and nutrition through diffusion from aqueous humor and the precorneal tear film. In ocular Specific Organ System Disorders 359 emergencies, it is one of the most often damaged portions of the eye but also one of the most regenerative. If a laceration or wound reaches this membrane and is full thickness, it is referred to as a descemetocele. Damage to the cornea can mean loss of vision if not corrected as soon as possible. The Lacrimal System the lacrimal system provides lubrication, nutrition, and protection to the outer surfaces of the eye. The remaining tears and mucous are produced within glands of the conjunctiva and are part of the ocular adnexa and third eyelid. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane lining the anterior portion of the eyelid and eyeball. Swelling, inflammation, and prolapse of the third eyelid are commonly referred to as "cherry eye. They contain many sweat and sebaceous glands along the margin, called meibomian glands. It is important for the clinician as well as the veterinary technician to become familiar with the appearance that different ocular emergencies may take (Table 16. Ocular Trauma and Traumatic Proptosis One of the most common and most traumatic of ocular injuries, for pets as well as for the owner, is the traumatic proptosis. It is most often seen in small brachycephalic breeds, and often occurs due to bite wounds, being hit by a car or some other type of trauma to the head. It does not take much for the globe to become prolapsed and sometimes proptosis may occur even from simple patient restraint. Even a minor scuffle, with a bite to the face and a tooth in just the right place, can push the globe forward. The bite wound caused the majority of extraocular muscles to be torn along with the optic nerve. Patients may have concurrent systemic shock or head trauma from their disease process. Medical and Surgical Treatment If severe damage to the globe exists, enucleation is often the treatment of choice. If the medial rectus muscle was torn, lateral strabismus of the eye post surgery will exist. If reduction requires general anesthesia, it must be attempted as soon as systemic circulation has been stabilized. Anesthesia is never attempted until the patient is stabilized cardiovascularly first. For mild to moderate pain, a partial agonist such as buprenorphine, or the oral agent tramadol are both very effective. A careful clip and scrub of the surgical site is important to obtain a sterile surgical field and reduce iatrogenic harm to an already damaged globe. A tarsorrhaphy is the act of suturing together the upper and lower eyelid in an attempt to bring the palpebral tissues together.

Respiration will likely be depressed due to inhalant anesthesia and use of opioids antibiotic gastroenteritis cheap colcitrat 0.5mg overnight delivery. If opioids have been used preoperatively and the neonate is sedate or respiratory depressed antibiotic drops for conjunctivitis cheap 0.5 mg colcitrat free shipping, one drop of naloxone can be administered sublingually (Brourman et al infection of the brain colcitrat 0.5 mg with mastercard. Oxygen can be provided via face mask until the neonate is responsive antimicrobial toilet seats discount colcitrat 0.5 mg on line, with assisted ventilation provided if needed. The use of doxapram to stimulate respiration has been controversial and is not indicated as an initial tool in resuscitating neonates. It is known to increase cerebral oxygen demand while decreasing cerebral blood flow (Brourman et al. Once the neonates are showing signs of increased vigor, they should be placed in a warmed incubator until they can be introduced to the mother. Uterine Torsion Uterine torsion, although a relatively uncommon phenomenon in small animals, can mimic either pyometra or dystocia. As with other emergency presentations, initial stabilization should take place either before or while diagnostics are being performed. Abdominal ultrasound proves to be the most useful imaging tool in diagnosing disorders of the uterus. In addition to evaluating the uterus, it will confirm the presence or absence of live fetuses. In the absence of pregnancy, abdominal ultrasound may reveal images similar to pyometra (dilated, fluid-filled uterine horns). Pyometra may be present concurrently with uterine torsion if the tissue becomes necrotic (Pacchiana and Stanley 2008). The cause is not certain although it is believed that fetal activity, a uterus that is stretched thin from previous pregnancies, or simply overactivity by the dam, can play a role. After initial stabilization, an ovariohysterectomy was performed (Pacchiana and Stanley 2008). Ovariohysterectomy is the treatment of choice for SpecificOrganSystemDisorders 349 uterine torsion. It is important to note that since the uterus is being removed, it is not only unnecessary but contraindicated to derotate the torsion. Uterine Prolapse Patients with uterine prolapse will present with a mass-like substance in the vagina. Uterine prolapse most often occurs during parturition or shortly after, as the cervix is open (Hopper 2003). Immediate action is necessary to determine the presence of viable fetuses and prevent systemic infection from the contaminated uterus (Hopper 2003). Under sedation or anesthesia, the prolapsed portion of uterus should be cleaned with 0. If the cervix extends too far to easily reduce the uterus, a longer, sterile, blunt instrument may be used (Hopper 2003). If unable to reduce or if the uterus is severely damaged, surgical intervention may be necessary, including possible ovariohysterectomy. Eclampsia Eclampsia in veterinary medicine is an emergency associated with hypocalcemia in the pregnant or postpartum patient. Eclampsia is most common in small and toy breed dogs, although it can occur in many species (Freshman 2003). Incidentally, in small animals, eclampsia differs from that in human medicine, where it is a disorder initiated by hypertension in pregnant women. Animals treated with calcium supplements during pregnancy also have an increased risk of developing eclampsia postpartum due to the reduction of parathyroid hormone secretion when serum calcium level is high (Dye 2001; Freshman 2003; Davidson 2009). Because excess calcium can be present in some foods as well, care should be taken when choosing a diet and should be appropriate for pregnant or lactating animals. Eclampsia usually occurs either late in gestation or within a few weeks of whelping.

