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Final morphological and functional development occurs at different times during fetogenesis allergy treatment xerosis discount 10mg claritin, and is mostly only completed after birth allergy forecast lexington ky cheap 10mg claritin. Postnatal adaptation characterizes the passage from intra- into extrauterine life with tremendous changes in allergy medicine 027 order claritin us, for example allergy medicine for babies buy claritin online, circulatory and respiratory physiology (see also Table 1. Teratology (derived from the Greek word which originally meant star; later meanings were wonder, divine intervention and, finally, terrible vision, magic, inexplicability) is the science concerned with the birth defects of a structural nature. However, the terminology is not strict, since literature recognizes also "functional" teratogenic effects without dysmorphology. Reproductive toxicity represents the harmful effects by agents on the progeny and/or impairment of male and female reproductive functions. Developmental toxicity involves any adverse effect induced prior to attainment of adult life. It includes the effects induced or manifested in the embryonic or fetal period, and those induced or manifested postnatally. Embryo/fetotoxicity involves any toxic effect on the conceptus resulting from prenatal exposure, including the structural and functional abnormalities of postnatal manifestations of such effects. Teratogenicity is a manifestation of developmental toxicity, representing a particular case of embryo/fetotoxicity, by the induction or the increase of the frequency of structural disorders in the progeny. However, Hale (1933) noticed that piglets born to sows fed a vitamin A-deficient diet were born without eyes. He concluded that a nutritional deficiency leads to a marked disturbance of the internal factors which control the mechanism of eye development. During a rubella epidemic in 1941, the Australian ophthalmologist Gregg observed that embryos exposed to the rubella virus often displayed abnormalities, such as cataracts, cardiac defects, deafness and mental retardation (Gregg 1941). Soon after it was discovered that the protozoon Toxoplasma, a unicellular parasite, could induce abnormalities such as hydrocephaly and vision disturbances in the unborn. These observations proved undeniably that the placenta is not an absolute barrier against external influences. Furthermore, in the early 1960s maternal exposure to the mild sedative thalidomide appeared to be causing characteristic reduction deformities of the limbs, ranging from hypoplasia of one or more digits to the total absence of all limbs. An example of the thalidomide embryopathy is phocomelia: the structures of the hand and feet may be reduced to a single small digit, or may appear virtually normal but protrude directly from the trunk, like the flippers of a seal (phoca). This discovery by Lenz (1961) and McBride (1961) independently led to a worldwide interest in clinical teratology. Fifty years after the thalidomide disaster, the risk of drug-induced developmental disorders can be better delimited; to date there has 1 Pregnancy 1 General commentary on drug therapy and drug risks in pregnancy 8 1. Drugs that nevertheless caused birth defects, such as retinoids, were known and expected, based upon animal experiments, to cause these conditions. Moreover, the prevalence of birth defects (3­4 percent) has not increased in the last half century, although substantially more substances have been marketed during these years. Contrary to the assessment of drug-induced disorders, it is more difficult to indicate a risk from occupational chemical and physical exposure. Primary prevention of developmental disorders can be defined as an intervention to prevent the origin of a developmental disorder ­ for example, by rubella vaccination, or by correction of an aberrant lifestyle such as alcohol abuse. Moreover, primary prevention of developmental disorders can be achieved when a chemical substance is identified as a reproductive toxicant and either is not approved for marketing, or is approved with specific pregnancy labeling, restricted in use or removed from the market. This is in contrast to secondary prevention of developmental disorders, which means the prevention of the birth of a child with a developmental defect ­ usually by abortion. When thalidomide was recognized as being the causal factor of phocomelia, the removal of the drug from the market resulted in the disappearance of the embryopathy. This event was also accompanied by a transient drastic avoidance of general drug intake by pregnant women. Healthcare professionals and pregnant women must continue to develop a more critical attitude to the use of drugs and exposure to chemicals, not only during pregnancy but also before pregnancy ­ or, even better, during the entire fertile period. Such a critical attitude could result in avoiding many unnecessary and unknown risks. These remarks imply that health professionals, couples planning to have children, and pregnant women must be informed about drugs proven to be safe, and the risks of wanted or unwanted exposures to chemicals. The final conclusions can only become available through epidemiological studies after the product has been on the market for some time.

