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By: Y. Varek, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Electroretinogram-An instrument for measuring electrical signals from a point in the macula medicine 8 letters cheap 300mg sinemet with mastercard. Fluorescein angiography-A method that uses a fluorescent dye for photographing blood vessels of the retina treatment quadriceps tendonitis discount sinemet 300 mg. Flavonoids-A group of chemical compounds naturally found in certain fruits medications and mothers milk 2016 order sinemet cheap, vegetables symptoms stiff neck buy sinemet on line amex, teas, wines, nuts, seeds, and roots. Though not considered vitamins, they function nutritionally as biological response modifiers. Indocyanin green angiography-A sensitive method for examining retinal blood vessels. Lutein-An antioxidant carotenoid found in large quantities in dark-green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. Lutein is deposited on the lens and macula of the eye where it protects cells from damage caused by ultraviolet and blue light. Optometrist-A professional who examines eyes for visual acuity and prescribes eyeglasses or other visual aids. Pigmented retinal epithelium-The dark-colored cell layer that supports the retina. Retina-The nervous tissue membrane at the back of the eye, opposite the lens, that receives visual images and sends them to the brain via the optic nerve. Visual acuity-Visual sharpness and resolving ability, usually measured by the ability to read numbers and letters. Important to both nutrition and medicine, magnesium, like calcium and phosphorus, is considered a major mineral. Magnesium in its carbonate and sulfate forms has been used for centuries as a laxative. The symptoms of hypomagnesemia include disturbances of the heart rhythm, muscle tremors or twitches, seizures, hyperactive reflexes, and occasional personality changes (depression or agitation). This condition of painful intermittent muscle contractions and spasms is known as tetany. Hypomagnesemia can be treated with either oral or intravenous preparations containing magnesium. Magnesium toxicity (hypermagnesemia) is rare because excessive amounts are usually excreted in the urine and feces. Most cases of hypermagnesemia are caused by overuse of dietary supplements containing magnesium. The symptoms of magnesium toxicity include central nervous system depression, muscle weakness, fatigue, and sleepiness. It can be treated with intravenous calcium gluconate along with respiratory support. General use Magnesium has a number of general uses, primarily in standard allopathic medicine, but also in some alternative therapies. Dark green vegetables are important sources of magnesium because it is the central atom in the structure of chlorophyll. A severe magnesium deficiency in a healthy person is unusual because normal kidneys are very efficient in keeping magnesium levels balanced. This condition, called hypomagnesemia, is usually caused either by disease (kidney disease, severe malabsorption, chronic diarrhea, hyperparathyroidism, or chronic alcoholism) or as a side effect of certain medications, most common1268 Fortunately, magnesium levels in urine can also aid diagnosis. High levels of urinary magnesium may indicate overconsumption of supplemental magnesium, overuse of diuretics, hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the body), hypophosphatemia (too little phosphate in the body), or metabolic acidosis (high blood acid levels). Low levels of magnesium in the urine may point to hypomagnesemia or hypocalcemia (too little magnesium or calcium in the body), an underactive parathyroid gland, or metabolic alkalosis (high blood alkaline levels). Magnesium is used to treat tachycardia (excessively rapid heartbeat) and low levels of electrolytes (chloride, potassium, and sodium). It helps manage premature labor, and can be given prophylactically to prevent seizures in toxemia of pregnancy. Not only is it effective, but at a cost of about $5 per patient, it proves less expensive as well. Magnesium preparations may be given as antacids in the treatment of peptic ulcers and hyperacidity. Magnesium hydroxide is used to treat patients who have been poisoned by mineral acids or arsenic.

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They should not medicine cabinets recessed discount sinemet 110mg amex, however treatment management company proven 125mg sinemet, be relied upon solely when other medical care is required symptoms night sweats buy discount sinemet 300 mg, particularly for serious conditions like heart disease medications high blood pressure buy 125 mg sinemet mastercard, cancer, or diabetes. Consumers should also seek out reliable and properly trained practitioners, particularly in those practices and states for which certification is not required by law. Research & general acceptance Because of its increasing acceptance by mainstream medicine, mind/body medicine has been the subject of intense research. Studies have shed new light on everything from the minute interactions of the immune and nervous systems to the effective results of individual therapies like meditation and guided imagery. Some eye-opening results have been observed as well, such as studies that have shown that cancer and heart disease patients utilizing mind/body techniques had significantly longer survival rates on average than those patients who did not use mind/body therapies. Training & certification Training programs and certification criteria tend to vary with individual therapies and states. Psychoneuroimmunology-The study of the relationships among mind, nervous system, and immune response. Relaxation response-The calming of bodily responses through relaxation techniques. Vipassana-A Buddhist meditative practice that emphasizes deep attentiveness to the present moment. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis is the largest organization for certifying hypnotherapists. The Wellness Community provides information on support groups organized throughout the country. The Vipassana Meditation Center is a resource for those interested in mindfulness training and meditation. Odle Mindfulness meditation see Meditation Mistletoe Description Mistletoe is a parasitic evergreen plant that lives on trees such as oaks, elms, firs, pines, apples, and elms. The parasitic plant has yellowish flowers; small, yellowish green leaves; and waxy, white berries. There are many species of this plant in the Viscacea and Loranthacea plant families. European mistletoe (Viscum album) and American mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum) are used as medical remedies. In addition to Europe and North America, mistletoe is also found in Australia and Korea. There is, however, some debate about how toxic the berries are to humans, and there is controversy about whether it is safe to use mistletoe as a remedy. Iscador is an extract of the European mistletoe plant that is said to stimulate the immune system and kill cancer cells. A German study published in 2002 indicates that Iscador does indeed inhibit tumor growth. Another recent German case study of an 80-year-old woman with metastasized breast cancer documented that the patient lived for 41 months after first being given Iscador, with good quality of life. Iscador is one brand name of the mistletoe extract in Europe, and other brand names include Helixor and Eurixor. Other contemporary uses of mistletoe include treatment of rheumatism, anxiety, migraine headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, relief of spasms, asthma, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, hysteria, and amenorrhea. American mistletoe is said to cause a rise in blood pressure, while its European counterpart is believed to lower blood pressure. Although mistletoe appears to be a multipurpose remedy, there is disagreement among medical experts about the safety and effectiveness of this herb. The number of possible interactions with other medications described below indicates that mistletoe should be used with caution. In Europe, mistletoe remedies range from tea made from mistletoe leaves to injections of Iscador. While European research indicates that mistletoe is safe and effective, sources in the United States maintain that the berries are poisonous and that the herb can cause liver damage. That custom dates back to pagan times when, according to legend, the plant was thought to inspire passion and increase fertility. In the centuries since then, mistletoe has acquired a reputation as a nearly all-purpose herbal remedy. In the seventeenth century, French herbalists prescribed mistletoe for nervous disorders, epilepsy, and the spasms known as the St.

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