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By: K. Ortega, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of Washington School of Medicine

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This tight regulation also means that small amounts of zinc are more efficiently absorbed than large amounts and that people in poor zinc status can absorb the nutrient more efficiently than those in good status medications help dog sleep night buy 5mg eldepryl mastercard. Normal zinc losses may range from less than 1 mg/day with a zinc-poor diet to greater than 5 mg/day with a zinc-rich diet treatment 4 burns order 5mg eldepryl otc. Zinc loss through the urine represents only a fraction (less than 10 percent) of normal zinc losses medications known to cause seizures buy discount eldepryl online, although urinary losses may increase with conditions such as starvation or trauma medicine ball core exercises buy eldepryl us. Other modes of zinc loss from the body include skin cell turnover, sweat, semen, hair, and menstruation. Zinc absorption is defined for this purpose as the minimum amount of absorbed zinc necessary to match total daily zinc losses. The zinc bioavailability from soy formulas is significantly lower than from milk-based formulas. Zinc nutriture in later infancy is quite different from that in the younger infant. It is apparent, therefore, that human milk alone is an inadequate source of zinc after the first 6 months. Vegetarian diets: Cereals are the primary source of dietary zinc for vegetarian diets. The bioavailability of zinc in vegetarian diets is reduced if phytate content in the diet is high, resulting in low zinc status (see "Dietary Interactions"). Zinc intake from vegetarian diets has been found to be similar to or lower than intake from nonvegetarian diets. Among vegetarians, zinc concentrations in the serum, plasma, hair, urine, and saliva are either the same as or lower than in individuals consuming nonvegetarian diets. The variations found in these status indicators are most likely due in part to the amount of phytate, fiber, calcium, or other zinc absorption inhibitors in vegetarian diets. Even so, individuals consuming vegetarian diets were found to be in positive zinc balance. Yet, the requirement for dietary zinc may be as much as 50 percent greater for vegetarians, particularly for strict vegetarians whose major food staples are grains and legumes and whose dietary phytate:zinc molar ratio exceeds 15:1. Alcohol intake: Long-term alcohol consumption is associated with impaired zinc absorption and increased urinary zinc excretion. Thus, with long-term alcohol consumption, the daily requirement for zinc will be greater than that estimated by the factorial approach. The risk of adverse effects resulting from excess zinc intake appears to be low at these intake levels. Zinc-rich foods include red meat, some seafood, whole grains, and some fortified breakfast cereals. Because zinc is mainly found in the germ and bran portions of grain, as much as 80 percent of total zinc is lost during milling. This is why whole grains tend to be richer in zinc than unfortified refined grains. The median total (food plus supplements) zinc intakes by adults who took the supplements were similar to those adults who did not. However, the use of zinc supplements greatly increased the intakes of those in the upper quartile of intake level compared with those who did not take supplements. Evidence of the efficacy of zinc lozenges in reducing the duration of common colds remains unclear. Bioavailability the bioavailability of zinc can be affected by many factors at many sites and is a function of the extent of digestion. The intestine is the major organ in which variations in bioavailability affect dietary zinc requirements. Dietary substances such as phytate can reduce zinc bioavailability (see "Dietary Interactions"). To date, a useful algorithm for establishing dietary zinc requirements based on the presence of other nutrients and food components has not been established, and much information is still needed to develop one that can predict zinc bioavailability.