If they form a "V" allergy forecast san diego order 10mg claritin with visa, then the reach can be expanded by performing spreading exercises allergy medicine benadryl side effects buy genuine claritin on line. Another way to test this alignment is to place the palm on a table top at the edge of the table with the thumb and pinky down the edge allergy forecast tucson buy claritin 10 mg without prescription, so that only fingers 2 allergy shots refrigeration order claritin 10 mg otc, 3, and 4 are resting on the table top, and the finger tips of 1 and 5 are touching the table edge. If the thumb and pinky form a triangle with the edge of the table, the stretch can be expanded. Perform a spreading exercise by pushing the hand towards the table edge so as to spread the thumb and pinky apart; when fully opened, thumb and pinky should form a straight line. When playing wide chords, the thumb should be curved slightly inwards, not fully stretched out. Finger independence and lifting exercises are performed by first pressing all five fingers down. Beginners may find this exercise difficult in the beginning because the non- playing fingers tend to collapse from their optimum positions or lift involuntarily, especially if they begin to tire. If they tend to collapse, try a few times and then switch hands or quit; do not keep practicing in the collapsed or uncontrolled condition. Some piano teachers recommend doing this exercise once during every practice session. For finger lifting exercises, repeat the above exercise, but lift each finger as high as you can, quickly and immediately relax. As usual, it is important to reduce stress in the fingers that are not being lifted. There is a mistaken belief by many that we must be able to lift the 4th finger as high as all the others and therefore they expend an inordinate amount of effort trying to achieve this. This is because the anatomy of the 4th finger does not allow it to be lifted beyond a certain point. The only requirement on the 4th finger is not to depress a key inadvertently, which can be met with only a small amount of lift, especially for the flat finger positions. Therefore play at all times with the 4th finger barely off the keys or even touching them. Practicing difficult passages with inordinate effort at lifting this finger higher can cause stress in fingers 3, 4, and 5. It is more productive to learn to play with less stress as long as the 4th finger is not interfering in any way. Both the finger independence and lifting exercises can be performed without a piano, on any flat surface. Another way of lifting the 4th finger is to flick it out into the flat finger position instead of lifting it. This motion is preferable for most cases because it is faster than the 138 lift motion. You should notice that the flicking motion is faster and the finger tip lifts higher than the lifting motion, and creates less stress. Stretching the flexor muscles and tendons: We mainly utilize the flexors for playing the piano and the extensors are insufficiently exercised. This makes it difficult to lift the fingers, especially the 4th, against the over-developed flexors. One way to alleviate this problem is to perform stretching exercises for the flexor muscles and tendons. A person with very flexible flexors will be able to push the fingers all the way back until they touch the forearm (not many). Most people should be able to push the fingers past the point at which the fingers are at 90 degrees to the forearm. Push as far as you can (without pain) for six seconds, then release for four seconds; repeat several times. Perform this once daily and you will be amazed at how much more you can stretch in just a few months. This will make it easier to lift the fingers and prevent them from curling up completely when not in use. Even "mindless exercises" might have some uses, such as just before a strenuous performance, when you need to conserve as much energy as possible.

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It is also a fact that in any onomastic classification in which a name belongs to one class only peanut allergy treatment 2012 purchase 10 mg claritin with visa, one classification motive must be given a preference over the others allergy vs sinus order claritin 10 mg free shipping. This class contains names that the Ambo people have adopted from the Europeans allergy symptoms mosquito bite generic claritin 10 mg, as well as from the Namibians of European origin allergy shots work buy cheap claritin 10mg, with whom they have been in close contact ­ except for the biblical names carried by these people. Some European names in the data can also be explained as coming from the influence of education and media, which have brought people and events outside the Ambo area closer to the Ambo people. Some of them are originally biblical or adopted from other European naming systems, but are generally regarded as Finnish names because of their Finnish form. Kerttu < Gertrud, Maija < Maria, Heikki < Henrik, Vihtori < Victor (Vilkuna 1993, p. There are also many German, English and Afrikaans names in this class, including common hypocoristic forms of biblical names in these naming systems. Names that are not typically used as personal names in European naming systems but refer to various aspects of European culture. The origins of these names were checked in various European name books ­ German, English, Afrikaans, Dutch ­ which are listed in the bibliography of this study under the title Books of Reference. The main source for Finnish names was the list of the most common 5,000 names of the Finns since the late 19th century, presented by Kiviniemi (1982a, p. The main source for the surnames used in Namibia was the Namibian telephone directory (Telecom Namibia 92/93), and the ones for the names of Finnish missionaries were Peltola 1958 (p. The third class contains Ambo names, which were for the most part easy to differentiate from the biblical and European names. The Ndonga­English Dictionary (Tirronen 1986) was most useful for the identification and translation of these names, together with the expertise of Ms. Riikka Halme, who assisted with the translation of the Ndonga and Kwanyama names respectively. There were some names in the data which could be interpreted as both Ambo and biblical or European names. In such cases, the name was classified according to the most probable interpretation. For example, names which occurred more commonly as a 232 Analysis of the Name Data first given name or as the only baptismal name of the person, especially in the early 20th century, were more likely to be European or biblical than Ambo. It is also possible that some of the names which were classified as Ambo in this study are in fact Ambo forms of biblical or European names, even if the origins of these names were impossible to trace. A profound analysis of all these names would have been too laborious a task, considering the general aims of this study. Hence, names which looked phonotactically like Ambo ones and could not be interpreted as Ambo forms of certain biblical or European names were classified as Ambo. It should be noted that all Ambo names in the data are not Ndonga or Kwanyama but represent other Ambo varieties as well, and tracing their meanings should be left to the specialists in Ambo linguistics. Nevertheless, hundreds of the Ambo names in the data could be translated, which was sufficient for an analysis of the morphology and semantics of these names. This class contains names which could not be classified otherwise, as their origins remained unclear. Many of these name forms look as if they were biblical or European in origin, but it was impossible to find out what the original name was. This group also includes abbreviated names which most likely refer to particular existing names. Earlier, we saw that biblical names were found among the most popular names in Ambo society. In the list of the twenty most popular first given names of women in the data, there are 6 biblical names: Maria, Martta, Ester, Johanna, Loide and Elisabet. Thus, one may say that biblical names have become an important part of Ambo personal nomenclature. Biblical names are much more common as first given names than as subsequent given names. Adopting biblical names at baptism has been common everywhere in the world where people have embraced Christianity.

