
Located in Nashville, Tenn., home to more than 300 health care companies with a focus on services and delivery, The Health Care MBA program at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management offers a Master of Management in Healthcare / Healthcare MBA. The program leverages its location to provide tangible, immersive experiences in health care. The small size affords a level of customization and personalization which ensures each student’s career goals are met.

The program has grown to account for approximately 20 percent of the MBA population.

The Owen School’s recently launched Center for Health Care Market Innovation (CHCMI) serves as a hub for the evolution of healthcare markets. It conducts research on the demand for healthcare, how it is changing, and the capacity for new financing and delivery models to successfully meet changing consumer needs.

One of the Center’s leading faculty members, R. Lawrence Van Horn, played an instrumental role in developing the Presidential Executive Order of June 24, 2019, designed to make healthcare costs transparent for the American consumer.

The Vanderbilt Business Healthcare Association recently held a three-part, student-organized “Talking Health Series” featuring leaders in healthcare delivery and policy. The first series, “Discussing quality and appropriateness in health care,” featured Professor Van Horn and Dr. Marty Makary, author of The Price We Pay and UNACCOUNTABLE.


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