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These ethnic/racial disparities in health are due to a complex interaction of many factors treatment jalapeno skin burn generic 5 mg eldepryl mastercard, from those that increase exposure to disease to those that decrease access to health care treatment neutropenia buy eldepryl with visa. One socioeconomic factor is that people without health insurance and economic resources have worse health care than people with insurance and economic resources treatment 4 water buy generic eldepryl line. Another factor is that people with limited English proficiency and poor literacy skills have poor quality health care services medicine 512 cheap 5mg eldepryl otc. However, even after controlling for socio-economic class, ethnic minority groups still have worse health status than majority peoples. Institutional discrimination and individual discriminatory practices in health care settings have been cited as contributing causes, which must be addressed. Eliminating discriminatory practices based on assumptions of racial/ethnicity categories and based on assumptions of cultural beliefs and values-many of which are unconscious-is an aim of culturally competent care. Patient-Centered Care Includes Culturally Competent Care An anthropological perspective makes the distinction between disease and illness, with physicians focusing on the biological processes of disease and patients focusing on the experience of the illness. Concepts of Bodily Functions All cultures have an internally consistent system of beliefs about how the body functions normally, how and why it can be influenced by factors that cause it to function abnormally, and how it can be restored to health. Human beings have created many systems of thought about bodily functions and malfunctions: the Chinese system of balance between yin and yang; the Aryuvedic concept of balance in nature; Western systems of biomedicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy; as well as systems indigenous to many ethnic groups. The social realm connotes ideas about individuals and the appropriate interaction between people of different ages, genders, lineages, and ethnic groups. And the supernatural realm includes the religious beliefs about birth, death, afterlife, reincarnation, souls, spirits, and interaction between the spiritual world and the human world. Refugees from the war, they fled into Thailand and were resettled in Western countries. The kinship system is patrilineal, the residence pattern is patrilocal, and the system of political power is patriarchal. Hmong religion is animistic, including beliefs in reincarnation, multiple souls, and ongoing relationships between the living and the spirits of ancestors. Hmong concepts of health and disease are influenced by animism and are similar to the Chinese humoral theory of balance between yin and yang. Neurologists and neurosurgeons recommended a craniotomy to evacuate the clot, reduce the pressure, and save her life. The family refused an operation, and left the hospital against medical advice to perform traditional Hmong treatments. In this situation, and similar situations when patients and physicians have different perspectives about appropriate responses to illness, exploring the cultural issues can be enlightening. This chapter describes seven concepts about the influence of culture on patients and physicians that are pertinent to providing medical care in cross-cultural settings. Readers need to consider the following descriptions of general cultural beliefs and practices as information that illustrates the significance of culture in diagnosing and treating disease and illness. The information should not be interpreted as stereotypical statements about all people from any specific cultural group. Cultural beliefs and practices can vary considerably among members of any one group. Classification of Diseases Each cultural group has its own classification system of diseases. While each cultural group may recognize diarrhea or fevers, for example, the categories for classifying them vary from group to group and do not necessarily correspond with one another. This presents problems for translation of words and of ideas between systems of disease. For example, whereas physicians may be concerned about dehydration in all types of diarrhea, Pakistani mothers may be more likely to use oral rehydration solution for some types of diarrhea and less likely to use it for other types. Entities that are recognized by certain ethnic groups and not others have been studied as folk illnesses or culture-bound syndromes. These entities are ailments with coherent concepts of etiologies, pathophysiologies, and treatments, but they may also be expressions of mental and/or social distress that have social and symbolic meanings. Examples include Latino empacho, nervios, mollera caida, mal de ojo and susto; Malaysian amok; Laotian latah; African American "high blood"; and English "colds. The Hmong disease classification system for headache seems straightforward, as there is only one word for headache (mob taub hau), but there are multiple types of headaches based on etiology. Strokes are described by the neurologic defect (tuag tes tuag taw means dead hand dead foot) as well as by multiple etiologies. Contact with biomedicine has altered the concept of stroke for some Hmong people in the United States.

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The estimate is uncertain because it is based on a single published study and may need revision when data are available medications memory loss buy eldepryl 5mg lowest price. This amount is influenced by the availability of methionine and folate in the diet (see "Dietary Interactions") medicine pouch effective 5mg eldepryl. It may also be influenced by gender 97110 treatment code order on line eldepryl, pregnancy treatment zone lasik order genuine eldepryl line, lactation, and stage of development. Most major nutrition surveys in the United States and Canada do not report choline intake. Because there is no information from national surveys on choline intakes or on supplement usage, the risk of adverse effects within the United States or Canada cannot be characterized. It is possible for usual dietary intakes to provide as much as 1,000 mg/day of choline. Lecithin added during food processing may increase the average daily percapita consumption of phosphatidylcholine by 1. There are no reliable estimates of the frequency of use or the amount of these supplements consumed by individuals in the United States and Canada. Dietary Interactions Choline, methionine, and folate metabolism interact at the point that homocysteine is converted into methionine. Disturbing the metabolism of one of these methyl donors can affect the metabolism of the others. Based on one study examining the effects of artificially induced choline deficiency in healthy men who consumed an otherwise adequate diet, liver damage occurred, resulting in elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase in the blood. Fishy body odor results from the excretion of excessive amounts of trimethylamine, a choline metabolite, as the result of bacterial action. It is also involved in methyl metabolism, cholinergic neurotransmission, transmembrane signaling, and lipid and cholesterol transport and metabolism. It may be that the requirement can be met by endogenous synthesis at some of these stages. Lecithin, a food additive used as an emulsifying agent, also adds choline to the diet. Although choline is clearly essential to life, few data exist on the effects of inadequate dietary intake in healthy people. Based on one study examining the effects of induced inadequate dietary intake in healthy men who consumed an otherwise adequate diet, liver damage occurred. Choline doses that are in orders of magnitude greater than estimated intake from food have been associated with fishy body odor (trimethylaminuria), sweating, salivation, hypotension, and hepatotoxicity in humans. There are no indications in the literature that excess choline intake produces any additional adverse effects in humans. Synthesized in the skin through exposure to ultraviolet B rays in sunlight, its major biological function is to aid in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, thereby helping maintain normal serum levels of these minerals. Vitamin D also functions as an antiproliferation and prodifferentiation hormone, but the exact role it plays is not yet known. Foods naturally rich in vitamin D include the flesh of fatty fish, some fishliver oils, and eggs from hens fed vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can impair normal bone metabolism, which may lead to rickets in children or osteomalacia (undermineralized bone) or osteoporosis (porous bones) in adults. In contrast, excess vitamin D intake can cause high blood calcium, high urinary calcium, and the calcification of soft tissues, such as blood vessels and certain organs. Other roles in cellular metabolism involve antiproliferation and prodifferentiation actions. Vitamin D is fat-soluble and occurs in many forms, but the two dietary forms are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D2 originates from the yeast and plant sterol, ergosterol; vitamin D3 originates from 7-dehydrocholesterol, a precursor of cholesterol, when synthesized in the skin.


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