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Spondylolysis occurs in the lumbar spine in the pars articularis treatment for dogs fever buy colcitrat 0.5 mg mastercard, often seen as a result of repetitive trauma in young athletes antibiotics headache discount 0.5mg colcitrat otc. Whole-body bone scan images in a runner with leg pain reveal a fusiform virus that attacks the heart cheap colcitrat generic, superficial lesion in the left medial femur from stress injury bacteria 3 types smear discount colcitrat 0.5 mg with visa. A similar pattern can be seen on the right, but with the addition of a focal area distally, which could indicate stress fracture. Marked pectoral muscle uptake on bone scan after injury from repetitive strenuous weight lifting. Anterior and posterior whole-body Rhabdomyolysis Another athletic injury that is seen in this day of marathons and triathlons is rhabdomyolysis. The localization of skeletal tracers in exercise-damaged skeletal muscle is probably similar to the localization in damaged myocardium. Calcium buildup in damaged tissue provides a site for radionuclide deposition when combined with phosphate. The scintigraphic pattern reflects the muscle groups undergoing injury (Fig 7-39). In marathon runners, the most striking uptake is usually in the muscles of the thigh. The time course of scintigraphic abnormality appears to be similar to that for acute myocardial infarction. Heterotopic Bone Formation Heterotopic bone formation can occur in the muscle as a result of numerous conditions. It is most often a direct result of trauma to the muscle in myositis ossificans. However, it also can be a serious problem in paralyzed muscles and prolonged immobilization. Often, the blood flow and immediate blood pool images show more intense activity than the delayed images. Increased soft tissue uptake on a bone scan typically occurs long before any radiographic change. If patients are treated in these early stages, they may avoid more severe and lasting complications, such as severely contracted and ossified muscles at the hips in paraplegia. Because this is an evolving process, the appearance on skeletal scintigraphy depends greatly on the time frame in which imaging is performed. With acute interruption of the blood supply, newly infarcted bone appears scintigraphically cold or photon deficient. In the postinfarction or healing phase, osteogenesis and tracer uptake at the margin of the infarcted area are increased. Skeletal scintigrams can show intensely increased tracer uptake during the healing period. It is a form of osteochondrosis and results in avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis. The mechanism of injury is unknown except that the vascular supply of the femoral head is thought to be especially vulnerable in the most commonly affected age group. The best scintigraphic technique for detecting the abnormality in the femoral head is to use some form of magnification and to image in the frogleg lateral projection. Classically, early in the course of the disease before healing has occurred, a discrete photon-deficient area can be seen in the upper outer portion of the capital femoral epiphysis with a lentiform configuration. As healing occurs, increased uptake is first seen at the margin of the photon-deficient area and gradually the scintigram demonstrates filling in of activity. Bone marrow scans using Tc-99m sulfur colloid are able to show infarcts immediately, with affected areas failing to accumulate tracer and appearing cold. The correlation between the marrow scan and the bone scan is considered when the need to differentiate acute osteomyelitis from infarct arises. If the marrow shows a defect in the region of increased bone scan activity, it is consistent with infarct. If the marrow shows no change, any increased activity on the bone scan in an acute situation is most likely osteomyelitis.


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