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These naming systems allergy treatment center of new jersey generic claritin 10 mg mastercard, he remarks allergy shots in abdomen cheap claritin 10mg free shipping, should not be understood to form a fictitious single entity or be put into any hierarchical order allergy testing east meadow purchase claritin australia, but they may each consist of a number of subsystems allergy forecast vancouver purchase claritin 10 mg without prescription. In all anthroponymic systems, however, personal names can be divided into two main classes: 1. Individual names that designate individual people (in the European context: first names and bynames), and 2. An anthroponymic system is also connected to its extralinguistic environment in many ways, as personal naming typically has a variety of secondary sociocultural functions beside its primary function to identify people. While the function of identification is characteristic of all anthroponymic systems, these secondary functions may be different in different societies. Personal names are considered especially important in the formation of individual and social identity, and this secondary function seems to be common to all anthroponymic systems. Naming an individual may also indicate that he or she is a legitimate member of a group. Hence, alongside the function of differentiating people, personal naming serves the function of categorising people. In general, personal naming makes the child part of the social world and gives him or her a social identity. Hence, even if personal names do not need to carry information about a culture in order to function as names, they carry a lot of cultural significance, as they are used for various sociocultural functions. Because of this, the relationship between personal names and culture is of vital importance when analysing anthroponymic systems and their functioning in the society. Cultural Change ­ Onomastic Change As has already been pointed out, anthroponymic change has not been examined thoroughly from a systematic point of view. In this study, we assume that since anthroponymic systems are units in the same way as other linguistic and cultural systems are, they can be expected to follow similar patterns when undergoing changes. All naming systems obviously undergo changes and these changes can be explained by both internal and external factors. Kohlheim points out that as the naming system is a subsystem of the language, changes in the lan32 Personal Names and Cultural Change guage ­ for example in the sound system ­ may influence the structure of the naming system. These changes may then affect the internal functioning of the naming system, but they do not affect the organisation of the system, which means that its external function remains intact. Kohlheim points out that elements of one naming system may also be transferred to another: a place name may become a surname, for example. Changes in the social system may also cause changes in the structure of the naming system. However, they also tend to influence the organisation of the naming system, thus changing its identity and eventually developing a new one. Hence, the German anthroponymic system in the 10th century is not the same as that of the 15th century, because the organisation of the system has changed over that time, not only its elements. On the other hand, the German anthroponymic system in the 12th century and in the 15th century can be seen as one system, even if they share very few common elements, because the system has retained its organisation. Kohlheim (1998) does not say anything about culture contact as a possible source for onomastic change, even if one suspects that the changes in the extralinguistic environment that he refers to may well be caused by the encounter between different cultures. Another social system or culture In practice, it is often impossible to define the original source of the change, as onomastic change is typically caused by several internal and external factors working together. For example, a foreign language may first cause 33 Personal Names and Cultural Change changes in the language system, which in turn cause changes in the naming system. In many cases, it is also difficult to say if a particular change in an anthroponymic system is due to local sociocultural developments or to the influence of another naming system, as similar sociocultural developments tend to cause similar changes in personal naming in different societies (Kiviniemi 1982b, p. However, it is important to note that these changes are typically not predictable. Indeed, onomastic change is a dynamic process which may produce new things ­ as is the case with all cultural change (Malinowski 1945, p. It has often been stated that compared to other linguistic elements, personal names are very easily adopted from other languages (Kiviniemi 1982b, p. In its new environment, a borrowed name is seen as a mere lexical element which may undergo formal changes when adopted, or remain unchanged. In this study, we aim to apply anthropological acculturation theories to the analysis of the change in the Ambo anthroponymic system. This change is seen primarily as a result of the acculturation process in the Ambo culture caused by European cultural influence and the adoption of Christianity.


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